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Social Cultural

A Key Component of
Social-Emotional Learning

Malik Faisal
S1 Farmasi
 1. Introduction to Social Awareness
 2. Defining Social Awareness
 3. Why Social Awareness Matters
 4. Social Awareness in the classroom
 5. Wrapping Up
 In this session you will:
 – Build a deeper understanding of social
awareness, one example of a social-
emotional competency that can help students
 – Leave with at least one specific strategy or
technique that you could try in the classroom to
support your students in developing social
 – Identify the role a teacher can play in helping
students develop social awareness, including by
modeling social awareness strategies for students
A shared system of
 meanings,
 beliefs,
 values
 behaviours
through which experience is interpreted
and carried out
Culture can be defined as…

“… vast structures of behavior, ideas,

attitudes, values, habits, beliefs, customs,
language, rituals, ceremonies, and
practices peculiar to a particular group of
people…[that]…provides them with a
general design for living and pattern for
interpreting reality…”

Wade Nobel, M.D., TA Partnership

 Culturecan be defined as “deeply
rooted patterns of values, customs,
attitudes and beliefs that distinguish one
group from another.” Culture
subconsciously guides our behavior and
thoughts, and often influences our sense
of belonging, motivation and
effectiveness at work

Board of Studies NSW. 2013


Thoughts/Awareness Beliefs, Judgments

Board of Studies NSW. 2013

Why Social Awareness Matters
 “CQ is a critical capability for navigating
today’s increasingly global and diverse
business environment. It’s so important
that we made it one of our core
behaviors at PwC.” —Robert Mortiz, Chair
PWC, United States
 “At
least half of the exercise I get
everyday comes from jumping to
Bruce Dexter, Journalist
CSR di definisikan sebagai suatu
komitmen yang berkelanjutan oleh para
pembisnis untuk berperilaku etis dan
memberi kontribusi pada
pengembangan ekonomi, bahkan
meningkatkan kualitas hidup bagi
tenaga kerja dan keluarganya
sebagaimana hal nya pada komunitas
lokal dan masyarakat secara lebih luas

(Holme & Watts, 2000).

definisi operasional dari CSR adalah
menggunakan konsep yang
dikemukakan oleh Archi Carrol, yang
menggunakan 4 tanggungjawab dalam
perusahaan yang harus dilakukan, yaitu
tanggungjawab secara ekonomi
(economic), legal, etik, dan bebas untuk
menentukan (discretionary) pada

(Aiman Et Al, 2001)

What Is Culture, and Why Pay
Attention to It?
 Culture is a catch-all term that can refer
to the style and ethos of an organization,
national customs and foods, or even the
latest trends in fashion, movies and music.
Dutch psychologist Geert Hofstede says
culture is the “collective programming of
the mind” that sets one society apart from

(Hofstede Et Al, 2010)

 We are using culture in this report to
describe deeply rooted patterns of
values, customs, attitudes and beliefs that
distinguish one group from another

Board of Studies NSW. 2013

Social Awareness in the

A variety of practices exist for improving

students’ social awareness at every grade
level. The following research-based
strategies are sample approaches to
developing the many aspects of social

(Board of Studies NSW, 2013)

These strategies include
elements of

• Building positive relationships

 • Emotional intelligence
 • Cooperative learning
 • Social perspective taking

(Board of Studies NSW, 2013)

(Board of Studies NSW, 2013)
Cultural Differences = Culture Clash?
 Culturalintelligence is the capability to
function effectively across national,
ethnic, and organizational cultures

(Livermore d, 2015)
Culture and Leadership
I regularly encounter the following myths
when reading, listening, and talking with
others about global leadership:
1. Leadership is a sixth sense
2. The world is flat
3. If no one follows, you arent leading
4. Matrix models are better suited for
leading across borders
David A. Livermore, Cultural Intelligence: Improving Your CQ to
Engage Our Multicultural World, Baker Academic, a division of Baker
Publishing Group, © 2009. Used by permission.
 Kesadaran budaya (Cultural awareness)
adalah kemampuan seseorang untuk
melihat ke luar dirinya sendiri dan
menyadari akan nilai-nilai budaya,
kebiasaan budaya yang masuk.
 Cultural Intelligence penting dimiliki saat
ini karena pertemuan antar budaya bisa
menjadi sangat renta dan sangat
memungkinkan terjadinya konflik antar
1. Board of Studies NSW. 2013. Society and
2. Hanafi,M. Masruri,2012,Hubungan Orientasi Tanggungjawab Sosial dan
Karakteristik Individu Dengan Ketertarikan Perusahaan, Kudus
:Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya;Staff Pengajar Fakultas Ekonomi UMK
3. Livermore. D,2009, Cultural Intelligence;Improving Your CQ to Engage Our
Multicultural World, Baker Academic
4. Livermore. D, 2011, Leading With Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret To
Success, American Management Association
5. Livermore. D, 2015, Cultural Intelligence: The Essential Intelligence for
the 21st Century, SHRM Foundations

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