Jack The Ripper

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Colegiul National Bilingv George Cosbuc

Proiect de atestare la limba engleza

Jack The Ripper

Osu Andreea Liliana Prof. coord.: Petrovici

Why did I choose to base my project on Jack The Ripper ?
• My profound fascination with psychology and criminal behaviour studies

•The intriguing aura surrounding the case, that makes you want to learn more about

• It pairs the actions of a twisted mind with the mysterious background of the
Victorian era

•People don’t usually want to talk about serial killers

Jack the Ripper is the nickname given to the
notorious killer who is believed to be responsible
for a number of gruesome murders during the
Victorian era, in London.

Never captured, his identity remains unknown,

becoming one of England’s, and the world’s
biggest mysteries.
Method Of Operation
First, he would attract women into dark alleys.

Then he would strangle them, leaving them


Next, ne would slit their throats. His weapon

of choice was a knife.

Lastly, he would butcher their bodies, mutilating them.

Sometimes, he took a piece of the victim’s viscera as a

Possible Motives
1.He was religious and was trying to rid the
world of sin (since all of his victims were

2.He had past trauma involving women and

decided to take revenge on all of them

3.He was impotent and was trying to let out his

frustrations by killing prostitutes
The Canonical Five Victims
1.Mary Ann Nichols

2.Annie Chapman

3.Elizabeth Stride

4.Catherine Edowes

5.Mary Kelly
The Letters
“Dear Boss”
Saucy Jacky Postcard
“From Hell”
George Chapman
James Maybrick
Thomas Neill Cream
New Theory
Jack the Ripper might have actually been a woman, according to some

What makes this theory plausible?

- a woman wouldn’t have been suspected of such heinous crimes

- Mary Kelly was reportedly seen after her estimated time of death, which
means that, if the Ripper was a woman, she could have dressed in her victim’s
clothes ( maybe hers were full of blood, since Mary Kelly’s murder was the
most brutal of them all)

-according to recent discoveries, after analysing the DNA on the stamps from
the letters, they were sent by a woman
Mary Pearcey • Was a midwife, therefore had some sort of
medical knowledge

•Was capable of murder (she killed her

husband’s mistress and their baby; her
method was very similar to the Ripper’s)

•It is believed she was mentally deranged

due to childhood trauma

Possible Motive:
It’s speculated that Mary was incapable of
conceiving. Since she was a midwife,
women would come to her for abortions.
She might have been letting out her
frustrations by killing women who were
giving away the ability that she lacked.
And who were the women most prone to
having unwanted pregnancies at the time?
Prostitutes! Exactly the Ripper’s type.
The name of Jack the Ripper is still instantly recognisable, and interest in his crimes
appears to increase, rather than diminish, with each year that passes.

One factor that sets the Ripper murders apart is they took place in an era that still
fascinates us.

The true identity of the Ripper is still an issue being theorised about.

In the end, although I personally believe the Jill the Ripper theory, more precisely the
speculations that Mary Pearcey, a deranged midwife, killed pregnant prostitutes in a
rage fueled by her own frustrations, we still can’t know for sure who Jack the Ripper
was, no matter how plausible a theory may seem.

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