Industrial Disputes Act 1947

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Provisions of The Industrial

Disputes Act, 1947

Submitted by Aman Mehta

Roll no 350/13
Introduction to the Act
• The industrial disputes act, 1947 is an important social legislation
enacted to provide for investigation and settlement of industrial
disputes and for maintaining industrial harmony.
• The act also enumerates the contingencies as to when A strike or
lock-out can be lawfully resorted, or when they can be declared
• The Act Covers the Conditions for laying-off retrenching,
discharging or dismissing A workman; circumstances under which
an industrial establishment can be closed down and several other
matters related to industrial employees and the employers.
Object of The Act
• The object of the act is to make provisions for
investigation and settlement of industrial disputes.
The purpose is to bring the conflicts between the
employer and employees to an amicable settlement.
• The act is achieving exactly opposite. The act
provides machinery for settlement of disputes, if
dispute cannot be solved through collective

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