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Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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 Kosa kata
 tujuan
 pengantar
 Standardisasi & lokalisasi praktek HRM
 faktor driving standarisasi
 Faktor pendorong lokalisasi
 Jalan dengan status global yang
 mekanisme kontrol

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Kosakata (1 dari 2)
 staf lokal
 perusahaan budaya
 agen sosialisasi
 internasional kunci pas batas
 hakiki & Imbalan ekstrinsik
 institusionalisme perspektif
 terpusat set-up
 negara-of-asal, negara tuan rumah, & rumah negara efek
 membalikkan difusi
 lokal responsiveness
 global standardisasi, lokalisasi
 Enam Kualitas Sigma Kontrol
 inovator global yang

Chapter 3
 inovator lokal
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Kosakata (2 dari 2)
 pemain integratif
 global pembaru
 pelaksana
 ekspor Pendekatan berorientasi vs orientasi manajemen integratif
 perusahaan sistem kekebalan
 Berbagi pengetahuan permusuhan, penimbunan pengetahuan
 orang & non-orang koordinasi berorientasi
 yg dibawa lahir GLOBALS
 struktur MNE:
ibu anak. matriks, heterarchy, N-bentuk, transnasional. jaringan.
 chaebols
 Pendekatan pembangunan greenfield
 perusahaan jaringan bambu
 clan = kontrol sosial

Chapter 3
 sosial modal

For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090

By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Kita belajar tentang:
1. Isu standarisasi & lokalisasi
2. Struktural tanggapan internasional
3. Kontrol & koordinasi mekanisme,
termasuk kultural kontrol
4. Efeknya tanggapan di
pendekatan HRM & kegiatan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Gambar 30,1
tuntutan manajemen pertumbuhan internasional

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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standardisasi & lokalisasi
praktek HRM

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Mengapa global standarisasi

dari tenaga kerja secara geografis

sekitar umum tujuan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Why locally responsive HRM?
To respect Cultural values
local Traditions
Government policies
Education systems

regarding HRM and work practices

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Figure 3.2
Balancing the standardization and localization of HRM in MNEs

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Factors driving standardization

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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MNEs that standardize
 pursue multinational or transnational
corporate strategies

 supported by corresponding org structures

that are

 reinforced by a shared
worldwide corporate culture

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Factors driving localization

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Localization factors include:
 Cultural environment
more social context  more complete balance of
extrinsic & intrinsic rewards
more individual  more extrinsic rewards
or fast changing
personal & social contexts

 Institutional environment (country-of-origin & HC)

 Mode of operation abroad
 Subsidiary role: e.g., global innovator,
integrated player, implementer

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Figure 3.3
Institutional effects on MNEs

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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tabel 3.1
Contoh dari dampak dari budaya & kelembagaan konteks pada praktek

For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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tabel 3.2
Gupta & Govindarajan ini empat peran anak generik

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Jalan dengan status global

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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struktur organisasi biasanya
berubah karena
 Ketegangan dikenakan oleh pertumbuhan &
Penyebaran geografis
 Need untuk meningkatkan koordinasi & kontrol
seluruh bisnis unit
 Constraints dikenakan oleh host-pemerintah
peraturan kepemilikan dan keadilan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.4
Tahapan internasionalisasi

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3,5
struktur departemen ekspor

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.6
struktur penjualan anak perusahaan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.7
struktur divisi internasional

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Dua masalah MNE utama struktur
 Extent yang keputusan kunci yang terbuat
di PC kantor pusat atau unit anak
(Sentralisasi vs desentralisasi)

 Jenis kontrol yang diberikan oleh orang tua

atas anak perusahaan satuan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.8a
struktur divisi produk global

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
26 of 38
Angka 3,8 milyar
struktur divisi produk global

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.9
struktur matriks global

For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Internationally, matrix is difficult
 Dual reporting can cause conflict & confusion
 Many communication saluran dapat membuat
logjams informasi
 Tumpang tindih tanggung jawab dapat
- pertempuran rumput
- loss dari akuntabilitas
 Jarak, Bahasa, hambatan waktu, & budaya
membuat saya t sulit bagi manajer untuk
menyelesaikan konflik & Memperjelas

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Matrix requires managers who
 Know the business in general
 Have good interpersonal skills
 Can deal with ambiguities of
responsibility & authority
 Have training for presenting ideas in groups

HR planning in matrix MNEs is more critical

than in traditional organizations

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Beyond the matrix org. structures
 The Heterarchy
MNEs have different kinds of centers apart from
 The Transnational
resources & responsibilities are interdependent
across national boundaries
 The Network
subsidiaries are nodes, loosely coupled political
At this stage, there is less hierarchy & no

Chapter 3
structure is considered inherently superior
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.10
Organisasi jaringan

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
32 of 38
5 dimensi MNEs jaringan
1. Pengambilan keputusan wewenang didelegasikan
ke unit yang tepat & tingkat
2. Key fungsi tersebar secara geografis di seluruh
unit di berbagai negara
3. tingkat organisasi yang lebih sedikit
4. Resmi Prosedur kurang birokratis
5. Kerja, tanggung jawab, & otoritas dibedakan di
seluruh jaringan yang anak

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Di luar jaringan: meta-negara
Meta-negara memiliki 3 jenis unit:
1. unit Sensing
UNCover tersebar luas engineering & pasar wawasan
2. unit magnet
Menarik & membuat rencana bisnis untuk mengkonvers
inovasi menjadi produk & jasa
3. marketing & punit roduction
Market & menghasilkan adaptasi ini
produk & jasa di seluruh dunia
Sebuah MN = turnamen global yang bermain di 3 tingkat

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Tempat HR dalam bentuk
Tiga cara HR berkembang dengan pertumbuhan
1. perusahaan HR terpusat
besar, baik sumber daya:
biasanya didasarkan produk-atau matriks struktur
2. perusahaan HR desentralisasi
kelompok kecil, sebagian besar untuk mgmt
senior. di corp. HQ:
sebagian besar produk-atau struktur berbasis
3. perusahaan transisi HR

Chapter 3
menengah corp. HR dengan staf kecil di HQ:
desentralisasi struktur, produk berbasis
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e
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By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr.
ISBN-10: 1408032090
© Cengage Learning
negara yang berbeda, jalur yang
 MNEs Eropa: 'ibu-anak' 
global dengan divisi produk / daerah atau struktur
 MNEs Swedia: Cenderung untuk mengadopsi
ibu-anak & produk divisi
 MNEs Nordic: mungkin lebih suka struktur matriks
 Amerika Serikat MNEs: Keberhasilan terbatas
dengan matriks
 Japanese MNEs: similar to US, but evolve more

Chapter 3
slowly, possibly not changing structure
 Not much info yet on
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e
36 of 38 ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
Chinese & Indian MNEs
mekanisme kontrol

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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Angka 3.11
strategi pengendalian bagi perusahaan-perusahaan multinasional

Chapter 3
For use with International Human Resource Management 6e ISBN-10: 1408032090
By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle. Sr. © Cengage Learning
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