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 Alcoholic drinks contain ethanol.

 There are many types of alcoholic drinks but in general

they fall into 3 main categories:
- beer啤酒
- wines红酒
- spirits烈酒

Alcohol drink Alcohol content

Beer 4 – 7%
Wines 10 -13%
Spirits 30 – 50%
( 4 – 7% )

( 30 – 50% )
( 10 – 13%)
•Like other drugs, alcohol can lead to addiction上瘾.

•Addiction to alcohol is called alcoholism酒精中毒.

Alcohol is depressant镇静剂.

It slow down the transmission传送 of nerve impulses

and impairs 消弱the functioning of the brain.

Excessive consumption of alcohol can affect the senses

and body coordination.
Blood alcohol level Effects on body coordination
(mg/100 cm3)

50 • Increase in heartbeat and breathing rate

• Thinking and judgement评估 affected受
100 •Speech, vision and hearing affected
•Begins to stagger摇晃
•Slow reaction to stimuli
300 •Loss of muscular coordination
400 •Loss of consciousness失去意识
500 •Breathing difficulties, death
• Excessive consumption of alcohol harms not the nervous
system but almost every part of the body.

• Heavy drinking during pregnancy怀孕 can lead to birth


• Alcoholism (酒精中毒) also increase the risks of cancers

of the mouth, throat喉咙 and oesophagus食道.
• Heart problem • High blood pressure

• Brain damage • Hormonal imbalance

• Skin problem
• Cirrhosis of the liver
• Stomach ailments 肝硬化

1. Name three main types of alcoholic drinks and state
the differences in their alcohol content.

Alcohol drink Alcohol content

Beer 4 – 7%
Wines 10 -13%
Spirits 30 – 50%
2. Describe the effects of excessive consumption of
alcohol on
(a) body coordination
(b) health


3. Which of the following beverages does not contain
A. Honey
B. Beer
C. Wine
D. Spirit

4. Which of the following is not caused by the excessive

consumption of alcohol?
A. Cirrhosis
B. Stomach ulcer
C. Hepatitis
D. Diabetes

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