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European Aviation Safety Agency


•MAY 2018

European Aviation Safety Agency

EASA Part145 Table of

 145.A.10 Scope
 145.A.15 Application
 145.A.20 Terms of approval
 145.A.25 Facility requirements
 145.A.30 Personnel requirements
 145.A.35 Certifying staff and support staff
 145.A.40 Equipment, tools and material
 145.A.42 Acceptance of components
 145.A.45 Maintenance data
 145.A.47 Maintenance planning
 145.A.48 Performance of maintenance
 145.A.50 Certification of maintenance
 145.A.55 Maintenance records
 145.A.60 Occurrence reporting
 145.A.65 Safety and quality policy, maintenance procedures, quality system and
safety management system
 145.A.70 Maintenance Organisation Exposition (MOE)
 145.A.75 Privileges of the AMO
 145.A.80 Limitations on the AMO
 145.A.85 Changes to the AMO
 145.A.90 Continued validity of approval
 145.A.95 AMO Findings by the EASA

European Aviation Safety Agency

145.A.25 Facilities

 Appropriate for the planned maintenance activities

including office accommodation
 145.A.25 (c)(6) - ..…tasks must be suspended until satisfactory
conditions are re-established.
– operational needs should be taken into account when
establishing a suitable working environment. However, as far as
is practicable, the requirements should be adhered to.

 Supports personnel effectiveness (working environment,

human factors)
 Storage, segregation and access requirements for
components, equipment, tools and materials

European Aviation Safety Agency
145.A.30 Personnel
 Accountable Manager (Corporate authority)
 No specific qualification and experience requirements
 Nominated management team
 Functions may be “subdivided”
 Line\Base\Workshop Managers
 Maintenance Man-hour plans and personnel competence
requirements and standards
 limited aircrew maintenance and one-off approvals at remote

European Aviation Safety Agency
145.A.35 Certifying staff
and support staff
 Allows for “National Equivalent”
 Licenced by Authority, Authorised to certify by the organisation following
competence assessment
 Ongoing competence / continuation training requirements
 Minimum age for certifying staff

145.A.40 Equipment, tools
European Aviation Safety Agency

and material

 Requirement to have available and use the necessary

equipment, tools and material to perform the approved
scope of work
 Use of alternate tools
 IAW Maintenance Organisation Exposition procedures

 Equipment and tools must be permanently available.

 Calibration and control processes required.
 control of calibrated tools.

145.A.42 Acceptance of
European Aviation Safety Agency


 Segregation of serviceable and unserviceable

 Control of unsalvageable/scrap/life expired items
 Component Marking/Labelling requirements
 Pre-installation requirements
 Fabrication of parts
 Standard Part, Raw Material and Component usage and
classification requirements.

European Aviation Safety Agency

145.A.45 Maintenance data

– Must have applicable and current maintenance data

– Requirement to inform author of errors with data
– Requirements/Allowances for the limited modification of
maintenance data
– Availability of maintenance data
– Maintaining the accuracy of maintenance data

145.A.47 Maintenance
European Aviation Safety Agency

– All necessary personnel, tooling, equipment, materials, maintenance data
and facilities available
– Requirement to take into account Human Factors when planning
maintenance tasks and shifts
– Shift and task handovers to be controlled

– Other factor to be considered logistics, inventory control, accommodation,

man-hours estimation, man-hours availability, preparation of work, hangar
availability, environmental conditions (access, lighting standards and
cleanliness), co-ordination with internal and external suppliers, etc.
scheduling of safety-critical tasks during periods when staff are likely to be
most alert, military operational commitments, location (e.g. Main
Operating Base, Deployed Operating Base).

European Aviation Safety Agency
145.A.48 Performance of
 Personnel performing maintenance shall be qualified for the tasks
 Maintenance performed using methods, tools, equipment, etc as specified
in maintenance data
 Risk of multiple errors during maintenance being repeated in identical
maintenance tasks minimised
 Error capturing method to be implemented after the performance of any
critical maintenance task
 after completion of maintenance a general verification is carried out to
ensure the aircraft or component is clear of all tools, equipment and any
extraneous parts or material
 Proper facilities are used

145.A.50 Certification of
European Aviation Safety Agency

– Certification of Aircraft & Component Release to Service (CRS)

– Reporting requirements to the CAMO for new defects or inability to

complete maintenance ordered

– Requirements for Deferred Defects that the CAMO agrees may be


– Requirements for the use of components without appropriate


145.A.55 Maintenance
European Aviation Safety Agency


Requirements for:
– Recording of Maintenance
– Maintenance records reporting requirements to the CAMO
– Retention of maintenance records
– Storage and protection requirements for records

European Aviation Safety Agency

145.A.60 Occurrence
Requirements for
 External (authority) reporting requirements for safety issues
 Internal reporting of error/hazards/unsafe conditions
 Trends analysis and continuous improvement requirements
 Reporting

European Aviation Safety Agency

145.A.65 Safety and quality policy,

maintenance procedures,

 Requirement for a safety and quality system, including

– Independent auditing requirements
– Internal feedback and response system for addressing
– Human factors and performance management
– The organisation shall establish a safety management
system in accordance with ICAO SMS

Lectures on Numerical Methods 14

145.A.70 Maintenance Organisation
European Aviation Safety Agency

Exposition (MOE)

 Approved by the NMAA

 Description of organisation structure, scope of approval,
quality system, maintenance procedures (high level
procedures), terms of reference and MOE amendment
 Safety & Quality Policy

– Can be from an approved EASA Part 145


Lectures on Numerical Methods 15

European Aviation Safety Agency

145.A.75 Privileges of the AMO

– Maintain any aircraft and/or component for which it is approved

at the locations identified in the approval certificate and in the
– Requirements for subcontracting of maintenance to
 Approved, and
 Unapproved organisations
– Issue Certificate of Release to Service (CRS) as per 145.A.50 on
completion of maintenance.

European Aviation Safety Agency

Limitations and Changes

145.A.80 Limitations on the AMO

– The organisation shall only maintain an aircraft or

component for which it is approved when all the necessary
facilities, equipment, tooling, material, maintenance data
and certifying staff are available.

145.A.85 Changes to the AMO

– Which changes require notification to be made to the


– Name change, location changes, management

– Anything that could affect the approval
– Ownership of the approved organisation. 17
European Aviation Safety Agency

Continued Validity & Findings

145.A.90 Continued validity of the approval

– Unlimited duration based on

 Satisfactory handling of findings

 The Regulatory bodies being granted Access

 Certificate of approval has not been surrendered or revoked

145.A.95 AMO Findings by the AMO

– Level 1 and Level 2

– Requirement for corrective action plan within defined timeframes

European Aviation Safety Agency



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