Amar Seminar Final Riots

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yet another "bad friday............"

• Date : July 3 2008

• Bandh taking the face of communal riots.

• Around 14 killed and 100 injured.

• Huge economic loss .

• chaos and tears .

 Indore, one of the most beautiful city situated in the heart of
India, also one of the safest place to live now on its way
to thrive on the conditions like Mumbai....

 Fortunately major share is in context of development ..but

unfortunately....although little but not ignorable in the field of
riots too.

 The politicians who does not have an iota of intelligence are

taking steps to gain vote through their bullshit speeches and
actions to provoke sentimental disharmony among the innocent
people to unleash the communal riots.

 Their tactics to make their vote bag heavy creates the state of
terror and disputes between the communities, which finally
shed's blood on the impeccable character of our secular
The Inside story…….
 The reason for the riots are not known exactly.
 Various notions for the riots are:

 PRE PLANNED : Ugly game of politics,

 Involvement of militants and terrorist for e.g. SIMI.
 Accidental conditions.

 The Amarnath Shrine Board land allotment row (the reason for
the bandh) provided an opportunity to some people to spread
communal hatred resulting in the death of innocent people.

 According to the media when bandh supporters went to the

muslim dominated area like Ranipura, Lodhipura, Mukeripura,
Narsinghbazar, and Khajrana their were very small dispute
between the two sides.
 Seeking lack of police involvement to control the conditions, angry and
humiliated people poured their anger on Khajrana police station. The
Muslim community retaliated with stones and other weapons

 Firing was opened from both the sides resulting in the loss of three
lives. Incidentally all three were Muslims.

 Likewise, in Mukeripura area, when a mob of Bandh supporters reached

near a Masjid .There were stones pelting from the roof top of a building.
Those who indulged in this violence covered their faces with
handkerchiefs. The Bandh supporting mob also started throwing stones
in retaliation.

 Police and district administration imposed curfew in four areas of the

town and throughout the whole town later.

 It took around one week for the matter to become normal.

 Congress leaders who were hiding in their homes the day of riot collect
money and give to all riot victim families.
 Names of all injured are all lower caste. Which means
unemployment makes people do all this stuff.

 Even tear gas shells thrown by police were thrown

back by rioters – poor training of police or bad quality
tear gas shells .

 Stoning from both sides – from where do they get this


 The people admitted to Mayur hospital have both

bullet and pellet injuries. Since the police don't use a
double barrel gun this indicated that private weapons
were also used in the firing.
 Police should monitor who are the people in city who got Visas to
go for Pakistan .

 Stoning was done from high rise building in Bombay Bajar. After the
incident police should make owners of all these buildings
accountable so that such thing does not happen next time .

 “Bombay Bajar” & Jawahar marg area is first to explode why does
not police take precautionary measure from the beginning.

 Unemployed people are easy targets who are hired for getting
indulge in such activities. Government should take steps to
eradicate unemployment.

 Politics should be stopped on such sensitive issues.

 It is in the mind of whole world that how does a big state like India is
carrying on so smoothly with such diverse communities……

 As elsewhere in the country, Indore also has a glorious past of

communal harmony. However, for last two decades the engineered
communal tensions and clashes are increasing.

 The Holkar state is known for its secular and progressive rule in the
region. It is common to find temples and mosques or churches built
adjacent to each other. Now, with the advent of communal strife, these
symbols of peaceful coexistence are being used to poison people's
mind and to fill the two communities with hatred.

 It is a high time for us the INDIANS to think about this crab and try out
hard to eradicate it not only from our city but from the whole
that our mother earth nourishes us in the terror free environment........

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