I Heredity

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 You learned in Grade 9 that many genes in

plants and animals behave differently than the

genes that Mendel studied in peas, where traits
are not entirely controlled by dominant and
recessive genes. You also learned how the genes
in your deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) influence
your characteristics.
 Many investigations of how the genes control
cells were done even before scientists first knew
that genes were made of DNA. The American
geneticists George Beadle and Edward Tatum
established the connection between genes and
enzymes. The experiments of Beadle and Tatum
linked genes to actual products of cells and
showed the importance of genes to cellular
activity. In other words, a gene is a portion of
DNA that contains the instructions for the
synthesis of specific RNA or protein.
 Building a house usually requires a blueprint, or a
plan of the structure of the house to determine
how it would look like after construction.
Organisms have blueprints which contain
information that will determine their physical and
chemical characteristics. This blueprint is DNA.
 Component molecules
 1. The DNA molecule is composed
of three types of component
molecule: phosphate group, the
sugar deoxyribose, and the bases
adenine, thymine, cytosine,
guanine (A, T, C, G) Nucleotides.
 2. There are three molecules that
form the basic building block of
DNA, the nucleotides. Each
nucleotide is composed of one
phosphate group, one sugar
molecule, and one of the four
bases – in the example. Across the
strands of the helix, A always pairs
with T, and G with C.
 Ribonucleic Acid, like DNA,
is a nucleic acid. However,
RNA structure differs from
DNA structure in three ways,
shown in Figure 2. First, RNA
is single stranded – whereas
DNA is double stranded.
Second, the sugar in RNA is
ribose; DNA has deoxyribose.
Finally, both DNA and RNA
contain four nitrogenous
bases, but instead of thymine,
RNA contains a similar base
called uracil (U). The uracil
pairs with adenine. The major
types of RNA include:
messenger RNA (mRNA),
ribosomal RNA (rRNA), and
transfer RNA (tRNA).
• A DNA is a double helix molecule composed of
complementary strands of deoxyribonucleotides
units. The complementary base pairs of the DNA
are held by hydrogen bonds.
• RNA is single stranded.
• Examples of RNA types include:
mRNA, rRNA and tRNA.
• In DNA, adenine always bonds with thymine,
and cytosine bonds with guanine. In RNA, adenine
bonds with uracil, and cytosine bonds with
 In 1953 ,James Watson and Francis Crick
worked out that DNA is double helix like a twisted
staircase. The two sugar-phosphate backbones
make up the sides and the base pairs make up the
rungs or steps of the twisted staircase.
 Deoxyribonucleic acid is copied during interphase
prior to mitosis and meiosis. It is important that new
copies are exactly like the original molecule. The
structure of the DNA provides a mechanism for
making accurate copies of the molecule. The process
of making copies of DNA is called replication.
When DNA replicates, two identical copies of DNA
molecules are produced, which are exactly the same
as the original.
Central Dogma of molecular biology is a explanation
of the flow of genetic information within biological
system. It was first stated by Francis Crick in
1958 and he stated in a nature paper published in
DNA is made up of sugars, phosphate groups,
and nitrogenous bases and its shape is a double
helix. The complementary structure the two
strands of DNA allow each strand to serve as a
template during replication.
• The specificity of base pairing in DNA, adenine
with thymine, and cytosine with guanine, allows
DNA to replicate itself with accuracy
•One type of RNA, messenger RNA (mRNA) brings
information from the DNA in the nucleus to the protein
manufacturing area, the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm, the
mRNA becomes the template of information to make
• Ribosomes, made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA),
and ribosomal proteins hold tightly into the
mRNA using its information to assemble the
amino acids in correct order.
 Transfer RNA (tRNA) supplies amino acids to
the ribosome to be assembled as protein.
What is Transcription?
 Transcription is the first step of gene expression,
in which a particular segment of the DNA is copied
into RNA (mRNA) by the enzyme RNA polymerase.
 Both DNA and RNA are nucleic acids, which use
base pairs of nucleotides as a complementary
 During transcription, a DNA sequence is read by an
RNA polymerase, which produces a complementary,
anti-parallel RNA strand called a primary
Process of Transcription
 Step 1 . Ribonucleic Acid polymerase enzyme binds
and opens the DNA molecule that will be transcribed.
 Step 2. As the DNA molecule opens, the RNA
polymerase slides along the DNA strand and links
free RNA nucleotides that pair with the nitrogenous
bases of the complementary DNA strand. Hence, if
the sequence of bases on the DNA strand were CCG
TTA CAT, the sequence of bases on the RNA strand
would be GGC AAU GUA.
 Step 3. When the process of base-pairing is
completed, the RNA molecule breaks away as the
DNA strands rejoin. The RNA leaves the nucleus and
goes to the cytoplasm.
• The sequence of nucleotides in DNA directs the
order of nucleotides in messenger RNA in a
process called transcription.
• There are three major types of RNA that help
build proteins: mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA.
• The mRNA carries the information in DNA to the
ribosomes found in the cytoplasm.
What is Translation?
 In molecular biology and genetics, translation is a
process in which cellular ribosomes create proteins.
 In translation, messenger RNA (mRNA)– produced
by transcription from DNA– is decoded by a
ribosome to produce a specific amino acid chain, or
polypeptide. The polypeptide later folds into an
active protein and performs its functions in the cell.
The ribosome facilitates decoding by inducing the
binding of complementary tRNA anticodon
sequences to mRNA codons.
 The tRNAs carry specific amino acids that are
chained together into a polypeptide as the mRNA
passes through and is “read” by the ribosome.
The entire process is a part of gene expression
 In translation, each set of three nucleotides in an
mRNA molecule codes for one amino acid in a
protein. This explains why each set of three
nucleotides in the mRNA is called a codon.
Each codon specifies a particular amino acid. For
example, the first codon which is, cytosine-
guanine-uracil (CGU), instructs the ribosome to
put the amino acid arg (arginine) in the protein.
The sequence of codons in the mRNA determines
the sequence of amino acids in the protein.
Process of Translation
 Step 1. As translation begins, mRNA binds to a
ribosome. Then, tRNA molecules, each carrying a
specific amino acid, approach the ribosome.
The tRNA anticodon pairs with the first mRNA
(start) codon argenine-uracil-guanine (AUG), to
form the initiation complex. The two molecules
temporarily join together.
 Step 2. Usually, the first codon on mRNA is AUG,
which codes for the amino acid methionine. AUG
signals the start of protein synthesis. Then, the
ribosome slides along the mRNA to the next
• Step 3. A new tRNA molecule carrying an amino
acid pairs with the second mRNA codon.
• Step 4. When the first and second amino acids
are in place, an enzyme joins them by forming a
peptide bond between them.
• Step 5. As the process continues, a chain of
amino acids is formed until the ribosome reaches
a stop codon (e.g., UAA,UAG,UGA) on the mRNA
strand. The polypeptide chain is released. Protein
synthesis is complete.
 The process of converting the information in
messenger RNA into a sequence of amino acids
that make a protein is known as translation.
 The role of transfer RNA (tRNA) is to bring the
amino acids in the cytoplasm to the ribosomes to
make proteins.

 The genetic code is the set of rules by which

information encoded within genetic material
(DNA or mRNA sequences) is translated into
proteins by living cells.
 The code defines how sequences of nucleotide
triplets, called codons, specify which amino acid
will be added next during protein synthesis.
MUTATION: Changes in the Genetic Code
 When the code in a gene is changed, a different
message may result. Any change in the
sequence of nitrogenous bases in the DNA, any
mistake in the transcription of genetic
information from DNA to
RNA or pairing of the codon and anticodon,
may cause changes in the kind, sequence and
number of amino acids of proteins synthesized
by cells. Changes in the protein structure or level
of expression may lead to changes in cellular
properties and behavior, as a result, the
organism is affected. Changes in the genes can
occur for a variety of reasons.
 Mutation may be induced by factors called
 Mutagens are commonly in the form of toxic
chemicals, and harmful radiation. Sometimes,
mistakes occur in DNA replication, mitosis, and
meiosis. All of these can alter the DNA sequence
and length.
 Mutations can occur in two different
types of cells: reproductive cells and
body cells. Only mutations in sex cells
pass on to offspring. Mutations affect the
reproductive cells of an organism by
changing the sequence of nucleotides
within a gene in a sperm or an egg cell.
If these cells are fertilized, then the
mutated gene becomes a part of the
genetic makeup of the offspring.
 .If mutation is severe, the resulting protein
may be nonfunctional, and the embryo
may not develop. There are two types of
mutations that can occur in gamete cells:
• Gene mutation is a permanent change in the
DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
• Chromosomal mutation occurs at the
chromosome level resulting in gene deletion,
duplication or rearrangement that may occur
during the cell cycle and meiosis. It maybe
caused by parts of chromosomes breaking off or
rejoining incorrectly.
 Most mutations are harmful. Some mutations in
a body cell are known to cause cancer, while
mutations in sex cells can cause birth defects. A
severe mutation may lead to cell death and may
have no effect on the body. Sometimes
mutations may be useful for the species. For
example, a mutation in blood proteins prevents
viruses or parasites to thrive in host organisms.
When is mutation inherited? Why are
mutations in sex cells heritable?
 Many diseases are caused by the effects of
inherited genes. In most cases, there is only a
small difference between DNA sequences in the
defective gene and a normal one. This difference
is enough to cause serious and often fatal
diseases. These disease-causing genes are the
result of a mutation. They may be passed from
one generation to the next if present in gametes.
 This figure shows changes
in the sequences of bases
in normal hemoglobin and
the one affected by
mutation. A recessive gene
causes sickle- cell anemia,
where most of the red
blood cells stiffen and
become sickle shape in
affected people. These
diseased cells carry less
oxygen than normal cells.
People affected by the
disease eventually die
 Consider what might happen if an incorrect
amino acid was inserted in a growing protein
chain during the process of translation. Do you
think this will affect the structure of the entire
molecule? This can possibly happen in point
mutation where a change in a single base pair
occurs. Read the two sentences below. What
happens when a single letter in the first sentence
is changed?

Did you see that changing a single letter also

changes the meaning of the sentence? A
change in nitrogenous base in a protein may
yield a different amino acid and a
corresponding change in the protein structure
and function.
 What will happen if a single base is deleted from
a DNA strand? If the new sequence with a
deleted base was transcribed, then every codon
after the deleted base would be different.
Deletion or insertion of a base may change the
reading frame of the codon leading to frameshift
mutation. Read again the two sentences below.


Mutations in chromosomes may occur in a
variety of ways. Sometimes parts of
chromosomes are broken off and lost during
mitosis or meiosis.
 It is a chromosome abnormality caused by
rearrangement of parts between nonhomologous
chromosomes. A gene fusion may be created
when the translocation joins two otherwise-
separated genes, it is detected on cytogenetics
or a karyotype of affected cells.
 Deletion is a mutation in which a part of a
chromosome or a sequence of DNA is lost during
DNA replication. Any number of nucleotides can
be deleted, from a single base to an entire piece
of chromosome.
 Deletion can be caused by errors in
chromosomal crossover during meiosis, which
causes several serious genetic diseases.
 Inversion is a chromosome rearrangement in
which a segment of a chromosome is reverse
end to end. An inversion occurs when a single
chromosome undergoes breakage and
rearrangement within itself.
 Abnormalities in chromosomal structure may
occur during meiosis. The normal process of
crossing-over and recombination may be
affected, such that chromosomes break and
reunite the wrong segments. If there is a loss or
gain of chromosomal material, there can be
significant clinical consequences.
 Changes that affect the structure of
chromosomes can cause problems with
growth, development, and function of the
body’s systems. These changes can affect
many genes along the chromosome and
disrupt the proteins made from these genes.
Structural changes can occur during the
formation of egg or sperm cells in fetal
development, or in any cell after birth.
Pieces of DNA can be rearranged within one
chromosome or transferred between two or
more chromosomes.
 The effects of structural changes depend on their
size and location, and whether any genetic
material is gained or lost. Some changes cause
medical problems, while others may have no
effect on a person’s health. The gain or loss of
chromosome material can lead to a variety of
genetic disorders.

 Occasionally, chromosomal material is lost or

rearranged during the formation of gametes or
during cell division of the early embryo. Such
changes, primarily the result of nondisjunction or
translocation, are so severe that the pregnancy
ends in miscarriage – meaning loss of an embryo
or fetus before the 20th week of pregnancy or
fertilization does not occur at all. It is estimated
that one in 156 live births has some kind of
chromosomal abnormality.
 “Cri du chat” is caused by
the deletion of part of the
short arm of chromosome 5.
“Cri du chat” is French, and
the condition is so named
because affected babies
make high-pitched cries that
sound like a cat. Affected
individuals have wide-set
eyes, a small head and jaw,
are moderately to severely
mentally retarded, and very
 Down’s syndrome is usually caused by
an extra copy of chromosome 21(trisomy
21). Characteristics include decreased
muscle tone, stockier build, asymmetrical
skull, slanting eyes and mild to moderate
mental retardation.
 Edwards syndrome, which is the second
most common trisomy after Down’s
syndrome, is a trisomy of chromosome 18.
Symptoms include mental and motor
retardation and numerous congenital
anomalies causing serious health problems.
About 99% die in infancy. However, those
who live past their first birthday, usually are
quite healthy thereafter. They have a
characteristic hand appearance with
clenched hands and overlapping fingers.
 Jacobsen syndrome is also called terminal 11q
deletion disorder. This is a very rare disorder.
Those affected have normal intelligence or mild
mental retardation, with poor or excessive
language skills. Most have a bleeding disorder
called Paris-Trousseau syndrome.

 Klinefelter’s syndrome (XXY). Men with this

condition are usually sterile and tend to have longer
arms and legs and to be taller than their peers. They
are often shy and quiet and have a higher incidence
of speech delay.
 Turner’s syndrome (X instead
of XX or XY). Female sexual
characteristics are present but
underdeveloped. They often
have a short stature, low
hairline, abnormal eye
features and bone
development and a “caved-in”
appearance to the chest
 Some of the abnormalities associated with
chromosome structure and number can be
detected by a test called a karyotype. A
karyotype is an image of the full set of
chromosomes of an individual that displays the
normal number, size, and shape. Karyotypes may
reveal the gender of a fetus or test for certain
defects through examination of cells from uterine
fluid – a procedure called amniocentesis – or
through sampling of placental membranes
To produce a karyotype, chromosomes commonly
derived from actively dividing white blood cells are
stained and photographed. The homologous pairs
of chromosomes are identified and arranged in order
by size, with the exception of the sex chromosomes.
These tests are typically done on a blood sample,
although any body cell could be used. The cell must
be undergoing mitosis – preferably in metaphase –
so that the chromosomes are replicated, condensed,
and visible under a microscope
 Understanding the gene has led to the remarkable
development of methods for changing a cell’s DNA. A
modern biotechnology called genetic engineering
produces transgenic or GM crops of organisms. Scientists
have developed methods to move genes from one
species into another. When DNA from two different
species are joined together, it is called recombinant
DNA. This process uses restriction enzymes to cleave
one organism’s DNA into fragments and other enzymes
to splice the DNA fragment into a plasmid or viral DNA.
 Transgenic organisms are able to manufacture
genetic products foreign to them using
recombinant DNA. Genetic engineering has
already been applied to bacteria, plants, and
animals. These organisms are engineered to be
of use to humans.
 Today, molecular biologists are finding
applications for recombinant DNA technology:
from medical applications, including gene
therapy and vaccines; DNA fingerprinting used to
identify persons responsible for crimes and
provide evidence for identity of dead persons; to
the creation of genetically modified crops that
are resistant to pesticides, or that make extra
vitamins and minerals; to bacteria that can clean
oil spills. While the applications of recombinant
DNA technology are numerous, its limitations are
its potential effects on our ecosystem.
 A mutation is a change in the base sequence of DNA.
Mutations may affect only one gene, or they may affect
whole chromosomes
 Mutations in eggs or sperm affect future generations by
transmitting these changes to their offsprings.
 Mutations in body cells affect only the individual and are
not passed on to the offspring.
 When DNA from two different species are joined
together, it is called recombinant DNA. This process uses
restriction enzymes to cleave one organism’s DNA into
fragments and other enzymes to splice the DNA fragment
into a plasmid or viral DNA.
 Mutations in eggs or sperm may affect future
generations by transmitting these changes in the
offsprings. Mutations in non-sex (somatic) cells
only are not hereditary.
 When DNA from two different species are joined
together, it is called recombinant DNA. This
process uses restriction enzymes to cleave one
organism’s DNA into fragments and other
enzymes to splice the DNA fragment into a
plasmid or viral DNA.
 Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) is the genetic
material of organisms. A DNA is a double helix
molecule composed of two complementary
strands of deoxyribonucleotides units. The
complementary base pairs of the DNA are held
by hydrogen bonds.
 The central dogma of the transfer of genetic
information states that the sequence involved in
the expression of hereditary characteristics is
from DNA to RNA to proteins.
 Genes are segments of DNA that may code for
RNA or proteins.
 Most sequences of three bases in the DNA of a
gene code for a single amino acid in a protein.
 Transcription is the process by which the
information in a strand of DNA is copied into a
new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA).
 There are three major types of RNA in the cell
and their functions:
 1) The mRNA carries the information from DNA
to the ribosomes.
 2) The tRNA translates the genetic message
carried by the mRNA through protein synthesis.
 3) The rRNA forms the structural component of
the ribosome.
 Ribosomal RNA serves as the site for attachment
of mRNA and tRNA and for protein synthesis
 Translation is a process which determines the
order of bases in mRNA of amino acids into a
protein. It occurs in a ribosome in the cytoplasm.
 A mutation is a change in the base sequence of
DNA. Mutations may affect only one gene, or
they may affect whole chromosomes.


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