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 Aging and ultimate
death seem to be a
characteristic of all
living organisms


The mechanisms underlying the aging process are

not well understood. Possible hypotheses include
a "wear and tear" which exceeds the reparative
capacity of the tissues, a development of immunity
to the individual's own protein constituents, and
errors in cell division, associated with exposure to
external radiation or endogenous mitogens such
as peroxidases..
Young middle-age Age Classification
(35-45 years),
(20-35 years) later middle-age (45-65
physical activity
biological years), women reach the
usually wanes,
function and menopause, and men also
accumulation of
physical substantially reduce their
body fat. Active
performance output of sex hormones. The
pursuits may be
reach their decline in physical condition
shared with a
peak. thus continues and may
growing family
very old age (over 85 early old age (65-75
years)they become years), there may be
totally dependent. A a modest increase
typical expectation is middle old age
(75-85 years), of physical activity,
of 8-10 years of in an attempt to fill
partial disability, and many people have
developed some free time resulting
a year of total from retirement
dependency physical disability
Aging and Energy Consumption

 A major fraction of total daily energy demand arises from

resting metabolism, and it is important to note that resting
metabolism decreases with aging, by about 10% from early
adulthood to the age of retirement, and a further 10%
 One reason is the loss of metabolically active muscle mass
and parallel increase in metabolically inert depot fat.
 In later old age, food intake must be correspondingly adjusted
if body fat is not to increase further. A low total intake of food
may fail to satisfy daily requirements of protein and other key
nutrients, particularly calcium.
 One important by-product of a physical activity program for the
older senior is thus an increased intake of key nutrients
without recourse to the provision of synthetic dietary
Aging and Aerobic Performance

o The maximal oxygen intake declines by about 5

1.min-1 per decade from 25 to 65 years of age, with some
Heart Rate
possible acceleration thereafter .
Minimal heart rate decreases mainly
o ordinary people
because certainly become more sedentary as they
of a decreased
age and even older athletes
responsiveness to usually reduce the rigor of
their training.
catecholamines. The classical
equation [peak rate = (220 - age in
o Potential causes
years)] of the age-related
implies a maximum loss
of in aerobic power
include decreases in maximal
155 beats.min-1 heart
at age 65rate,
yearsstroke volume
and arterio-venous oxygen difference.
Aging and Musculo-Skeletal Function

Strength peaks around 25 years of age, plateaus

through 35 or 40 years of age, and then shows an
accelerating decline, withis25%
Flexibility losstoofbepeak
thought force by
conserved or
the age ofby65
improved years.
gently taking the main joints
through their full range of motion each day.
The elasticity of tendons, ligaments and joint
capsules is decreased as cross-linkages
develop between adjacent fibrils of collagen.
 Moderate exercise with
some restriction of
Exercise training
energy cannot
intake is anrestore
tissue that has
effective already been
treatment for
destroyed, but it can diabetes
maturity-onset protect the
individual against a number of the
chronic diseases
 Exercise of old
may age.
also More
importantly, it maximizes
both obesity and residual
function. Life expectancy
depression is
in the patient
increased, partial and total
with hypothyroidism.
disability are delayed, and there
are major gains in quality-adjusted
life expectancy.

Aging and Metabolic Function

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