Smart Board

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How to use in an ESOL classroom?


SMART Board was the first interactive whiteboard to

provide touch control of computer application and
annotation over standard Microsoft Windows application.

It was introduced in 1991

 The SMART Board is an interactive whiteboard that uses
touch detection for user input (for example scrolling and
right mouse-click) in the same way as normal PC input
devices. The Smart Board 800 series interactive
whiteboard introduced a 'flick and scroll' feature

 The SMART Board interactive whiteboard operates as part

of a system that includes the interactive whiteboard, a
computer, a projector and whiteboarding software –
either SMART Notebook collaborative learning software
for education, or SMART Meeting Pro software for business
 2. History of Smartboard Invention

 SMART board is a kind of smart technologies which was found in 1987 by David Martan
and Nancy Nowlton as a Canadian company that was a distributor for 3M projectors.

 David Martin began SMART Company in 1987 as the Canadian distributor for a U.S.
projector company. The revenue it collected from the projectors was put into research
and development on the SMART board interactive whiteboard, which was the first
interactive whiteboard to provide touch control of computer applications and the
ability to write over standard Microsoft Windows applications.
How To Operate/Use
 Draw (control the board by touch – finger tip/sensor pen)

 Browse the internet

 Display information on them

 Have the capability of saving your work and sending it to others

 Access information online with the touch of a finger

 E-textbook/ E-book
How To Operate/Use
 1. Connect your Smartboard to a computer. You’ll need to have the
Smartboard software installed and connected to your computer before
getting started.
 2. Open Smartboard Notebook on your computer. This is the
program that operates your Smartboard from your computer. You can
plan lessons, write notes, and save files with it. 
 3. Connect your Smartboard to an LCD projector. This will let the
Smartboard used as a projector so everyone can see it.
 4. Turn on your Smartboard and log in. Press the “on” button on the
Smartboard. Log on via the software program on the computer, open
the program and follow the login instructions.
 5. Calibrate your Smartboard. Calibrate the Smartboard before using
it to be sure it’s aligned properly. To calibrate the Smartboard, press
the keyboard and right mouse buttons at the bottom of the board at
the same time. Then, pick up one of the Smartboard pens and tap it
against the target that appears onscreen.
Advantages of Using Smartboard in ESOL classroom

1) Provides flexibility
-Enrich the classroom experience and expand the nature of content that
can be used in learning
-Make learning more dynamic
-Support a wide variety of learning styles
2) Enhanced
-The Boards come with touchscreen capabilities that allow tactile learners
teaching/learning experience to touch and interact with the board

-offers learners an opportunity to share and participate in the instructional

3) Interact and share
-the boards provide for rapid assessment whereby learners can receive
immediate feedback

4) Low maintenance -Boards are neat and easy to use. No hassles cleaning or maintaining.

5) Access to online -Boards allow learners to easily access a rich database of online
information and tools resources.

6) Going Green -Interactive boards are also environmentally friendly

-Eliminates the need for writing, printing or photocopying.

-Allow for integration of various technologies in order to improve the

7) Technology Integration learning experience. possible to attach tools such as microscopes,
document cameras, cameras or video cameras to a whiteboard

8) Communication -Allow for connectivity in different locations; making ideal collaboration and
distance learning environments
 Very expensive
 Teachers use the smart board as a substitute
for a whiteboard
 Teachers aren't getting training on how to
use the smartboards
 Can distract students
Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom

Smart Board technology in the classroom can enrich your curriculum by taking a
typical lesson and turning it into a fun, more interactive one.
Smart Boards enhance students’ learning experience.
Smart Technology is interactive.
They are low maintenance.
You have access to online resources.
They are environmentally friendly.
Smart Boards allow for technology integration.
Proven success rates
Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom
 A SMART Board interactive whiteboard supports the teaching process of
foreign languages in three main ways: it supports interaction and
conversation in the classroom; it helps with the presentation of new
cultural and linguistic elements; and it promotes the organizational skills
of the teacher.
 Activities which support teaching
 Activities which support interaction and conversation with students
 Activities which support the presentation of new linguistic and cultural
 Activities which support teacher organization
 Activities which support the learning process
 Activities which support oral skills
 Activities which support the cognitive process
 Activities which support student motivation and emulation
Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom
 It can accommodate different learning styles. Tactical learners can use the
screen and learn by touching and marking at the board, audio learners can
have a discussion and visual learners can observe the teaching on the board.
 It is neater and does not have the cleanliness hassle and is therefore easier to
 Provides Flexibility
 Enhanced teaching/learning experience
 Interact and share
 Low-Maintenance
 Access to online information & tools
 Going Green
 Technology Integration
 Communication
Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom

The uses of Smart Board in the classroom are as varied as the teachers that
use them.
Many teachers like to use them as an opportunity for interactivity by allowing
students to manipulate learning material in a live setting or by playing a live
classroom game where students each take a turn playing.
Many Smart Board come with pens and almost all models allow you to “write”
using your finger.
In an increasingly digital world, many ESL teachers use Smart Boards to allow
students to practice “proper” English writing.
Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom

 Multimedia lessons and presentations including audio and video

 Collaborative problem solving

 Showcasing student projects and presentations

 Virtual field trips

 Recorded lessons that can be used by substitute teachers

 Documentation of student achievement

Relevance and Uses in ESOL Classroom
 Use it as a tool for note-taking. Students can come and write important points on the
board. Alternately, you can appoint a student to type out notes on the computer while
you talk, so that the other students can view and take them down.

 Brainstorming in the classroom can be fun with a Smart Board. You can not only put
together text/ ideas but also images, diagrams or videos.

 Classroom games can be played with ease on the board. Board games in particular can
be played on the board itself.

 All forms of media– videos, photographs, graphs, maps, illustrations, games, etc. – can
be used on the board, making it incredibly dynamic in nature. This expands the range of
content that you can use for teaching or presenting new information.
 Overall, incorporating SMART Boards to the classroom environment is likely to
change the way teachers impart knowledge to students and at the same time
simplify the learning process for students.

 Students will find it easy to engage with lessons and gain a better
understanding of the overall lesson. It is an ideal tool for any classroom
setting. The education field needs technology like this for students, learners,
and educators to continue to grow in their field.
The Future of Smartboard in ESOL

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