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Since the creation of the snowmobile in 1960 by J-Armand

Bombardier in Quebec, Canada, this product knew a quick
popularity throughout the country and North America.

The first section describes how the team was able to keep a
maximum performance while making important changes.
Secondly, the emissions section explains the technologies used to
reduce harmful exhaust pollutants. The next section is about noise
reduction and the different systems used to achieve our goal.
Finally, a small analysis concerning the overall costs of all our
modifications is concerning. In the end, the sled proposed by team
QUIETS is economical, reliable, performance, environmentally
friendly and is a good contender in the 2005 CSC(Clean
Snowmobile Challenge).
Original Two-stroke engine Modified Two-stroke engine
Two-Stroke Engine
Less moving parts:
•Crank shaft
•Reed valve

Oil is mixed in fuel for lubrication,

Hence engine can operate at any angle

Runs hotter , quicker in acceleration,

and lighter in weight then 4-stroke.

Top of the piston is wedged shape in

order to help incoming gases to enter
and exhaust gases to escape.

Get fewer miles per gallon

Operation of two-stroke engine
The two stroke engine employs the crankcase as
well as the cylinder to achieve all the elements of
the cycle in only two strokes of the piston.

360 degrees rotation of crankshaft

completes the cycle.
Intake & Compression stroke

Intake. The fuel/air mixture is first drawn into

the crankcase by the vacuum created during the
upward stroke of the piston through the reed valve.

Compression. The piston then rises, driven by

flywheel momentum, and compresses the fuel
mixture. (At the same time, another intake stroke
is happening beneath the piston).
Power & Exhaust/Transfer Stroke
Power. At the top of the stroke the
spark plug ignites the fuel mixture.
The burning fuel expands, driving
the piston downward.

Exhaust/Transfer:Toward the end of the stroke,

the piston exposes the intake port, allowing the
compressed fuel/air mixture in the crankcase to
escape around the piston into the main cylinder.
This expels the exhaust gasses out the exhaust
port, usually located on the opposite side of the
Developed by Orbital leading international developer of engine
technologies direct in cylinder fuel injection & lean bum system for
enhanced fuel economy & lower emission. This technology exceeds the
EP A 2006 emission standards & offers 40% fuel efficiency over
conventional two stroke. Different automotive companies have licensed
& experimented with Orbital clean burning two-stroke engine & auto
major like Peugot, Aprila & other are directly installing these on their
new models. It may not take long before this technology reaches India as
Bajaj auto already has a tie-up with Orbital. This technology is not only
restricted to two wheeler but Ford, BMW and other four wheeler auto
majors have used this technology to manufacture cars powered with
Two stroke engine which much better performance than an equivalent
four stroke engine
In simple terms, auto ignition bums up all the fuel in the cylinder. We
currently associated with engine knock, a phenomenon that occurs
when the fuel ignites before the spark plug fIres with the piston still
on the up-stroke. This is caused when the temperature & pressure in a
cylinder build up to a critical point and the air/fuel mixture explodes
prematurely. Honda has tamed this pre-ignition on the EXP-2, which
otherwise destroy a normal two stroke engine. Using premature
combustion to more thoroughly bum the mixture is not a new idea-
diesel don't have spark plug either. But it is for the fIrst time that this
technology has been applied to 2-stroke petrol engine . The EXP-2
engine dose not use the spark plug above idle and below 40%
- The 2-stroke engine with direct injection is 30 % lighter,
30 % less expensive, 30 to 40 % less cumbersome and
up to 50% more powerful than the 4-stroke engine.

- It respects the levels of antipollution regulation at the

same cost price as the 4-stroke, even less...
- It becomes more suited than a 4-stroke engine to
accept tighter levels of anti-pollution (4-stroke is
penalized by its NOx and CO emissions).

- It emits less visible smoke.

- Its fuel consumption is 10 to 20 % smaller than the 4-
stroke with of the same carburetor capacity.
Operation of Two-stroke

From above we know about the basic difference between the

2-stroke engine and the modified 2-stroke engine.
Which is used by many companies like Honda, KTM,
Marine ship and Aircraft. These are recently used in Snow
mobiles. This will make the automobile more cheaper.

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