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MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Introduction to Critical Thinking

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

What is Critical Thinking

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Learning Objectives
 Define Critical Thinking
 Identify the Characteristics of Critical
 Apply the Eight Elements of Thought and
Nine Intellectual Standards to a Situation

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking Defined

 Critical Thinking: A deliberate process of
thought whose purpose is to improve our
thought in a reflective and self-disciplined

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Characteristics of Critical Thinkers

 Critical thinkers are clear as to the purpose
at hand and questions at issue
 They question information, conclusions and
points of view and strive to be clear,
accurate, and relevant in their writing and
 They seek to think beneath the surface, to
be logical and fair, check assumptions, and
apply these skills in all subjects and
throughout life
Revision Date: 30 September 2017
MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Elements of Thought and Intellectual

Eight Elements of Thought Nine Intellectual Standards
Purpose Clarity
Questions at Issue Accuracy
Information Precision
Interpretation/Inference Relevance
Concepts Depth
Assumptions Breadth
Implications/Consequences Logic
Point of View Significance

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Practical Exercise
 Instructions:
 Divide into two or three groups
 Complete the three requirements below based on the scenario in the
Student Handout
 This purpose of this exercise is to show how Critical Thinking (Eight
Elements of Thought, Nine Intellectual Standards, and Characteristics of
Critical Thinkers) apply to potential real life situations
 Requirements:
 Pick two Elements of Thought and explain how each are addressed by CPT
Smith and 2LT Thomas
 Pick two Intellectual Standards and explain how each are addressed by
CPT Smith and 2LT Thomas
 Describe how the characteristics of Critical Thinkers are displayed by CPT
Smith and 2LT Thomas

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

So What Journal
 Instructions:
 Develop a So What? Journal that identifies what
you believe the theme of the lesson is and why it
is important
 This assessment will be at least 500 words
 The assessment will be turned in at the
beginning of the next class

Revision Date: 30 September 2017

MSL 102, Lesson 05: Introduction to Critical Thinking

Review Learning Objectives:
 Define Critical Thinking
 Identify the Characteristics of Critical Thinking
 Apply the Eight Elements of Thought and Nine Intellectual
Standards to a situation

Next Lesson:


 Complete So What? Journal Assignment (Lesson
Assessment); turn in next class
 Read MSL102L06 Apply Critical Thinking SR
Revision Date: 30 November 2016

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