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Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB

PT. Witteven+Bos Indonesia
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB (FTSL-ITB)
Department in FTSL-ITB
1. Civil Engineering
2. Ocean Engineering
3. Environmental Engineering
4. Environmental Infrastructure Engineering
5. Water Resource Management Engineering

Why ITB & WBI should do Workshop
• Will get knowledge/ information on projects
• Will get another destination for student internship/work
• Opportunities for students to practice English

• Introduction of WBI profile to ITB
• Introduction of WBI’s project to ITB
• Better relation with ITB for further cooperation (like join research)

Approach of the Workshop
˗ 4 or 5 students from each department selected by head of the department
˗ 2 or 3 lecturers are also invited as experts/jury
˗ One day on October, 25th
˗ Communication in english
˗ Explanation of project case (condition of Demak, East of Semarang)
˗ 5 multidisciplinary groups to develop a proposed integrated solution to meet the
requirements under supervision of WBI and Lecturers

Facilities for Workshop
• Room with screen, enough tables and chairs (extra room for group session) (ITB)
• Laptop for each group (by participant)
• Lunch and tea breaks (WBI)
• MC/Moderator who lead the event (WBI/ITB)
• Documentation (Photo/Short video) (WBI/ITB)

Program of the Workshop
Introduction of project case Working group discussion
Opening (Condition of East of • Each group consist of
• Introduction (ITB & Semarang) different departments
WBI) • Existing urban condition • Formulate solutions to
• Participant grouping • Ambition for future reach the ambition

WBI solution the

Project awarded Presentation of group
project case
• Evaluation by WBI & • Each group present their
• Presentation of
Lecturers proposed solution
solution of WBI
• Awarded • Discussion
• Discussion

Workshop Timetable
Activity Start End PIC
(hr : min)
Registration 0:30 8.30 9.00
Start 0:00 9:00 9:00 MC
Introduction presentation 0:15 9:00 9:15 FTSL-ITB
Introduction presentation 0:15 9:15 9:30 WBI
Explanation of the program & Participant distribution 0:30 9:30 10:00 MC
Introduce project case & required task of groups 0:45 10:00 10:45 WBI
Tea break 0:15 10:45 11:00 MC
Group discussion on the project case 1:00 11:00 12:00 Students
Lunch/ Pray (Ishoma) 1:00 12:00 13:00 MC
Continue group discussion on the project case 1:00 13:00 14.00 Students
Presentation the study case result 1:45 14:00 15:45 Student, Lecturer & WBI
Tea break; Evaluation to determine the winner; Project
awarded. 0:30 15:45 16:15 Lecturer & WBI
Presentation of WBI solution 0:15 16:15 16:45 WBI
Closing statement. Photo 0:15 16:45 17:00 MC
Points of discussion
• Rental room
• Selection of students (3 – 4 grade)
• Input ITB on the topic


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