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V In science, the ability to do work

V Energy = force x distance

V Measured in Joules
V 1J = 1N x 1m
V 1 kJ = 1000J
V Rinetic contraction of muscle fibres
V Chemical energy stored in food
V Heat energy lost to surroundings
V Sound vibrations of vocal cords
V Light energy trapped by photosynthesis
V Electrical impulses transmitted along a neurone
V Energy is transferred from one form to
V Energy is never created or destroyed (the law
of conservation of energy)
V All chemicals contain energy within their
V This energy is transferred during a chemical
V C2H5OH + 3O2 2CO2 +3H2O
V Products contain less energy than reactants
V 1400kJ per mole released as heat
V à  reaction Ȃ releases energy
V à  
 Ȃ releases heat
V Many metabolic processes are à 
and need energy to drive them, e.g. protein
V espiration releases energy for processes
which require it.
V Combustion reactions release energy as  
V Too much heat would
V Intermediate source of chemical energy, ATP
V A    
V Phosphorylated nucleotide
V Has universal role of immediate energy
source in cells
V Cannot be transported or stored
V Must be made continuously
ATP + H2O ADP + Pi

Hydrolysis releases 30.6 kJ

per mole

A metabolically active cell may require up to

 ATP molecules every second
V ATP Animation
V Formation of ATP
1) A  
A   (building macromolecules
from components)
- formation of polysaccharides
- protein synthesis
- DNA replication

- muscle contraction
- ciliary action
- spindle movement in cell division
3) A  
A   (movement of molecules
against the concentration gradient)
- ion pumps
- formation of vesicles
5) A    
 (making chemicals more
- phosphorylation of glucose at start of glycolysis
V A series of reactions in a cell
V Product of one reaction is substrate for next
V Each reaction catalysed by a specific enzyme

A enzyme 1 B enzyme 2 C enzyme 3 D enzyme 4 E

V Enzymes often arranged close to one another

bound to membranes in cells

V Direct conversion may require a large amount
of energy
V Intermediates may be useful products or
form the start of other metabolic pathways
V Final products may act as inhibitors Ȃ
V A  
- involve build up of small, simple molecules
into larger ones
- require energy input
- protein synthesis and photosynthesis
- break down of large molecules into smaller
- release energy
- hydrolysis of starch
   combine with enzyme or substrate
making E-S complex form more easily
e.g. salivary amylase and Cl- ions
P   Ȃ non protein organic co-factors
permanently attached to an enzyme
e.g. catalase has organic haem group

 small non protein organic molecules
which binds temporarily with enzymes when it
forms E-S complex and acts as a carrier
e.g. NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)
V £orks with     enzymes which
catalyse removal of hydrogen
V Accepts H atoms and passes to another carrier
V In cell exists as `AD+
V Carries hydrogen as NADH and a proton

2H 2H+ + e-

NAD+ + 2H+ +2e- NADH + H+

Addition of oxygen emoval of oxygen
emoval of hydrogen Addition of hydrogen
emoval of electrons Addition of electrons
V Four stages
V 1) Ñ
6C glucose 2 x 3C pyruvate
V 2) O  
3C pyruvate 2C acetyl CoA
V 3) R 
2C acetyl CoA CO2
V 4) à T   
Most ATP made here
V Takes place in 
V Ñlucose is phosphorylated (requires ATP)
V Phosphorylated glucose split into 2 triose
phosphate molecules
V Triose phosphate loses phosphate group to
ADP making ATP
V Triose oxidised by losing H atoms to co-enzyme
V P  (pyruvic acid) formed
V ATP produced
V   `AD made
  `AD (NADH + H+)
V 2ATP used for phosphorylation
V 4 ATP made during glycolysis
V Net gain of 2ATP
V educed NAD passes into electron transport
chain and can generate 6ATP per glucose
V Ñlycolysis
V If   available pyruvate enters
V Each pyruvate is     and loses C as
V 2C fragment = acetyl group
V Picked up by coenzyme A
V Oxidised by NAD
2C +CoA + NAD+ acetyl CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+
A  A enters Rrebǯs cycle
V A  A
V od shaped structure with double membrane
V °

  - permeable to nutrient

molecules, ions, ADP and ATP due to presence of

  site of electron transport chain

and permeable only to CO2, O2 and H2O. Cristae,
folds on inner surface which increase surface area
for ATP production.
V   Ȃ mixture of enzymes for ATP production,
mitochondrial ribosomes, tNA and DNA.
V Tricarboxylic acid or citric acid cycle
V Involves 2 types of reaction
V Catalysed by     enzymes
V Involves 

    atoms from intermediates
and formation of CO2
V °   of intermediate followed by 
 atoms, catalysed by     enzymes
V Hydrogen taken up by acceptor molecules NAD
and FAD (flavinadenine dinucleotide)
V 2C Acetyl CoA combines with a 4C compound to form
a 6C compound
V 6C compound undergoes a series of reactions
eventually losing 2C to regenerate the 4C compound
V The C atoms are lost as CO2
V The 6C compound is oxidised by removal of H atoms
V H atoms pass to hydrogen acceptor molecules
3 molecules of reduced NAD and 1 molecule of
reduced FAD (FADH2)
V 1 ATP synthesised
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

The story so far:

V Ñlucose has been used up in glycolysis
V CO2 was produced in the Link eaction and
Rrebǯs cycle
V But we have not yet seen the use of O2 or
production of water
V These happen in the electron transport chain
V Electrons from NADH or FADH2 are passed
through a chain of  

V At the end of the chain molecular oxygen is
  to water
V Electron transport is  to the formation of
ATP from ADP and Pi
V The 2 processes occur simultaneously
V Electron carriers are large protein complexes on


in order of electron affinity
V flavoproteins, quinones and cytochromes
V Start of chain
NADH + H+ NAD+ + 2H+ + 2e-
V à are passed from carrier to carrier
down the chain
V At the end of the chain molecular oxygen
accepts electrons and protons produced from
oxidation of NADH at the start
1/2O2 + 2H+ + 2e- H2O
V This takes places at the final electron carrier
V As electrons pass along the chain they lose
V This energy is used to 

the inner mitochondrial membrane setting up
V As protons re-enter ATP   use their
energy to make ATP from ADP and Pi.


V °      
Ñlycolysis 2
2 x NADH + H+ (glycolysis) 6 (or 4)
2 x ATP in Rrebǯs 2
2 x NADH + H+ (Link) 6
6 x NADH + H= (Rrebǯs) 18
2 x FADH2 (Rrebǯs) 4
Total 38 (or 36)
V Overview of espiration
V Car engine 20% efficient
V Complete combustion of o2 releases 2870 kJ
V 38 moles ATP = 38 x 30.6 = 1162.8 kJ
V 1162.8/2870 x 100 = 40% efficiency
ATP produced
CO2 formed
6C into 3C
NAD reduced to NADH + H+

V ETC animation and quiz

V  sed by organisms in O2 deficient
environments or to maintain supplies of ATP
when temporarily deprived of O2
V e.g bacteria in stagnant water
V e.g muscles during continuous exercise
V Different processes in yeast and mammals.
V Single celled fungus found on surface of fruits
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

V Ñlycolysis takes place as normal

2ATP 2ADP + Pi

Ñlucose 2 x pyruvate
V Pyruvate is then     forming
CO2 and   
V Ethanal is reduced to ethanol by NADH + H+
V egeneration of NAD+ enables glycolysis to
V Only 2 ATP produced as NADH + H+ doesnǯt
enter mitochondria for oxidative
V During vigorous exercise not enough O2 for
anaerobic respiration
V Pyruvate is converted to lactate
V Lactate is 3C compound
V No decarboxylation
V CO2 not produced
V Build up causes muscle fatigue.
V After exercise    in liver to   then
respired aerobically to CO2 and H2O
V Oxygen needed to fully oxidise the lactate
produced during anaerobic repiration
V Hydrolysis of polymers e.g. starch/glycogen
into glucose
V Fructose/galactose chemically modified to
enter glycolysis
V Lipids/proteins also oxidised to yield energy

  à !"#$

Carbohydrate 17
Lipid 39
Protein 23
V £hen energy demands are great or
carbohydrates in short supply triglycerides
stored in fatty tissue are respired
V   to glycerol and fatty acids
V Ñlycerol (3C) converted to triose sugar
dihydroxyacetone phosphate which is
converted to     %   
an intermediate in glycolysis
V Produces 19 ATP per molecule
V Fatty acids are    and fed into Rrebǯs
cycle as A  A
V Energy yield depends on length of
V  p to 150 ATP per molecule
V Only respired in cases of    
V   to amino acids
V Amino acids 
V Amino group converted to 
 and excreted
V     fed into glycolysis or
Rrebǯs cycle directly or after modification
 = Volume of CO2 produced
Volume of O2 used

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O

 = 6/6 = 1 (as one mole of any gas occupies the same volume)
espiration of stearic acid

C18H36O2 + 26O2 18CO2 + 18H2O + ATP

Calculate the  value.

V Lipids 0.7
V Proteins 0.8/0.9
V Carbohydrates 1.0

V Organisms rarely respire just one type of

V Can be calculated by measuring volume CO2
produced and volume O2 used over period of
time using a 

V uestions 1
V uestions 2

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