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• A kind of development that
“meets the needs of the
present without
compromising the ability of
the next generations to
meet their own needs.”
• A process of change in which the resources
consumed (both social and ecological) are not
depleted to the extent that they cannot be
replicated. ...
• The goal is to ensure that
there will not come a time
when development will be
halted due to lack of
naturally occurring
materials as a result of
environmental degradation.
• The issue of sustainability
can be divided into three
constituent parts:

environmental sustainability,
economic sustainability and
sociopolitical sustainability.
Environmental sustainability
• We seek equilibrium between the
amount and the processes of
extractions with the ability of
the environment to tolerate it
without sliding into a point
where there will be an
irreversible slide in ecological
• An ‘unsustainable situation’
occurs when natural capital (the
sum total of nature's resources) is
used up faster than it can be
• Theoretically, the long-term
result of environmental
degradation is the inability to
sustain human life. Such
degradation on a global scale
could imply extinction for
humanity.” –wikipedia
Economic Sustainability

• Economic sustainability refers

to the ability of the economy to
supply the demands of the
market with rooms for profit to
ensure a steady growth over a
period of time.
• Economies are measured through
• this:
• Gross domestic product : the
• total financial value of the final
goods and services rendered in a
country over a one-year period
• Positive growth is indicated by an
increase in the GDP over the two
year period while a negative
growth is indicated by the
• According to a report by UN Environment Program (UNEP), ‘Global Trends in
Sustainable Energy Investment 2009:

• Sustainable energy investment in India went up to US$ 4.1 billion in 2008, up 12

per cent since 2007

• The largest portion of investment went to the wind sector, which grew at 17 per
cent from US$ 2.2 billion to US$ 2.6 billion.
• investment in solar energy rose from US$ 18 million in 2007 to US$ 347 million
in 2008

• The number of carbon credits issued for emission reduction projects in India is
set to triple over the next three years to 246 million by December 2012 from 72
million in November 2009, according to a CRISIL Research study.

• The number of carbon credits issued for emission reduction projects in India is
set to triple over the next three years to 246 million by December 2012 from 72
million in November 2009, according to a CRISIL Research study.
• Wipro Infotech, provider of IT and business
transformation services, has unveiled its new eco-
friendly and toxin-free desktops, manufactured with
materials completely free of deadly chemicals like
polyvinyl chloride and brominated flame retardants.

• CLP India aims to add around 200 MW of wind

power installations every year to its portfolio and
has committed an investment of over US$ 2.2 billion
towards this. It recently opened its 99-MW Theni
Wind Farm in Tamil Nadu taking its total wind
power portfolio in India to 446 MW.
Sociopolitical Sustainability

• Man is said to be a political

• animal. (Aristotle). Anything that
has a power relationship can be
considered as political.
• Although there is no direct cause
and effect relationship between
environmental sustainability and
the sociopolitical scene, it is
essential to look at the power
structures in given societies, even
in the global level, to understand
the policies implemented in
certain areas, with regards to
development sustainability.
• The Way Ahead

• Full sustainable development is the road.

• Integration of the environmental, social and economic dimension is

the tool.

• A combination of social welfare and economic development with a

sound environment is the heart!
• A combination of new know-how and historic experience is needed.

• The participation of EVERYONE is essential.

• Cooperation is crucial!
• Combining social welfare and
• economic development with a
• sound environment!

• Requires cooperation on a local, regional and national level as well

as globally!

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