Rocks and Weathering

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• Describe what chemical and physical

weathering can do
• Investigate how different rocks are
affected by weathering

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What is weathering?
Rocks are different shapes and sizes because they are
changed by the conditions in their environment.

The breakdown of rocks into smaller fragments is called

weathering. Eventually the fragments become soil.

Can you think of anything that could cause weathering?

Rocks can be
weathered by
temperature change,
water, frost and even
plants and animals.

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Types of weathering
There are three types
of weathering:
 physical weathering
 biological weathering
 chemical weathering.

Which type of weathering

is caused by each of these:
 temperature change
 acid rain
 plants and animals?

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Physical weathering
Physical weathering occurs when rock is broken down into
smaller pieces by the effects of temperature and water
without any change in their chemical composition. Also
known as Mechanical Weathering.
 Exfoliation weathering (or ‘onion-skin’ weathering) is the
stripping of the outer layer of rocks due to very hot

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Physical Weathering

Freeze-thaw weathering / Frost weathering

refers to the alternate freezing and thawing
inside the joints of the rocks, causing them to
split into smaller particles or fragments.

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Physical Weathering

• Block Disintegration caused by successive

heating and cooling that causes the
expansion and contraction of rocks.

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Exfoliation weathering in action

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Freeze-thaw weathering in action

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How can freezing water cause damage?
You can see freeze-thaw weathering in action if you leave a
bottle full of water in the freezer for too long.

The water inside the bottle

expands as it freezes.

The ice that is formed creates

huge forces on the bottle,
which then cause it to break!

Because water expands as it

freezes it can create immense
pressure in confined spaces.
Does this explain why water
pipes often burst in winter?

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Plants and weathering in action

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Biotic Weathering

• Biotic or Biological Weathering is the

disintegration of rocks caused by living
Plants – contribute to both mechanical and
chemical weathering.
Animals – breakdown the rocks through
Humans – constructions, mining, pollution

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What is chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is the weakening or the

disintegration of rocks andd the formation of
new substances caused by chemical
Chemical Processes includes:
Acid Action

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Chemical Weathering

• Oxidation is the process which oxygen

reacts with the rocks and changes its mineral

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Chemical Weathering

• Carbonation is the process involving the

formation of various types of carbonates in

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Chemical Weathering

• Hydration result of the absorption or

combination of water and a particular
substance on the rock, leading to change in

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Chemical Weathering

• Solution is the process in which some of the

minerals in rocks are directly dissolves in

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Examples of chemical weathering
How has chemical weathering affected these rocks?

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Which type of weathering?

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• Test the different rocks to see how they
are affected by weathering.

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