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Roll no. :- 11081505055
(SEM IV SESSION -2015-17)
• A computer is an electronic device that has the ability to
store, retrieve, and process data, and can be programmed
with instructions that it remembers. The physical parts that
make up a computer (the central processing unit, input,
output, and memory) are called hardware. Programs that
tell a computer what to do are called software. A set of
instructions that perform a particular task is called a
program, software program, or software. Peripherals are
any hardware device connected to a computer, any part of
the computer outside the CPU and working memory.
Some examples of peripherals are keyboards, the mouse,
monitors, printers, scanners, disk and tape drives,
microphones, speakers, joysticks, plotters, and cameras.


• The computer monitor is an output device that displays input on a
screen and is very similar to a television monitor. When the
computer wants to display something, it calculates how it needs to
change the color and brightness of the different pixels, and changes
the values in the video memory.

• Controls for the monitor are located on the monitor itself. The
monitor has an ON/OFF Button/Switch (which powers only the
monitor) and an indicator light (green or amber).

• A green indicator light denotes that the monitor is on.
• Motherboard
• Sometimes called the system board or main board, the
motherboard is the main circuit board of a PC. The
motherboard is the central nervous system and
circulatory system, plus much more, all rolled into one.
The motherboard typically contains the processor (or
CPU), BIOS (basic input/output system), memory, mass
storage interfaces, serial and parallel ports, expansion
slots, and all the controllers required to communicate
with standard peripheral devices, such as the display
screen, mouse, keyboard and disk drive.
• The CPU is the computer's control center. Think of it as
the brain that does all the thinking (computation). It
reads instructions from your software and tells your
computer what to do. The actual CPU is about 1.5
inches square, yet it is the most critical part of the
• The speed at which the CPU processes information
internally is measured in MegaHertz (MHz) and
GigaHertz (GHz). 1 GHz is equal to 1,000 MHz.
Generally, processors with higher MHz or GHz enhance
your ability to run creative, entertainment,
communication, and productivity applications.

• The ports that connect the peripherals to the computer

are located on the back panel of the computer. Newer
computers have ports that are color-coded with their
appropriate cables. Speaker cables plug into
headphone jacks on the back panel and are also color-
coded. The back panel may have small icons on the
ports showing the correct cables (example --monitor
for monitor cable). It is important that all cables are
inserted completely and securely in their port (pins
screwed in all the way) or the peripheral will not
function properly. Once all peripherals have been
connected to the computer, it may be useful to label
each cable and it's appropriate port.
Floppy Disk
Hard drive
Zip disks
Read/Write CD-ROMS

• Mouse – The mouse is a pointing device

attached to the computer that controls the
movement of the cursor on the screen.
• Keyboard -- The computer receives most of its
input from the user via the keyboard that is
very similar to the typewriter keyboard
• Taking proper care of the computer is essential in keeping it
working properly. The following is a list of "dos" and "don'ts" for
computer care.

• 1. Cover the computer when not in use to keep dust away from
it. An old sheet is an excellent cover for your computers. Plastic
dust covers are not recommended as they retain heat and do not
allow for the computer to cool down properly, forming moisture.
Moisture can damage the internal components of the computer.

• 2. Position the computers away from air-conditioner vents,
heater vents and chalkboards.

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