Creativity and Innovation: Idea Generation Techniques

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Creativity and Innovation

Idea Generation Techniques

Created by Bart Zimny and Andrzej Pawlikowski, these
things are essentially rubber-clad transmitters. You drop
them anywhere you want to sense – a windowsill or empty
room or spooky basement – and the sensors do the rest.
The goal is to create a cheap home automation system with
these sensors at the base.

Eventually the pair plans to add more features including

interactivity with climate control systems and notification
systems that will inform you when it is, in fact, cold outside,
Baby. They will ship in early 2015.
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• Mind-mapping
• Lotus blossom
• Concept fan

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Sony E-ink Watch Aims To
Make Low–Power Screens The
Next Big Thing In Fashion
FES Watch was instead billed as the product of a company called Fashion
Entertainments, but that group is actually a team of Sony employees looking
at how e-paper can be used to manufacture fashion goods. The WSJ reports
that it wants to make e-paper thought of as a fabric in the fashion realm,
good for making things like watches, bow ties, hat accessories or any other
number of worn items. The Fashion Entertainments unit is led by Hiroki
Totoki, the new head of Sony’s smartphone efforts, and is part of a program
of internal entrepreneurship conceived by Sony CEO Kazuo Hirai.
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Mindmapping Need to use mindmapping software to draw (you can make use of
‘Freemind’ downloadable at or any available
mindmapping software; hand-drawn mind map is not acceptable
Apply three (3) levels in the mind map.
Lotus Blossom Minimum 80% of the boxes must be filled up.
Lotus Blossom must be presented in a 9x9 matrix.
Concept Fans Required four (4) levels in the Concept Fan which include the
Problem or Purpose, Directions, Concepts and Ideas shown in a
horizontal hierarchical format. It should include:
 1 problem or purpose
 2 directions
 4 concepts
 8 ideas

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Airbnb Is Inc.'s 2014 Company
of the Year

Seven years ago, they were guys with a

website, three air mattresses, and
ambitions that to many people sounded
silly, naive, and reckless. Since then, they
have revolutionized the way people think
about travel, displaced the hospitality
industry's established players, and
generated billions in revenue for
themselves and their hosts.
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The founders of Airbnb--Brian Chesky, 33; Nathan Blecharczyk,
31; and Joe Gebbia, 33--have convinced many, many strangers
to do just that. So far, about 20 million of them; 10 million in 2014
alone. This year, their website surpassed 800,000 listings
worldwide, which means they now offer more lodging than Hilton
Worldwide or InterContinental Hotels Group or any other hotel
chain in the world.

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The five essential characteristics of Mind Mapping:

•The main idea, subject or focus is crystallized in a central
•The main themes radiate from the central image as
•The branches comprise a key image or key word drawn or
printed on its associated line.
•Topics of lesser importance are represented as 'twigs' of
the relevant branch.
•The branches form a connected nodal structure.
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Steve Jobs has continued to win
patents since his death in 2o11, with a
third of his 458 inventions credited to
him posthumously.
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Jobs’ first patent comes from 1983, and is
titled “Personal Computer.” He also owns
patents for the Apple III and Macintosh

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Jobs got a lot of patents for designs
and styles, as opposed to tech. One of
the most recent patents won by Jobs
was the design of Apple’s iconic Fifth
Avenue Store. Jobs played a role in
creating the distinctive glass cube that
sits above the store:

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Exercise - Internet of Things:
Opportunities and Challenges


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Peering Into The Minds Of The
4.3 Billion Unconnected
• But the reality is we live in a world
where 4.3 billion people have never experienced
the Internet.
• These are people who mostly can’t tell what the X
at the top-right of the screen does, or what “sign up”
means, or what a username and password are, or that
cancel buttons are red or gray, or how a QWERTY
keyboard works, or how to sign up for mobile data, or
why should one even do it in the first place.
• All this represents a highly complex, multifaceted
problem and the payoff of ultimately solving it will
fundamentally change us as a species.
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The 85 Most Disruptive Ideas in
Our History
• Contact Lenses
• 1948 Optician Kevin Tuohy files a patent
for a corneal contact lens.
• Smartphone
• 2007: Apple releases the first iPhone.
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• Bar Code
• 1948 Aspiring engineer N. Joseph
Woodland designs the prototype for a
code containing retail product data.

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2005 YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim uploads video No. 1—an
18-second clip of his visit to the San Diego Zoo.
Class clowns, wanna-be guitar heroes, freedom fighters, and
adorable animals all gained a new outlet with the debut of
YouTube. It wasn’t the first video-sharing site, but thanks in part to
the pedigree of its founders—the three hailed from PayPal
(EBAY)—it soon dominated. Google (GOOG) acquired YouTube
in 2006 for $1.65 billion. More than 100 hours of videos are
uploaded onto the site every minute. Nowadays, about 80 percent
of YouTube’s traffic comes from outside the U.S. An analysis of
the top 10 videos by country revealed a surprising degree of
overlap, suggesting a potential Ph.D. dissertation topic: Are
countries that laugh at the same schlocky comedy skits less likely
to wage war on one another?
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A Bitcoin Battle

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Lotus blossom

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Lotus blosom

• This exercise involves starting with a central theme or problem and working
outward, using ever-widening circles or "petals."
• Central themes lead to ideas that themselves become central themes, and
so forth.
• The unfolding themes trigger new ideas and new themes
• There are 5 steps in completing the exercise of Lotus Blossom technique:

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1. Draw a Lotus Blossom
diagram and write the
problem or idea in the centre
of the diagram.

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2. Write the significant
components or themes of your
subject in the circles surrounding
the centre circle, labelled A to H.
The optimal numbers of themes for
a manageable diagram is between
six and eight. If you have more
than eight, make additional

To help you decide what themes to use, ask questions like: What are my
specific objectives? What are the constants in my problem? What are the
dimensions of my problem?
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3. Use the ideas written in
the circles as the central
themes for the
surrounding lotus blossom
petals or boxes. Thus, the
idea or application you
wrote in circle A would
become the central theme
for the lower middle box
A. It now becomes the
basis for generating eight
new ideas or applications.

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4. Continue the process until the lotus
blossom diagram is completed [3].
5. Evaluate your ideas [1].

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Concept fans
The Concept Fan is a way of finding
different approaches to a problem when
you have rejected all obvious solutions. It
develops the principle of 'taking one step
back' to get a broader perspective.

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Swatch Chief Executive Nick Hayek said these new watches might allow the
wearer to count the number of steps they take and calories they burn.
And there will be a few other cool 'Swatchy' things on offer via latest Bluetooth
technology, he said in an interview at the company's headquarters in Biel.
'All the big technology firms want to work with us and I don't rule out that we are
or could be collaborating in some areas. But we can also do many things on our

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Use any technique to generate new ideas

based on ‘watch’.
• Mindmapping – features – existing use –
new features – future use
• Lotus blossom – features – use for each
• Concept fan – problem – issues/ effects/
factors - solution

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