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Service Levels
 Delay in receiving dial tones:
- large users compete for small no. of servers.
- user will have to wait until a server is available
 Probability of service denial:
- large no. of users competing a small no. of trunks.
- user is given access (or) get busy signal [Tone or Recorded message]
- user may frequently re-initiative the call attempts on
receiving busy signal
Typical Telephone traffic pattern on a working day






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
h e ht ni sll ac f o. o N

Hour of the day

Traffic Unit

Calling Rate: No. of times a route or traffic
path is used/unit time (or) Call intensity per
traffic path during busy hour.
 Holding Time: Average duration of
occupancy of a traffic path by a call.
Busy Hours
 Busy Hour: Continuous 1-hour period lying wholly in
the time interval concerned, for which the traffic
volume or the no. of call attempts is greatest.
 Peak Busy Hour: The busy hour each day; it usually
varies from day to day or over a no. of days.
 Time Consistent Busy Hour: The 1-hour period
starting at the same time each day for which the
average traffic volume or the no. of call attempts is
greatest over the days under consideration.
 Call Completion Rate [CCR]: is defined as the ratio
of no. of successful calls to the no. of call attempts.
 Busy Hour Call Attempts [BHCA]: a parameter in
deciding the processing capacity of a common
control or a SPC system of an exchange.
 Busy Hour Calling Rate [BHCR]: average no. of calls
originated by a subscriber during the busy hour
 Grade of Service:
GoS = (no. of calls lost) / (no. of calls offered) OR
= ( traffic lost / traffic offered)
Traffic Intensity (I)
 I = A0 =
(Period for which a server is occupied)
(Total period of observation)
Unit: Erlang (E)
I = (N.h)/ T
N = Avg. no. of call arrivals during time ‘T’
h = Avg. call holding time

Danish telephone engineer A.K.Erlang

Traffic measurements
 Erlangs
 100 call seconds or Centum call seconds (CCS)
 Percentage of Occupancy
 Peg count
 Erlangs: ‘Traffic Intensity’ is the average number of
calls simultaneously in progress during a particular
period of time. Unit: Erlang or CCS
1 Erlang = Avg. no. of calls in progress during an hour.
= 1 x 3600 seconds = 36 CCS
 Traffic Intensity =
(Sum of circuit holding time)
(duration of the monitoring period)
I = (Nc.h / T) = nc.h
Nc = no. of calls in monitoring period
h = Avg. call holding time
T = duration of monitoring period
nc = no. of calls/unit time
Offered Load = Carried Load + Overflow
 Percentage of Occupancy: Percentage of time a
server is busy

 Peg Count: No. of attempts to use a piece of


 The usage (U), peg count/time period (PC)

overflow period (O) and average holding time
(h) are related as
U = ( PC – O ) / h

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