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Inside the Secret Annex

“We can never

be just Dutch,
or just English,
or whatever, we
will always be
Jews as well.
But then, we'll
want to be“
-Anne Frank
Fieldtrip created by:
Mr. Erickson
• Though reading The Diary of Anne Frank
may provide a powerful literary
experience, one cannot truly appreciate
the completeness of Anne’s real life
struggle without witnessing her actual
living arrangements. This virtual fieldtrip
allows the reader to better understand
Anne Frank’s experience in the secret

After World War One, Germany plunges into economic crisis

and Hitler comes to power. The Jews are persecuted in
Germany and the Franks decide to leave Germany for Holland.
The Jam Factory
• "Because we are full
blooded Jews, my father
emigrated to Holland in
1933.He became
managing director of the
Dutch Opecta Company,
which manufactures
products used in making

The Germans occupied Holland after the war began in 1939. All Jews were
rounded up and sent to concentration camps . The Franks had a close friend
in Amsterdam who manufactured jam and had a large house in the center of
the city. (The house is highlighted in blue above)
A Safe Disguise
– Like all Dutch houses in the
center of Amsterdam, the
house is in terraces and very
high. No one from the outside
knows how far back it extends.
– The Franks lived above the
warehouse and at the rear of
the house. As the jam factory
kept working they had to be
silent during the day, not able
to flush the toilet for fear of
arousing suspicion below.

Behind the Bookcase
Behind a
bookcase is
a secret
and several
rooms for
the Frank
family (all 8
of them) to
hide in
above the
jam factory
A Tight Fit
"We have to whisper and tread lightly during the day,
otherwise the people in the warehouse might hear us"

Jam Factory Secret


Close Quarters
The family relies on
scraps of food from
friends and some days
have nothing to eat. Anne
wishes to go outside and
smell fresh air but that is
impossible as the German
army are rounding up
Jews and sending them to
concentration camps to
work or be gassed to
Inside Anne’s Bedroom

Photograph from 1930’s Anne Frank Museum in 2004

The Betrayal
After years in hiding, the
family were betrayed. No
one knows who or why
but all 8 members of the
Frank family and the
people owning the jam
factory were arrested and
sent to concentration
Anne’s family was
transported to Auschwitz
Concentration camp for
A Legacy Left Behind

Anne's diary was left in the house and there is

no record of what happened to her apart from
German records from the concentration camps.
Farewell For Now
• Anna Frank dies of
typhus and
deprivation in March
1945 in Bergen-
Belsen a few days
after her sister
• Bergen-Belsen is “One day this terrible war will
be over. The time will come
liberated by the when we will be people again
British Army on April and not just Jews!”
15, 1945.
Anne’s diary was first printed in Dutch
in 1947, then French and German. By
1951 an English edition was published.
The diary became world famous, and
today it is printed in approximately 67
different languages and has sold more
than 31 million copies.
A young Dutch victim of the Holocaust and
the author of a famous diary Anne Frank has
become a symbol of 1.5 million children who
died in the Holocaust. For many people
Anne Frank became a symbol of the six
million Jewish men, women, and especially
the children who were murdered by the
Nazis in the WWII. It is almost impossible to
comprehend this number, but the story of
Anne Frank makes it possible to understand
what the war meant for one of these victims.
Photographs & Resources
• html?view=Standard
• Some photographs provided by Tim Erickson, 2004.

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