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INDIA IN WORLD OF AGRICULTURE » Largest Producer of Milk, Cashew nuts, Coconuts, Tea, Ginger, Turmeric & Black Pepper. » Largest Cattle population-281 million » Second largest producer of Wheat, Rice, Sugar and Groundnut and Pulses. » Third largest producer of Tobacco. » Third largest in implementation of Mechanization AGRICULTURE IN INDIA No SCENARIO Total Geographical Area - 328 million hectares a weachess Rich Bio Diversity Fragmented Lands Net Area sown - 142 million hectares Arable Land Ierscy Climate Lack of Technological _ Inpus Gross Cropped Area ~ 190.8 million hectares opporrunires Pe arses iS eepares THREATS Net Irrigated Area ~ 56.9 million hectares {Agro based Industry Unsustaiable Horticulture resource use Unsustainable regional development The role of Agriculture in the Indian economy + The national income (GDP) + Employment + Industrial development + International trade + Economic planning, growth and develonment = 5. manifestations of globalization tion of production n of industries across borders = the interpenetrat = the spread of financial markets ~ the diffusion of identical consumer goods to distant countries = massive transfers of population : mainly within the South as ‘well as from the South and the East to the Wes = resultant conflicts between immigrant and established ‘communities in formerly tight-knit neighborhoods 12, worldwide (though not universal) ps emer, e for én Nilanifestation of Slohalzation — Configuring any where in the world. Interlinked and interdependent economies. Lowering Trade and tariff barriers. Resources at international price. Increasing trend towards privatization. Entrepreneurs has central economic role. Mobility of skilled. resources. Market side efficiency. Formation-“of ‘regional blocks (ASEAN, NAFTA, SAARC, European union etc): Pere Rema ne GLOBALIZATION OT ele Me ee Mee ro ala Ee ee lee reece Re Zi De Rep go eg) Rec ee ig ee eto eee es ees OSharedsexperiences andycommon identification of SOciakissues eee ainereu nsec ic Jr es are increasingly shaped by events that oc (Een eee asec Crus) [eel Co our UB CLT Oe eS a paieieanieniinber =) eee or, ee Ee Aas Rcnaner ? Boer eet? Goveriiffient TocBniaty eae i eae ey Sr ete ai Ma ba s . Peet “Me Peart om tats, “composed ) eed nl ees Rr same heritage or culture POLITICAL MANIFESTATIONS Creer Lela he eee coe centric conceptigh of W8kid, politics Of different nations (West-phalla, 1648 Buti eae Tg Territory, People, Government). Plan Wrath rw lTy ere} Hd Pye re i Be eas plain | See eee Be CRI Ty See mc eral er a > Sea Ree veer ander tietl tie

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