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Luke - chapter 16

3 sections
1. The Parable of the Shrewd Manager – vv
2. Jesus Refers to the Law and the Prophets –
vv 14-18
3. The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus –
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
vv 1-13

A rich man
- who had a servant to manage his property
- told that his manager was wasting his money
- called the manager in and demanded that he
turn in a complete account of his handling of
his property
- further told him that he could not be his
manager any longer
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
vv 1-13

The servant (manager)

- thought about what he should do since his
master was going to dismiss him from his job
- realised that he was not strong enough to dig
ditches and too ashamed to beg
- came up with the idea of how he could have
friends who would welcome him into their
homes once his job was gone
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
vv 1-13

The servant (manager)

- thought about what he should do since his
master was going to dismiss him from his job
- realised that he was not strong enough to dig
ditches and too ashamed to beg
- came up with the idea of how he could have
friends who would welcome him into their
homes once his job was gone
The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
vv 1-13

The servant (manager)

- called in all the people
who were in debt to his
master and asked them
how much they owed
- told the first one who
owed 100 barrels of olive
to rewrite to 50 barrels
- told another who
owed 1000 bushels
of wheat to rewrite
his account to 800

As a result, his
master praised him
for his shrewd action
Jesus’ point
1. The people of this world are
much more shrewd in
handling their affairs than the
people who belong to the

one interpretation: People in

the world give more thought
to their physical well-being
than the righteous do to their
spiritual well-being
Jesus’ point
2. We must use our money
and resources wisely to
make friends just as the
people of this world do with
their material blessings so
that later when our money
and resources run out, we
would be welcomed into

Money should be put to
generous and serving use.
Worldly wealth may be used
wisely to gain eternal
Jesus’ point
3. Only those who have shown
themselves faithful in
handling small matters, like
worldly wealth, would be
given larger matters, true
wealth, by God to handle

Do we reflect God’s integrity,
generosity and grace?
Jesus’ point
4. One cannot serve two
masters; he will hate one and
love the other. One cannot
serve both god and money.

To serve God is to give our
resources to meet the needs
of those around us. Just as
the dishonest manager was
shrewd in considering what
the future required, so we
must be wise in considering
how God desires us to
handle his resources.
Jesus refers to the Law & the Prophets
Jesus Refers to the Law and the Prophets
vv 14-18

: made fun of Jesus
: loved money
: and probably could not agree
with Jesus about using their money to benefit
others so that they would be welcomed into
Jesus Refers to the Law and the Prophets
vv 14-18

Jesus told the Pharisees

: they might fool people by outward appearance
but God knew their hearts
: what pleased them and what they considered
of great value, e.g. money was worth nothing
in God’s sight
Jesus Refers to the Law and the Prophets
vv 14-18

Jesus said of the Law and the writings of the

: were in effect up to the coming of John the
Baptist, they would remain forever valid, right
down to the smallest detail.
Jesus Refers to the Law and the Prophets
vv 14-18

Jesus affirmed the continuing of the Law and

the writings of the prophets
: by talking about the issue of divorce and
: he stressed that a man who divorces his wife
and marries another woman commits
: and the man who marries a divorced woman
also commits adultery.
The parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
Page Teachings on Faith BACK

The Rich Man and Lazarus 16:19-24

Jesus then told a parable about a rich man who
feasted every day and a poor man named
Lazarus who was covered with sores.
Both men died. Lazarus went to be with
Abraham, and the rich man went to Hades
where he was tormented.
The rich man asked if Lazarus could dip the tip
of his finger in water and cool his tongue.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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Lazarus at the Rich Man’s House, Gustave Doré

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem

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The Rich Man and Lazarus 16:25-28

Jesus told the rich man that he received good
things in his life and is now tormented while
Lazarus received evil things in his life and is
now comforted.
Abraham pointed out that a chasm existed
between them and no one could cross.
The rich man then asked if Lazarus could go
warn his family so they wouldn’t make the
same mistakes. 
Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
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The Rich Man and Lazarus 16:29-31

Abraham went on to tell the rich man that his
family had the Scriptures (Moses and the
prophets) and should listen to them.
The rich man objected and tried to convince
Abraham that if someone from the dead came
to them, then they would repent.
Abraham told him that if they don’t listen to
Moses and the prophets, then they won’t be
convinced even if someone rises from the dead.

Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem
Childhood Galilee Judea Perea Jerusalem

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