L2 Efficient Capital Markets CH14

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Lecture 2

Chapter 14
Efficient Capital Markets

1. Definition of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)
2. Three forms of EMH
3. Tests on three forms of EMH
4. Empirical challenges to EMH and behavioral finance

Market Price vs. True Value
The differences in market price vs. true value
True value is also called fair value, intrinsic value

Market price = $30

True value = $35
 The present value of a firm’s expected future net
cash flows discounted by the required rate of
What to do?
 intrinsic value > market price
 intrinsic value < market price
 intrinsic value = market price

1. Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH)

Definition: Markets are efficient if prices of securities fully

reflect all available information about securities; that is,

market price = true value, given available information

The belief in market efficiency is called Efficient Market

Hypothesis (EMH)

Available information include

- past price & volume => weak form EMH
- all public information => semi-strong form EMH
- all public & insider information => strong form EMH

2. Three Forms of Efficiency by Information Type

Note the definition of efficiency is with respect to information set 

• Weak form:  = past price information
• Semi-strong form:  = all public information
• Strong form:  = all information
Semistrong Form
(Publicly available)
Weak Form Strong Form
(Past prices & volume) (All)

Sources of Market Efficiency

 Many highly paid analysts are searching for ways to

improve investment performance.
 Competition among these analysts make mispriced
securities difficult to find.

An Example to Demonstrate How
Competition Leads To Market Efficiency

Implications of EMH
 Prices change only due to new information and new
information is reflected in market price quickly
Speed is very quick and magnitude is appropriate
 Investors cannot predict future price (or price change),
because the news arrives randomly and the investors
don’t know the timing of news.
Stock price changes are random and unpredictable
 Investors cannot make abnormal return on their
Portfolio choice and expected return depends on
investors’ risk preference only, i.e.
E(Ri) = Rf + Beta*(Rm – Rf),
where Beta = cov(Ri,Rm)/var(Rm)
Efficient Price Reaction to New Information

and reversion


Efficient market
response to new info
Days before (-) and
-30 0 +30 after announcement
announcement day 99
2a. Weak-form EMH
 Security prices should have reflected all historical price

 In equilibrium, no abnormal return can be earned by

analyzing past price charts, because competition for
investment profits should have removed any profitable
trend in price/return

 Technical Analysis
 Technical analysis is a security analysis methodology
for forecasting the direction of prices through the
study of past market data, primarily price and volume.

 Weak-form EMH indicates technical analysis has NO

value to investors
 But, why do we always see stock price charts on
2b. Semistrong-form EMH
 Prices should have reflected all public information (eg.
corporate annual reports, financial analysts’ reports,
government policies)
 In semi-strong form efficient market, no abnormal return
can be earned by analyzing public information

 Fundamental Analysis
 Fundamental analysis is a security analysis
methodology for forecasting the direction of prices
through the study of public information

 Semi-strong form EMH indicates fundamental analysis

has NO value to investors
 But, why do we always see discussions on corporate
fundamentals, government policies, and etc? 11
2c. Strong-form EMH

Prices should have reflected all private and public info,

In strong-form efficient market, even insiders cannot earn

abnormal returns

3a. Test of Weak-form EMH
 Weak-form EMH implies: Corr(Rt , Rt-1) = 0
 Weak-form EMH mainly supported by real transaction data
 Prices follow random-walk; low serial correlation
 Table 14.1

 Anomaly: Short-run Momentum strategy

 Long high past 6-month ret stocks and simultaneously sell low
past 6-month ret stocks
 The trading strategy will generate annual abnormal return of 13%

Table 14.1

Company Serial Corr Coefficient

Boeing 0.0025
Citigroup -0.0078
Coca-cola 0.0189
IBM 0.0126
McDonald’s 0.0054
Merck 0.0409
Pfizer 0.0225
The Gap 0.0193

3b. Test of Semistrong-form EMH
 Event-study is used to test semi-strong form EMH
 Test how the stock price reacts upon the announcement of firm-specific
info (eg. earnings announcement, dividend omission/ increase, CEO

 The implementation of event study involves the

computation of abnormal return (AR) and cumulative
abnormal return (CAR)
 CAR is the summation of AR over a few days; CAR captures the total
market reaction to news

 AR on a given stock for a particular day can be calculated

 by subtracting the market’s return on the same day (Rmt) from the actual
return (Rit) on the stock for that day:
 ARit= Rit – Rmt (1)
 or by using the market model approach:
 ARit= Rit – (ait + bit*Rmt) (2)
To understand approach (2)

Estimate the model Rit = ait + bitRmt + eit during the estimation window
Find the model parameters ait and bit using statistic software
Compute AR over the event window

-90 -30 -2 -1 0 +1 +2

Estimation window Event window

Equation (2) is better than equation (1) because it recognizes the fact that
the impacts of market movement on different firms are different.

CAR example


1 4% 3%

2 1% -1%

3 1% -2%

Regression: Rit = 0 + 0.7 Rmt+ eit

Empirical Evidence For Semi-strong
Form EMH
 Supportive evidences to semi-strong form EMH
 Evidence from event studies (Fig 14.5)
 Mutual fund performance (Fig 14.6)

 Unsupportive evidences to semi-strong form EMH

 Size effect: Large vs small firms
 Size = price*shares outstanding
 Small size firms tend to outperform large size firms
 Value effect: High vs low B/M stocks
 B/M=book value of equity / market value of equity
 High book-to-market ratio firms tend to outperform low
book-to-market firms

Supportive evidence to semi-strong form
EMH: Dividend Omissions

Cumulative Abnormal Returns for Companies Announcing

Cumulative abnormal returns

Dividend Omissions

0.146 0.108

0.032 0
-8 -6 -4
-0.72 -2 -0.483 0 2 4 6 8

Efficient market
response to “bad
news” -4.563 -4.685-4.49

-4.898 -4.747
-5 -5.015 -5.183

Days relative to announcement of dividend omission

Supportive evidence to semi-strong
form EMH: Record of Mutual Funds

All funds Small- Other- Growth Income Growth and Maximum Sector
company aggressive income capital gains
growth growth -0.39% -0.51%
-2.13% -2.17% -2.29%



Taken from Lubos Pastor and Robert F. Stambaugh, “Mutual Fund Performance and Seemingly Unrelated Assets,”
Journal of Financial Exonomics, 63 (2002).

Unsupportive evidence to semi-strong form EMH:
Stock Performance of Berkshire Hathaway

1990-2007: ret(SP500)=8%; ret(BRKA)=16% 2121

c. Test of Strong-form EMH

 Measure the return on insiders’ trading on firm

specific information
 Strong form efficiency is not supported
Insiders make abnormal profits trading on
‘insider’ (private) information

Implications of EMH for Corporate Finance

 Security prices reflect information quickly and fairly

 For investors, they will only expect to obtain a normal rate
of return for their investment in any firm
Awareness of information when it is released does an
investor little good. The price adjusts before the investor
has time to act on it.
 For the firms, they will only expect to receive fair value for
securities that they sell
Fair value = the present value of future cash flows
Thus, corporate managers should NOT expect any
opportunities to fool investors in efficient markets.

Behavioral Critics to Market Efficiency

 Crashes
On Oct 19, 1987, stock market dropped 20-25%, not
much news.
 Bubbles
Dot.com bubble of late 1990s
=> Emergence of Behavioral Finance that explains stock
price changes from psychological and cognitive

 Efficient market:
 Market price reacts to new information quickly
=> market price = true value

 EMH => no abnormal return to investors

Form Information Test
Weak Past information corr(Rt,Rt+1)
Momentum strategy
Semi-strong Public information Event study, mutual fund
performance, anomalies
Strong All information Profits from insider trading

 Research shows stock prices tend to follow random walk; empirical studies
have shown that technical analysis does not generate trading profits
 Several anomalies exist regarding semi-strong form EMH
 Empirical findings on insider trading suggests strong form efficiency does not

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