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Creating Enduring Value

• ITC is inspired by an abiding vision to make a larger
and meaningful contribution to national priorities,
going beyond generating shareholder value to
creating larger societal value. The need to sustain
global competitiveness in economic value creation,
whilst simultaneously creating larger societal value,
has led to innovation in business models that seek
to synergies the creation of long-term shareholder
value with the continuous enhancement of societal
and environmental capital.
ITC Infrastructure
INCORPORATED 24th August 1910 (as Imperial
Tobacco Co. Of India Ltd.)

FOUNDER Henry Overton Wills

CHAIRMAN Y. C Deveshwar
HEAD QUARTER Kolkata , West Bengal,
EMPLOYEE 32000 (2017)
ITC Infrastructure Cont.
• On 27th October 1954 The Company was
converted into a Public Limited Company

• The name of the Company was changed from the

Imperial Tobacco Co. of India Ltd. To (Indian
Tobacco Co. Ltd. In May 1970) and then to I.T.C.
Ltd. In the year 1974
Different Businesses Of ITC Ltd.
Cigarette & Leaf Tobacco business (1910)
Packing & Printing business (1925)
Hotel Business (1975)
Paper board & Specialty Paper business (1979)
Agriculture business (1990)
ITC InfoTech India Ltd. (2000)
Wills Lifestyle (2000)
Corporate Social Responsibility of ITC

• “The only company in the world

to be Carbon Positive , Water
Positive & Solid Waste Recycling
Positive” .
 Carbon Positive from last 12
consecutive years .

Water Positive from last 15 years in a


Solid Waste Recycling from last 10 years.

SOCIAL INITATIVE • ITC e-Choupal the world
largest digital infrastructure
• The ITC e-Choupal initiative is a
powerful illustration of a unique and
innovative model that delivers
significant societal value by co-creating
markets with rural communities. A
network of village internet kiosks – e-
Choupals – enable even small and
marginal farmers in rural India, who
are de-linked from the formal market,
to access real-time weather and price
information, and relevant knowledge
and services to enhance farm
productivity, quality and command
better prices – improving their
competitiveness and capacity to
manage risk.
• Recognizing the vital role played by water
and irrigation in the rural economy, ITC’s
DEVELOPMENT Soil & Moisture Conservation Programme
PROGRAMME supports watershed development projects
in water-stressed areas, providing
precious water resources for agriculture,
rural communities and livestock. The
focus is on building, reviving and
maintaining water harvesting structures
as well as implementing other measures
which help to reverse land degradation,
provide critical irrigation and increase
agricultural productivity. Adopting a
participatory approach, ITC works with
NGOs to mobilise local communities to
form water user groups. These groups are
trained to carry out the entire spectrum
of activities from planning to execution,
including monitoring of work and future
maintenance of structures
EMPOWERMENT • Specifically designed for women from
PROGRAMME economically weaker sections of rural
communities, ITC’s Women
Empowerment Programme aims to
provide them with sustainable
economic livelihood opportunities
through financial assistance as well as
skills training. Women are motivated to
form micro-credit self-help groups so
that they can build up small savings,
finance self-employment and micro-
• ITC's Primary Education Programme
PRIMARY EDUCATION addresses the lack of quality primary
PROGRAMME education in rural communities. Aiming to
strengthen the government primary
schools' vast network by stemming drop-
outs, increasing enrolments and
improving learning outcomes, the
Programme puts in place mutually
reinforcing interventions that are
coordinated to support a move toward a
child friendly school.
• The Programme also works to strengthen
school management committees and
build capacity among teachers to ensure
that infrastructure can be sustainably
maintained in the long run. Parents’
participation is actively encouraged to
develop collaborative partnerships that
ensure that more and more children are
able to complete their schooling.
SKILL & VOCATIONAL • ITC’s skilling initiative for boys and girls
focuses on employability and
TRANNING employment linkages with the larger
PROGRAMEE purpose of empowering rural
communities and creating sustainable
livelihood opportunities. The initiative
aims to build market relevant skills so as
to make potential job seekers industry-
ready and employable in the
manufacturing and services sectors. It
focuses on the most marginalised
sections of communities. As part of ITC’s
affirmative action plan, it also targets
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
among the most socially and
economically marginalised.
• Nearly 43,000 youth have been trained,
of whom 34% are girls and 42% belong
to the SC/ST community.
Major Awards
• ITC was conferred the Prestigious “Best Practices
Award” for Sustainable Development Goals by
United Nations Global Compact Network India for
its Watershed development programme
• ITC ltd. Won the Intel AIM Corporate
Responsibility Award 2016 accorded by Asian
Institute Of Management
• ITC e-Choupal won the Stockholm challenge
award 2006

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