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ELIC328 Labs

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) approach

Why PBL?

 Today's world brings with it a rapid explosion of easily

accessible knowledge. You need to be:
 self directed and possess lifelong learning skills
 critical thinkers, problem solvers and analytical in your approach
 able to integrate knowledge and skills from a number of
 have interpersonal skills to be an effective team member

Problem based learning: is a classroom process that uses real world

problems to motivate students to identify and apply concepts,
principles and information. It challenges students to develop the
ability to think critically, analyze problems, find and use
appropriate learning resources.
Small group

 Cooperative atmosphere
 Open feed-back about performance
 Equal participation and sharing of responsibilities
 Rotation of leadership role
 Supportive and Facilitative of each other’s learning
 Self and peer assessment
 Smooth handling of conflicts
 Open sharing of information

 The use of realistic problems

 Emphasis is not on the solution, but on the process of
solving the problem
 Hypothesis and issue generation
 Sharing of learning
Self-directed learning

 You choose what you need to learn and how to learn

(guidance and support will be provided)
 Building of new knowledge on existing knowledge
 Learn to use different resources
 Learn time-management skills
 Take responsibility for your learning
PBL pros & cons

 This is how we learn in professional and personal lives

 Motivation to learn is self-imposed
 Application of knowledge
 Big picture view of topics
 Development of soft skills and team work
 Life-long learning attitude
 Lack of traditional structure and progression
 Perceived lack of depth in the knowledge acquired
 Hard to fail
 More people are required to guide the groups

 Review the scenario

 List current information, what is known
 List what you need to know Journal
 Develop a plan for research/investigation entry on
 Evaluate new information and brainstorm solutions
 Implement your best solution
 Present the team’s solution with supporting analysis
 Perform assessment of your team and other teams,
and self assessment

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