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Chapter 11

“City Spaces: Urban Structure”

Story Telling Time – listen to the captivating stories your
teacher is about to tell you:

•Shift from Hunting and Gathering to Agriculture (First

Agricultural Revolution). How it came to be.

•How the first Urban dweller came to be – Specialization,

industry and manufacturing - Second Agricultural Revolution.

•Religion and the ‘Priest’ was one of the early non-agricultural

services – worship of the dead (Hint: necropolis).

•All kinds of services were created to support the new

permanent settlement – religion, transportation, defense.

•The creation on money – it first was a representation of food

Types of Services:

Business – …Growth in truck and air, decrease in railroad

(not Europe), increase in home theatre.

Consumer – …Growth in restaurants, specialty shops, box

stores and health care recreation and entertainment.

Public – Security and Protection – …

Types of Jobs or Sectors of the Economy:
You should know these!
Primary –

Secondary -

Tertiary -

Quaternary – new …

Quinary – new …
Urban – city characteristics, high density, land uses like
residential, industrial, institutional, commercial,
transportational and open space

Rural – low density areas, mainly physical environment,

agriculture, forests, mountains and desert

Urbanization – the movement from Rural to Urban. In the past

100 years, especially in MDCs there has been a major shift
from rural to urban. Why?

In the past people that lived in a rural setting usually took care
of everything themselves. Food, shelter, clothing etc.
In today’s urban environment SERVICES and JOBS are
extremely important since the urban dweller depends on them
for survival. The first urban person was someone who did a
service for someone in exchange for FOOD.
Services in Rural Settlements:

Clustered – …
Dispersed – …

Enclosure Movement (Gavelkind Laws) – …

The key to all this was the ‘CENTER’ At the center of
the hamlet was the ‘common’ (the clustered pattern)
and at the center of the agricultural area was the
‘hamlet’ (dispersed pattern) – read this over a few

This has lead to two very important models in


1.The Von Thunen Model – developed by Johann von Thunen –

more of an agricultural model on how to maximize profits for the farmer –
See separate slide show.

2.The Central Place Theory- developed by Walter Christaller –

relates to urban location and hierarchies and the provision of goods and
services to the surrounding area. See separate slide show.
Print this out and read it, as the students look at the next slide.

What is the best location for a pizza-delivery service (Geo Pizza) in a

linear settlement with seven potential customers, families A through
G? The optimal location for the shop is between 5th and 6th streets, the
median location. The delivery van would travel four blocks to deliver a
pizza to Family A, three blocks to Family B, two blocks to Family C,
zero blocks to Family D , two to Family E, 10 to Family F and 11 to
Family G. The van would have to travel a total of 32 blocks to deliver a
pizza to each of the seven customers, three located to the west and
three to the east.

The above minimizes the distance your van must travel to deliver to all
potential customers. It corresponds to the median, which
mathematically is the middle point in any series of observations.

In the second example, the buildings now represent apartment

buildings and the number in the building represents the number of
families in each building (99 families). The median location is the
middle observation among these 99 families, the place where 49
families lives to the west and 49 lives to the east. Geo Pizza should
locate between 7th and 8th streets.
Optimal Location (for Pizza Shop)

Read the bottom of Page 414 of the text book.

The optimal location for a pizza delivery shop with seven potential customers in
a linear settlement (top) and with 99 families in apartment buildings (bottom).
What if a different number of customers live at each block of
the city? What if the buildings are apartments, each housing a
different number of families like in the second example.? What
if there is a combination of houses and apartments?

To compute the optimal location in these cases, geographers

have adapted the Gravity Model from physics. The Gravity
Model predicts that the optimal location of a service is directly
related to the number of people in the area and inversely
related to the distance people must travel to access it. The
Gravity Model is also used to explain migration patterns
(strength of spatial interaction) – you will see a more detailed
explanation in the migration slide show.

Two patterns emerge: The greater the number of people, the

greater is the number of potential customers. Second the
farther people are from a service the less likely they will use it.
Gravity Model:

Pi P j
I - Interaction between
two places i and j

I ij  k
P - Population of i and j

d - Distance between i

and j.

For now ignore the k and

the β
Distance and Size of places are taken into account.
Creation of Urban Settlements – More story telling!

We have discussed earlier how the first urban

settlements came to be. In ancient times this occurred
around 2000BC in areas like Mesopotamia, Egypt,
China and South Asia. These areas are known as
Hearth regions (hearth means a place of origin).

A city called UR (in modern Iraq) is considered the first

real city. Draw a layout of the city on the board! The
main services offered to the citizens were protection
(the wall), religious (the ziggurat) and of course food
(farming – outside the wall).

These early cities were also called City-States.

Athens and Rome followed adding services such as Shopping
(Agora and The Forum), Entertainment (Odeon and Coliseum),
Education (Academies) – draw these city layouts on the board.

Medieval times made walls important and the defense of the

city. Kings and Feudal Lords developed a Charter of Rights in
exchange for military service.

As farming improved and people began to have more food than

they needed (Surplus) – Trade amongst the city states began.
Some cities grew certain crops better than others
(Specialization) so trade increased variety and made life better.

The Industrial Revolution created factories and the need for

people. Urbanization supplied the people and more and more
factories were created thus attracting more people (Multiplier
Thus you have the shift for Rural to Urban and the importance
of the provision of services and the location of places.

Finally you can classify cities depending on the services they


World Cities – …

Regional Centers – …

Specialized Centers – …

Dependent Centers – a. Resort/Retirement – Orlando

b. Manufacturing – Buffalo
c. Military/Industrial – San Diego
d. Mining – Duluth, Hamilton
Cities in order to survive need an Economic Base:

Basic Industry: …

Non-Basic Industry: …

Along with the Multiplier Effect we now have a B/N ratio.

For example 1:3 ratio means for every one basic job 3
non-basic jobs will be created to service the one basic job.

Give examples!
In all of the cities we have mentioned in history they all had
a central area of importance – the Acropolis, the Forum.

Modern Cities have the C.B.D. – The Central Business


•Visually distinctive – …
•Usually oldest part of city - North American cities vs.
European cities
•Very compact
•Most accessible – …
•Highest land value – …
•Highest daytime population density – …
•Multi-functional – …
•Reflects health of city – …
•Geographical center of city (in North America) – …
•Highest Threshold…
•Highest Range…
•Growth to the west (assimilation) not to the east (discard)
(due to Westerlies in North America) – …
•Had manufacturing just outside of CBD – …
•Poor and renters outside CBD as well – …
•In the U.S.A. highest crime rate – …
The C.B.D.
Is Downtown the CBD?

Is the CBD different in Canada, the US and

in Europe?

As the population gets older – where will

people want to live – downtown, suburbs or
even further away? Price of Gas?
Vocabulary List

The vocabulary list for Services is combined with the lists for
Development, Industry and some from Urban.
The End

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