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Training in 3D

K e ya n o C o lle g e , Tra d e s & H e a vy In d u stria l Pixe lya rd Pro d u ctio n s In c .

D ivisio n 3 0 D a m a scu s R o a d , S u ite 2 1 1
8 1 1 5 Fra n klin A ve . B e d fo rd , N o va S co tia B 4 A 0 C 1
Fo rt M cM u rra y , A B T 9 H 2 H 7 Te l 9 0 2 . 4 4 6 . 4 1 5 2
Te l 7 8 0 . 7 9 1 . 4 8 8 2 w w w . p ixe lya rd . co m
w w w . ke ya n o . ca

• Glenn van’t Wout

– Dean of Trades and Heavy Industry Division
– Keyano College , Fort McMurray AB

• Barry Nicolle
– Marketing and Business Development
– Pixelyard Productions Inc., Halifax NS
Today’s Discussion
Keyano’s efforts to use information

technologies to:

• Increase students’ access to, and usage of

‘training objects’ -machinery, equipment,
tools, materials

• Engage students more fully in their own

learning by changing the nature of the
relationship between the instructor, the
student and the learning content.


Information Technologies

 The Opportunity: Many

technologies – hardware,
software, networks -to
address limitations and

challenges in the
3d models


development and
smartboards delivery of training.

 The Challenge:

Developing curriculum

that incorporates the




appropriate technologies

in the most effective

ways possible.

Training Objects
• Hands-on, Learning-by-Doing
– Machinery, tools, equipment, procedures,
– Handling and using the tools and equipment is
critical to trades training
 But …

• Training organizations are limited in what can

be brought into the classroom by very real
– Size of object, space requirements, safety, costs
(capital costs, operating, maintenance,
storage costs)
– Utility of some objects as an instructional aid -
eg sealed units
Training Objects
• Reliance on visual “imagery” in class to
teach concepts, operations, procedures
– Cutaway and scale models, photographs,
powerpoints, videos, overhead
transparencies, web pages etc.

• Unfortunately, many of these imagery tools

fall short as training aids
– Usually 2d representations of complex 3d
– Static, not dynamic and operating
– Passive – students cannot interact with them

Student Engagement
•  Instructional model for trades has not
changed much in a long time:
– In the classroom, the Instructor presents
information to the students, who are expected
to absorb
– In the shop students apply the classroom
information to hands on tasks
• Instructional delivery ‘technologies’ have
improved, but not really evolved:
– Chalkboard – Overhead Projector – Laptops
• Result is:
– Instructors engaging with the content to deliver
it, but ...
– Students are passive recipients
– This dynamic changes in the lab or shop
Keyano’s Vision
 To establish a single platform interface that will
be used by instructors in multiple trade areas
to support the delivery of program content
that incorporates interactive 3D content in
traditional classrooms, computer labs, or live
online virtual classrooms.

 The same interface and 3D content will also be

made available to students outside the
classroom setting as a self-paced learning
tool for pre-class preparation, review of
classroom materials, and preparation for tests

Curriculum Development:
Implementing the Vision
• Developing curriculum to implement the new
vision is a critical task
• Team Approach:
– Instructional Designers
– Content/Subject Matter Experts (instructors)
– 3D content development and delivery expertise

• The first two types of specialists could be
found within Keyano College
• The third arrived in the form of Pixelyard
Productions and the Mentor3D delivery
A New Way to Teach ... A Better Way
to Learn
• Changing the relationship between the
instructor, the student and the content to
engage students more fully in their learning
• Key components:

 A Robust Delivery Platform

 High Quality Content
 Hands-on Interactivity
 Committed Instructors

The Mentor3D Platform
• Web-based delivery platform that supports
– Synchronous delivery – in the classroom or
computer lab, or live virtual classroom
– Asynchronous, or self-paced learning by
students on their own
• Integrates multiple content formats into one
– 3d models and simulations in narrated
– PowerPoint presentations
– Photos, graphics, schematics
– Video
– MS Word and pdf documents
• Enables virtual hands-on interactivity
Components Instruction
Components Instruction
How-it-Works / Operations /
Interactive Hands-On Exercises
Interactive Hands-On Exercises
Additional Learning Objects
• Photos
• Drawings/Schematics
• Videos
• Animations
• Documents

The Results
• Student acceptance
• Instructor buy-in

The Business Case

• Instructional Quality Improvements

– 3d animations, simulations – better visualization
and comprehension - faster learning
– better student understanding of equipment,
machinery and how it operates
– More instructor time for mentoring - explaining,
answering questions, addressing specific

• Instructional Efficiencies
– Through self-paced study, potential exists to
reduce the classroom time needed
– Reduced time away for students – lower travel
and accommodation costs

The Business Case
• Centralized training resource repository
– 3D-based content, PowerPoint presentations and
other media objects in one location – reduced
start-up time for new instructors and reduced
risk of loss of resources if an instructor leaves

• Potential Cost Impacts

– Reduced consumables and equipment
operating, maintenance costs
– Reduced facilities requirements
– Reduced capital costs

 Barry Nicolle
 Glenn van’t Wout
 Marketing and Business
 Dean, Trades and Heavy
Industrial Div Keyano College
 Pixelyard Productions Inc.
 8115 Franklin Avenue
 30 Damascus Road, Suite 211
 Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2H7
 Bedford, NS B4A 0C1
 Tel 780.791.4882
 Tel 902.446.4152

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