Folii 5.1 - Eng

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* Design Review/Verification of Design,

* Technical Expert Witnessing of Design,
Construction works and Construction facilities,
* Quality control of construction works
Are construction quality services required by Law 10/1995,
and are part of the Construction Quality System.
These activities are performed by certified specialists
(engineers and architects).
Certification system is based on Essential Requirements.
Main legal provisions:

* HGR 925/1995 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului de

verificare si expertizare tehnica de calitate a proiectelor, a
executiei lucrarilor si a constructiilor;
* Ordinul nr. 777/2003 al Ministerului Lucrărilor Publice,
Transporturilor şi Locuinţei pentru aprobarea reglementării
tehnice "Îndrumător pentru atestarea tehnico-profesională
a specialiştilor cu activitate în construcţii", modificat si
completat de Ordinul nr. 575/2006 si Ordinul nr. 357/2009;
* Ordinul ministrului lucrărilor publice şi amenajării
teritoriului nr. 77/N/1996 pentru aprobarea "Îndrumătorului
privind aplicarea prevederilor Regulamentului de verificare
şi expertizare de calitate a proiectelor, execuţiei lucrărilor
şi construcţiilor", Partea I „Verificarea tehnica de calitate a

The legal provisions are mandatory for all those
involved in all the aspects of construction procurement
in Romania.

Design verification and Technical witnessing are

compulsory as required by the Law.

Temporary site facilities may be used after handing-

over after they have been reviewed as previously

5.1. Verification of Design

• Design quality verification is performed by

Design Certified Verifiers.

• The goal is to ensure meeting the minimum

required level of quality, as stipulated in the
Law, by correctly considering the provision of
the codes and regulations.

• The Design verifier consultants are certified by

Romanian Ministry of Development.
Acording to Essential Requirements (Tab. 1):

1995 - 2007 2007- prezent
1 2 3

Mechanical resistance and

A Resistance and stability
B Safety in use Safety in case of fire
Hygiene, health and the
C Safety in case of fire
Hygiene and health of men
(workers, occupants or neighbours)
D and environment protection and
Safety in use
Heat retention, Waterproof
E insulation and Energy economy
Protection against noise

Energy economy and heat

F Protection against noise
The extend of Verification of Design (number of
Essential requirements to be considered) depends on
the Construction Category of importance (see Table 2).

The Designer should specify correctly what Essential

requirements will be reviewed so that the Client may
approach the proper Consultants (Verifiers). If not, they
are subject to fines and other legal consequences.

Verification of Design pattern
(According to Ordinul M.L.P.A.T. nr. 77/N/1996, partea I, Anexa 1)

Table 2
Design Category of To be reviewed
Section importance A B C D E F

Exceptional (A) ● ● ● ● ● ●

Special (B) ● ● ● ● ● ●
Normal (C) ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Low (D) ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Exceptional (A) ● ● ● ● ● ●

Special (B) ● ● ● ● ● ●
Normal (C) ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Low (D) ● ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

* Verification of design in order to check the compliance of the
design documents with Essential Requirement A –
Mechanical resistance and stability (MRS) is compulsory in
any cases provided by the Law.

* Verification of design is compulsory for each of the 6

Essential requirements in the following situations:
- Dwelling buildings having more than 1 Floor (> P+1E);
- School facilities, Hoapitals and related, Turism facilities
– hosting many people;
- Industrial facilities – with possible negative impact on
surroundings and environment.
• Soil Reports and Special foundation
solutions/conditions (PSU, PUCM, Special foundations -
should be verified to Af – Foundation/Soil MRS
(Normativ privind documentatiile geotehnice pentru
constructii indicativ NP 074 din 2007);

• Design of projects with impact on environment - should

be verified to D - "Hygiene, health and environment”
(Art. 7, pct. 21 din Legea 50/1991, cu completari si
modificari ulterioare, privind autorizarea lucrarilor de

• Design of projects regarding thermic rehabilitation -

should be verified to E - "Henergy economy” (Art. 7, pct.
23 din Legea 50/1991, cu completari si modificari
ulterioare, privind autorizarea lucrarilor de constructii);
* In situatia in care o constructie este depistata a fi
realizata fara autorizatie de construire dar intruneste
conditiile urbanistice de integrare in cadrul construit
preexistent, autoritatea administratiei publice locale
competente poate proceda la emiterea unei autorizatii
de construire in vederea intrarii in legalitate, in
coroborare cu luarea masurilor legale care se impun,
numai in baza concluziilor unui referat de expertiza
tehnica pentru cerinta esentiala de calitate A
"rezistenta mecanica si stabilitate" privind starea
structurii de rezistenta in stadiul fizic in care se afla
constructia, precum si pentru cerinta esentiala de
calitate C "securitatea la incendiu" (Art. 56, alin. 3,
din Norme Metodologice de aplicare a Legii 50/1991
privind autorizarea lucrarilor de constructii).

Simbol Domenii/subdomenii de constructii
cerinta Simb Denumire
1 2 3
Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii civile, industriale, agrozoo;
A1 energetice; telecomunicatii; miniere; edilitare si de gospodarie comunala
cu structura din beton, beton armat, zidarie, lemn
Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii civile, industriale, agrozoo;
A2 energetice; telecomunicatii; miniere; edilitare si de gospodarie comunala
cu structura de rezistenta din metal, lemn
Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii rutiere, drumuri, piste de
A A4
aviatie; poduri; tunele
A5 Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii de cai ferate
Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii de porturi si platforme marine
A7 Rezistenta si stabilitate pentru constructii si amenajari hidrotehnice
A9 Rezistenta si stabilitate la constructii pentru imbunatatiri funciare
Rezistenta si stabilitatea terenului de fundare a constructiilor si a
masivelor de pamant
Siguranta in exploatare pentru constructii civile, industriale, agrozoo,
energetice; telecomunicatii; miniere
Siguranta in exploatare pentru constructii rutiere, drumuri, piste de aviatie;
poduri; tunele
B3 Siguranta in exploatare pentru constructii de cai ferate
B B4 Siguranta in exploatare pentru constructii de porturi si platforme marine
B5 Siguranta in exploatare pentru constructii si amenajari hidrotehnice
B7 Siguranta in exploatare la constructii pentru imbunatatiri funciare
B9 Siguranta in exploatare la constructii edilitare si de gospodarie comunala
C Siguranta la foc in constructii pentru toate domeniile
D Igiena, sanatatea oamenilor, refacerea si protectia mediului - toate domeniile
E Izolatie termica, hidrofuga si economia de energie - pentru toate domeniile
F Protectie impotriva zgomotului in constructii pentru toate domeniile

Pentru toate cerintele si domeniile
Simbol Denumire Cuprins specialitate
1 2 3
• instalatii sanitare interioare
• instalatii exterioare de alimentare cu apa
Is Instalatii sanitare
• instalatii exterioare de canalizare
• instalatii de stingere a incendiilor
• instalatii de incalzire
• instalatii de ventilare
It Instalatii termice
• instalatii de climatizare si frig
• instalatii de prevenire a incendiilor
• instalatii interioare de gaze naturale
• instalatii exterioare de gaze naturale
Ig Instalatii de gaze • instalatii de gaze lichefiate
• instalatii exterioare de gaze naturale cu
conducte din mase plastice
• instalatii electrice, inclusiv pentru curenti slabi
• instalatii de protectie la descarcari atmosferice
• instalatii de automatizare si semnalizare pentru
Ie Instalatii electrice instalatii termice si de gaze
• instalatii de avertizare si de prevenire a incendiilor
• instalatii de telecomunicatii si de transmitere a

(Design Performance Requirements)
E.R. “A” – Mech. Resist. and Stability: Minimal Check list

Design documents Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)

1. Seismic zone – correctly locate;
2. Category of importance;
3. Classes of importance;
4. Considering the information provided by Soil report;
5. Fondation and infrastructure technical solution;
6. Technical solutions regarding soil and environment
aggression on the structural elements;
Structure design 7. Analise the structure assembly and the stability of
non-bearing elements;
8. Calculation of structural frame and elements;
9. Materials and products considered;
10. Details review;
11. Completness of written documents and drawings;
12. Other requirements.

E.R. “B” – Safety in use : Minimal Check list

Design Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)

1. Provisions to avoid sliding and falling ......;
2. Prevent accidents from falling on stairs, ramps, oscillation
of levels;
3. Separation of trafic (people and vehicles);
4. Propper gauges (gabarit) for people and vehicles,
inclouding people whith special needs (disabilities);
5. Lightning (natural and artificial/ interior and exterior);
6. Protection measures against burglary;
7. Protection measures against protuberant elements;
Structure and 8. Protection measures against burning due to hot surfaces,
Architecture design steem, hot or corrosive liquides, explosions;
9. Protection measures against electric accidets;
10. Avoid structural or architectural elements obstructing
circulation of people whith special needs (disabilities);
11. Completness of written documents and drowings;
12. Monitoring, maintenance and operation instructions;

E.R. “C” – Safety in case of fire : Minimal Check list
Design documents Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)
1. Fire protection from vicinities;
2. Define the fire category of the technological processes;
3. Define: Building fire degree resistence and behavior;
4. Limitation of fire emision within the building and its
facades; Smoke evacuation;
5. Provision of evacuation routes and their protection in case
Structure and of fire;
Architecture design 6. Equipe the building with specialised devices against fire;
7. Acees routes (interior and exterior) to facilitate rescue
intervention in case of fire;
8. Management plan in case of fire;
9. Completness of documentation;
10. Other provisions.

E.R. “D” –Hygiene and health, Environment: Minimal Check list
Design documents Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)
1. Protection against external emissions;
2. Ensure air quality – depending of room
destination, type of occupants, type of activities,
ventilation systems, etc;
3. Consider finishing works without volatile
4. Provision of facilities to ensure a proper
maintenance and hygiene;
Structure and 5. Wastewater disposal without infesting
Architecture design environment or people;
6. Household waste disposal without infesting
environment or people;
7. Prevent environment polution due to activities
performed inside construction facility;
8. Proper lightening;
9. Completness of written documents and drawings;
10. Other.

E.R “E” – Heat retention, Waterproof insulation and Energy economy:
Minimal Check list
Design documents Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)
1. Climate conditions;
2. Interior confort according to occupants and their
3. Minimise functioning cost (heating, cooling)
considering the anvelope performance;
4. Avoid water vapor condensation;
Structure and
5. Avoid water lickeage through anvelope and
Architecture design
construction subsystems;
6. Avoid water infiltration from soil;
7. Completness of written documents and drawings;
8. Others.

E.R. “F” – Protection against noise: Minimal Check list

Design documents Performance requirements (aspects to be reviewed)

1. Conformance to environment requirements;
2. Provisions to reduce exterior noise level on the
building users;
3. Provisions to reduce exterior exterior impact
Structure and
Architecture design
4. Provisions to reduce interior noise spreading,
affecting users’ confort;
5. Completness of written documents and drawings;
6. Others.

Design documents subject to Verification

• Soil Report – according to the provisions of NP 074 Code;

• Technical documentation for obtaining the

Construction permit (D.T.A.C.) - drawings, technical

• Technical documentation needed to

execute the construction works (P.Th.) and
Details (D.D.E.) - drawings, calculation, specifications.

• Design changes during construction stage

(As built changes/modifications)

The following aspects/attributes of
the Design are not subject to

• Architectural concept,

• Shapes, and other principles of space


• Aestethic concept, volumetry and other

alike, based on the agreement between
architect and engineer.
Legal obligations of Design Certified Verifiers

• Verifier should verfy designs according to his/her

certification (Domain and Essential Requirement).

• The correlation between different parts of the design is

not required to Verifier, excepting Resistance and
Stability Requirement (“A”), where:
- consider Architecture plans in terms of loads
evaluation for non- structural elements;
- consider the loads provided by service engineers,
influencing loads evaluation and calculation for the

• Verifier should sign and stamp only design

documentation that are developed according to technical
regulations in force.
• Verifier is forbidden to sign and stamp design work
provided by himself or with contribution.

• He/She may sign and stamp design work provided by

the company where he works, but he/she didn’t

• Design verification is witnessed by:

- Technical Review – signed and stamped;
- Sign and stamp Calculation Notes;
- Sign and stamp – Drawings and Technical

In case of conflicts between Designer and Verifier – the

final decicion holds on the Technical Expert Witness
(appointed by the Client).
Verifiers of design Certification
• Verifiers of design are certified by Ministry of Development;

• Specialists that might be certified are: Construction engineers,

Building services engineers, Architects, Geological engineers, Oil
and Gas engineers – according to their speciality;

• Architects are not entitled to be certified for «A» Essential

Requirement – Resistance and Stability;

• Geological engineers may be certified only for «Af» Essential


• Engineers/Architects should have relevant competence and

experience: - minimul 8 years as designer after graduation;
• - minimum 4 years as designer and other 8 years as inspector in a
state control agency;

5.2 Technical Expert Witnessing of Design,
Construction works and Constructions
Technical Expert Witnessing is a complex activity referring to:
- Research works;
- Experimental and testing works;
- Studies and surveying;
necessary to evaluate actual/real performance/technical
characteristics of:
- Design works;
- Construction works;
- Existing construction facilities,

In order to provide solutions to alter/improve/correct them.

Situations that maight require Technical
Expert Witnessing:

a) Existing construction facilities:

• In case of natural desasters or accidents produced by
human activities;
• Determine the actual performance of a constructed
facility and compare it with the required levels of
performance provided by the construction codes and
• In case of intention of altering an existing facility:
consolidation, rehabilitation, adding suplimentary
floors, etc;
b) Resolution of conflicts between parties involved in
design and construction works.

Aspects considered by expert:
• Local conditions: soil, environment, use conditions;
• Actual state of construction: degradations, accidents;
• Construction log book;
• Provisions of construction codes at the date of initial
design and at present time.

On the basis of the above information and knowledge,

the technical expert issue a Report – comprising
solutions and provisions to solve the « problem ». This is
the basis for further Design work.

When Design work is completed it must be checked

by Expert
in order to confirm the compliance of the project
with the provisions of technical expert report.
Technical Experts Certification

• Technical Experts are certified by Ministry of

• Specialists that might be certified are: Construction
engineers, Building services engineers, Architects,
Geological engineers, Oil and Gas engineers –
according to their speciality;
• Architects are not entitled to be certified for «A»
Essential Requirement – Resistance and Stability;
• Geological engineers may be certified only for «Af»
Essential Requirement;

• Engineers/Architects should have relevant

competence and experience: - minimul 14 years after
graduation, from which 4 years as designer; 27

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