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4th Major Period in the Life of Dr.

Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution


○ RIZAL & THE KATIPUNAN (p.170-171)
○ADIOS, DAPITAN (p. 172)
☻Rizal’s Kitchen (p. 173)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

In silent hours of the night after the day’s of hard work,
Rizal was often Sad.(1)
Death of Leonora Rivera on AUG. 28, 1893 left a poignant
void in his heart. (2)
Somebody came in Dapitan, like a sunbeam to dispel his
melancholy mood.(3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

Josephine Bracken. Irish girl of sweet 18 (1)
Born in Hongkong (October 3, 1876). (2)
James Bracken & Elizabeth Jane MacBride (Parents ).(3)
Mr. George Taufer (Adopted her) Later became blind. (4)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

No ophthalmic specialist in Hong Kong could cure Mr.
Taufer’s blindess. (1)

They went to manila to seek services of Ophthalmic

Surgeon, Dr. Rizal. (2)

Accompanied by Manuela Orlac and presented a card

of introduction by Julio Llorente. (3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

Rizal And Josephine fell in love with each other. Then,
they agreed to get married. But,(1)
Father Obach of dapitan Refused to marry them
without the permission of the Bishop of Cebu.(2)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

Mr. Taufer heard of their projected marriage, he flared
up in violent rage.(1)
Attempted to suicide. Fortunately, Rizal was able to
prevent him. (2)
To avoid a tragedy, Josephine accompanied Mr. Taufer
back to Manila. And went away uncured because his
ailment was venereal in nature. (3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

Mr. Taufer returned to Hong Kong alone while
Josephine stayed with Rizal in Manila.(1)
Later returned to dapitan.(2)
Having no priests to marry them, Rizal and Josephine
married themselves before the eyes of God.(3)
Father Obach scandalized.(4)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

Rizal and Josephine lived happily in Dapitan. He was no
longer lonely.(1)
Rizal praised Josphine and revealed his new
Dapitan had become for him a heaven of bliss.(3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and Josephine Bracken.

He wrote a poem to Josephine which is as follows:
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and the Katipunan.

Ominous clouds of revolution gradually darkened the
Philippines skies.(1)
Andress Bonifacio “Great Plebeian” was sowing the
seeds of an armed uprising.
Katipunan-Secret Revolution he founded on July 7,
1892 gaining more and more adherents.(1)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and the Katipunan.

May 2, 1896- a secret meeting Held at a Little river
called Bitukan Manok, near the town of pasig.(1)
Pio Valenzuela – emissary to Dapitan in order to inform
Rizal of the plan of Katipunan.(2)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and the Katipunan.

June 21, 1896 – Dr. Valenzuela Arrived in Dapitan. And
they had heart to heart talk. And asking for Rizals
Rizal objected to Bonifacio’s audacious
project to plunge the country in bloody
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and the Katipunan.

He was sicerely belief that it was premature for two

(1) People are not yet ready for

(2) Arms and Funds must first be
collected before rising cry of
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Rizal and the Katipunan.

Rizal also disapproved to rescue him because he had
given his word to the Spanish authorities. (1)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba.

Months before katipunan contacted him, Rizal had

offered his services as military doctor in cuba. (2)
Cuba was in the throes of revolution and a raging fever
epedemic. (3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba.

Blumentritt, told Rizal bout deplorable health situation in

cuba and advised him to volunteer as army physician. (2)
Dec. 17, 1895- Rizal wrote to Governor General
Ramon Blanco, Despojul’s successor, offering
his sevices as military doctor in cuba.(3)
Months passed & he received no
reply from malacañang. (4)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Volunteers as Military Doctor in Cuba.

Received on July 30t, 1896- A letter from governor Blanco

dated July 1st arrived in Dapitan, notifying Rizal of
acceptance of his offer. (1)
And Stated that the politico-military commander of Dapitan
would given him a pass.(2)
Rizal could come to manila,

would be given a safe conduct to spain,

and the Minister of War will assign Rizal to the army of

Operations in Cuba, detailed to Medical Crops.(3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• The Song of the Travelers.

Great was Rizal’s joy on receiving the gladsome news from

Malacañang. (2)

He wrote his heart-warming poem. “El Canto del Viajero”. (2)

4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Adios, Dapitan.

July 31, 1986- Rizal’s four year exile in Dapitan came to an

end. (2)
Steamer Espana which brought Rizal to Manila from
Dapitan. Rizal was accompanied by Josephine,
Narcisa, Angelica (Narcisa’s daughter), his three
nephews and six pupils.(2)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Adios, Dapitan.

Almost all the Dapitan folks were at the shore to bid farewell. Many
wept as the steamer sailed away –specially other pupils who aware
too poor accompany Rizal, as their beloved teacher. (2)

Town brass band strangely played the dolorous Funeral

March of Chopin as a farewell music.(3)

As melancholy melody floated in the air it seemed an

obsequy or a requiem for Rizal.(3)
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

• Adios, Dapitan.

As the steamer pushed out into the sea, rizal gazed for the last
time on Dapitan with his hands waving a farewell salute to its
kind and hospitable folks and with a crying heart filled with tear
of nostalgic memories.

He wrote in his diary “I have been in that district four years,

thirteen days, and dew hours.”
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

Rizal’s Kitchen –

CASA EDONDA PIQUINA A preserved structure of the main house which
hexagonal poultry house big enough to served as Rizal’s residence with his mother,
accommodate a few dozen chickens. sisters, close relatives and neighbors in Laguna
Place: Dapitan, Zamboanga del Norte in Dapitan.
4th Major Period in the Life of Dr. Jose Rizal
Dapitan Exile, Trial & Execution

Rizal’s Kitchen – Reconstrcuted at the same time and

with the same materials as the main
house. Has dimension of about
14’x10’ and it is open on all sides
from waist up. It was perhaps
designed that way to prevent smoke
from getting trapped inside Paultry
House, perhaps Rizal, during his
exile would come here to pick the
best from his livestock to grace his
CASA EDONDA PIQUINA table on special occasions.
hexagonal poultry house

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