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Contribution贡献 of genetic research in the field of


•Genetic research has led to the discovery of various

heredity diseases.

•Genetic research遗传学研究 has also contributed to the

treatment治疗 of diseases.
(a) Diabetic mellitus糖尿病
(b) Haemophilia血友病
(c) Cancerous tumours肿瘤 ( Gene therapy )
Contribution of genetic research in the field of
argriculture 农业

• Selective选择性 breeding繁殖 is the process of

杂交 2 parents, each with some good traits特质 ,
to produce offspring 后代with the good traits of
both parents.

• Example : oil palm, paddy, durian.

Advantages of genetic research
• Able to know the causes of heredity diseases and treat
them using modern technology.

• Selective breeding led to the production of quality crops

and livestock家畜.

• Genetically modified foods 基因改造食物 have higher

nutritional values营养价值.

• Modern genetic technology is used in forensic司法鉴定

science to prove证明 whether a suspect证明 is innocent
无辜 or guilty有罪的 of a crime罪行.

• Endangered species can be cloned to prevent extinction.

Disadvantages of genetic research
• Safety of genetically modified foods. May cause allergies敏
感 or some side effects副作用.

• There is a risk of unethical不道德的 scientists genetically

engineering microorganisms to be used as bio-weapons.

• There is a possibility that genetically engineered plants

with resistance to herbicides除草剂 may transfer转移 the
characteristic to weeds杂草, producing superweeds which
are hard to get rid off去掉.

• Genetic research is expensive.

• Genome refers to the complete set of genetic
information in an organism.

• The Human Genome project was launched正式推出 in

1998 by the US to study the human genome.
Variation refers to differences among individuals of the
same species.
Continuous Discontinuous
variation variation
连续变异 不连续变异
Continuous variation连续变异

•When there is a complete range of measurements from

one extreme极端 to another, the variation is called
continuous variation.

•When a strait地峡 shows continuous variation, it is not

possible to divide划分 individuals into distinctly显然地
different categories based on that trait.
Bell shape
Discontinuous variation不连续变异

• When the differences among individuals fall into distinct

明 显 的 categories 类 别 , the variation is called
discontinuous variation.

• Example : blood type, ability to roll the tongue,

unattached or attached earlobes.
• Variation can be caused by genetic factors基因因素 and
environment factors环境因素.
(a) genetic factors
- genetic variation can rise due to crossing-over and
random distribution of chromosomes during meiosis.
- Genetic variation can also be due to mutations突变, as
new characteristics will arise after mutations.
(b) Environment factors环境因素
- can cause changes in the characteristics of organisms
and give rise to variation.
•If all the individuals of a species were identical, when
there is a change in environmental condition which they
cannot adapt, all of them will die off and the species will
become distinct绝种.

•In other words, variation ensures确保 the survival生存 of

a species under changing environmental conditions.
•Variation enables nature大自然 to select favourable适宜
的 characteristics to carry on继续 and end those which
are unfavourable 不 适 宜 的 . This is called natural

•By this process of natural selection over millions of years

that evolution进化 of new organisms occurs.

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