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 Facility layout: [Using Quantitative Measures]

 Facility layout: [Using Quantitative and
Qualitative Measures]
 Kriteria yang paling umum digunakanuntuk
mengevaluasi tata letak adalah kriteria kuantitatif :

 TCMF :Total Cost of Material Flow per time period

 TCtran: Total Cost of Material Transport per time
 period
 TC : Total Cost of Material Movement per time
 period
 M: number of activities (facilities)
 fij : flow volume between activities i and j,
measured per time period
 dij: distance between activities i and j,
measured per time period
 hij: cost per move between activities i and j
per unit distance
 Machine Layout
 Department Layout
 Relationship between activities:
• Quantitative measures (Flow of materials)
 Other quantitative and qualitative measures are
possible (e.g. adjacency)
 Flow Requirements
• Unit load (batch) sizes
• Equivalence Factors
 Machine Layout Criterion
• Total weighted distance
• Total cost
• Combination of Quantitative and Qualitative
 Depends on the type of machine layout
 Fixed Product Layout
 Product Layout
 Most flow is between adjacent machines.
 Depends on whether or not operators are
shared between machines (end-to-end,
frontto-front, U-shaped flow pattern, etc.)
 Group Layout
 Little flow between groups
 Process Layout
o Variable-path material handling
o Most flow is between machines
o Flow pattern depends on machine-aisle
arrangement (Two-way aisles; One-way
 Material Flow
 Personnel Flow
 Same resource
 Same personnel
 Communication
 Safety
 Noise
 Structural
 Step-1: Select the first department to enter
the layout (The Dept with the greatest
number of “A”)
 Step-2:Select the second department to enter
the layout (The Dept selected should have an
“A” relationship with the first Dept.)
 Step-3:Select the third department to enter
the layout (The third Dept selected should
have the highest combined relationship with
the two Depts)
 • Step-4:Select the fourth department to
enter the layout (The same logic as in Step-3)
 Step-n:Department n is placed according to
the rules described in Steps 3 and
 Machine layout can be modelled as a
Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP)
 The layout models are NP-complete
 Optimal algorithms: Branch and bound,
Decomposition, Cutting plane algorithms
 These algorithms can produce optimal solutions
for only small sized problem (M<=20)
 Since it is computationally infeasible to find an
optimal solution when M>20.
 Heuristic (non-optimal) procedures are typically
used to solve QAP’s
 Steepest Descent Pairwise Interchange (SDPI)
 Material Flow
 Personnel Flow
 Same resource
 Same personnel
 Communication
 Safety
 Noise
 Structural

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