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Turbomachines (2) MPEP423

)2( ‫آالت توربينية‬

Dr. Ali M. Abdelsalam
Mechanical Power Eng. Dept.
College of Engineering
Menoufia University
Lectures 1&2

• Introduce the course instructor

• Introduce the course contents
• Introduction to Compressors
• Axial Compressors
Course Topics
• Rotary/Dynamic Compressors
• Hydraulic Turbines (Pelton- Francis- Kaplan)
• Performance and cavitation of HT
• Jet Pumps
• Hydrostatic Transmission
• Hydrodynamic Transmission
Chapter (1)
• Introduction
• Axial Compressors
• Radial Compressors
Basic Concepts and Definitions

• A compressor is a device that transfers energy to a

gaseous fluid for the purpose of raising the pressure of
the fluid.

• The inlet pressure level can be any value from a deep

vacuum to a high positive pressure.

• The discharge pressure can range from sub

atmospheric levels to high values in the tens of
thousands of pounds per square inch
• Device that develop less than 5.0 psig or that affect a
7% density increase from inlet to discharge, are
classified as fans or blowers.

• Applications of compressed gas vary from consumer

products, such as the home refrigerators to large
complex petrochemical plant installations.

Positive displacement Dynamic

reciprocating rotary centrifugal axial

Q (m3/min) 0 – 500 0 – 500 100 – 4000 100 – 15000
R 2.5 – 1000 3 – 12 3 – 20 2 – 20
n(rpm) 100 – 3000 300 – 15000 1500 – 45000 500 - 20000
Compressor Family Tree
The Application Range for Compressors


Pressure ratio

Single stage
Recip. Multistage
Centrifugal Multistage Axial
2 Single S Cen.

102 103 104 105 106

Flow rate (CFM)
A rotodynamic machine is one in which a fluid
flows freely through an impeller or rotor.

The transfer of energy between the fluid and rotor

is continuous and the change of angular
momentum of the fluid causes, or is the result of a
torque on the rotor.
Other Methods of Classifications

• Number of stages, ( single, multi )

• Drive method, ( motor, engine,…etc.)

• Method of cooling, (air, water, oil )

• Lubrication , ( oil, oil free )

• Package or custom built.

Axial Compressors

• An axial compressor imparts momentum to a

gas by means of a cascade of airfoils.

• The lift and drag coefficients of the airfoils

shape determine the compressor
Axial Compressors
• A stage of a turbomachine generally consists of a
ring of moving blades with a ring of fixed blades
• A compressor stage consists of a rotor followed
by a diffuser blade ring
• The first stage may also include a ring of inlet
guide vanes upstream of the rotor
• A row of blades representing the blade ring of an
actual turbomachine is called a cascade
• The flow in a compressor stage is throughout
decelerating as in a diffuser.

• The blade profiles in compressor blade rows are

more critical than in turbine stage.

• This is on account of the flow occurring against

the pressure rise and the susceptibility of the
flow to separation.
Axial compressors are large-volume
compressors that are characterized by
the axial direction of the flow passing
through the machine.

Typically, the rotor consists of multiple rows of unshrouded

blades. Before and after each rotor row is a stationary (stator) row.
Axial Compressor
• Axial Compressors Operation

Stage Stage Stage

• In the axial compressor, the air flows parallel to
the axis of rotation.
• The compressor is composed of several rows of
airfoil cascades.
• The job of the stators is
 increase pressure
 keep the flow from spiraling around the axis
by bringing the flow back parallel to the axis.
In earliest gas turbine units for aircraft, the centrifugal
type of compressor was used.

For low pressure ratios (no greater than about 4/1) the
centrifugal compressor is lighter, and is able to operate
effectively over a wider range of mass flows at any one
speed than its axial flow counterpart.

Using titanium alloys pressure ratios of above 8 have

now been achieved.
 For Larger units with higher pressure ratios the axial –
flow compressor is more efficient and is usually

 For industrial and large marine gas turbine plants axial

compressors are usually used.

 For aircraft the trend has been to higher pressure ratios,

and the compressor is usually of the axial flow type.

 In aircraft units the advantage of smaller diameter axial –

flow compressor can offset the disadvantage of the
increased length and weight compared with an
equivalent centrifugal compressor.
 The blades are arranged so that the space between
blades form diffuser passages, and hence the
velocity of the air relative to the blades is decreased
as the air passes through them, and there is a rise in
 The air is then further diffused in the stator blades
which are also arranged to form diffuser passages.
 In the fixed stator blades the air is changed in
direction so that it can pass to a second row of
moving rotor blades.
 It is usual to have a relatively large number
of stages and to maintain a constant work
input per stage ( from 5 to 14 stages have
been used).

 It is usually arranged to have an equal

temperature rise in the moving and fixed
blades. And to keep the axial velocity of
the air constant throughout the
Stage velocity triangles

β2 α1
β1 α2

w1 c2
w2 c1

cw1 ∆cw
• The specific work done in a compressor
stage is given by:
• W.D =u ( cw2 - cw1)
=u cax ( tan α2 – tan α1 )
= u cax ( tan β1 – tan β2 )
For axial compressors, the specific work
equation is
W.D = 0.5 (c22 - c12) +0.5 (w12 – w22)
Blade loading
• The blade loading coefficient for an axial
compressor stage is defined as

ψ = W.D/u2

• It is used for comparing stages of differing

sizes and speeds.
Flow Coefficient
• An expression for the flow coefficient is
• Ф = cax /u
ψ = cw2 /u – cw1/u
= Ф(tan α2 – tan α1)
= Ф(tan β1 – tan β2)
1 50% reaction stage
α1 = β2


0.5 1
Ф= cax/u
• Total to total efficiency
ηtt =(ho3ss- ho1)/(ho3- ho1)
=(To3ss- To1)/(To3- To1)

• Static to static efficiency

ηtt =(h3ss- h1)/(h3- h1)
=(T3ss- T1)/(T3- T1)
• For isentropic and incompressible flow
ΔPst = ρ W.D = ρ. Δhst
= ρ. (ho3ss- ho1)
= ρ. cp (To3ss- To1)
• ηtt = ΔPst / ρ. (ho3- ho1)
= ΔPst / ρ. cp(To3- To1)
= ΔPst / ρ. u ( cw2 - cw1)

• Loading coefficient

ψ = W.D/u2= (ho3- ho1)/u2 =cp (To3- To1)/u2

Degree of Reaction
• The degree of reaction describes the
distribution of the stage pressure rise
between the rotor and the diffuser blade
R = (P2 - P1)/(P3 - P1)
• For reversible stage the degree of reaction
is defined as
R = (h2s-h1)/(h3ss-h1)
For a real or actual compressor stage the
degree of reaction is defined as

R = (h2 - h1)/(h3 - h1) = (T2 - T1)/(T3 - T1)

For c1 = c3, h3 - h1= ho3 – ho1= u ( cw2 - cw1)

h2 - h1= (w12 – w22)/2

R = (h2 - h1)/(ho3 – ho1)

= (w12 – w22)/2 u ( cw2 - cw1)
If cax = const.

R =c2ax(tan2 β1–tan2 β2)/2ucax(tan β1–tan β2)

= 0.5 (tan β1+ tan β2) (cax/u)
= 0.5 Φ[ tan β1+ tan β2 + tan α1- tan α 1 ]
= 0.5 Φ[ (tan β1+ tan α1) –(tan α1- tan β2 )]

But, cax (tan β1+ tan α1) = u

R = 0.5 - 0.5 Φ[ tan α1- tan β2]

Low reaction stage α1 > β2

h 3 P3
β1 α2
β2 p2
w1 w2
c1 c2
2s 2 P1


R = 0.5, α1 = β2 , α2 = β1
h2-h1 = h3-h2

h 3 P3
β1 α1
β2 p2
w1 w2
c1 c2 2s


High reaction stage R > 0.5
β2 > α1

h 3 P3
β1 3s
β2 α2 p2
w1 2s
w2 2
c1 c2


Work Done Factor
• Owing to the secondary flow and the growth of
boundary layers on the hub and casing of the
compressor, the axial velocity along the blade height is
far from uniform.
• This effect is not so prominent in the first stage of a
multi-stage machine but is quite significant in the
subsequent stages.
• Therefore, the work expressions is

W.D = Ω u ( cw2 - cw1)

= Ω u cax ( tan α2 – tan α1 )
= Ω u cax ( tan β1 – tan β2 )

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