Sunwork CCP

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Sustain Your Abilities

Consulting Group
Marketing Campaign Proposal for SunWork

in Proud Partnership with:

Santa Clara University Business School
Santa Clara University Sustainability Department
Silicon Valley Power: City of Santa Clara
Executive Summary
Despite SunWork’s mission, current availability, and the proven effectiveness of
solar power, many of the residents of Santa Clara County are not taking
advantage of a county-specific rebate which can significantly reduce the cost of
purchasing and installing solar panels. Given the limited time frame of this rebate,
SunWork and Sustain Your Abilities have partnered to launch a pull marketing
campaign with one objective: to increase the number of commitments to solar
panel installations through SunWork in Santa Clara County.
SunWork Renewable Energy Projects
● SunWork is a non-profit in California’s San Francisco Bay Area and Central
● Installs solar electricity systems on small-energy-footprint homes
● Trained volunteers
● Delivers solar power to homes with electricity usage of less than $100 per
● More people to make the switch to solar, enabling broader adoption of clean,
safe, and renewable alternatives to traditional sources of energy.
Project Proposal
Goal: Have 10 Santa Clara homeowners sign with a solar panel installer by 6/30

● Our Initiatives (3):

○ SCU’s Center for Sustainability
○ KSCU 103.3FM
○ Door-to-Door Email List
● Target Market: Homeowners who pay less than $100 on their electric bill
● Customer Benefits
○ More efficient energy usage & help homeowners save/earn money
● Community Benefits
○ Supporting NPOs that support the community to have clean, sustainable energy
○ Save the Environment!!!
Cost Projections:
1) Radio Broadcasting with KSCU
● PSA about Solar Rebate Program on

2) Fliers with Center for Sustainability

● Spread fliers around SCU campus
and passing along initiatives

3) Door-to-Door Sales and Farmers

● Email List of homeowners interested
in rebate program
Cost Analysis~
● Main expenses were labor hours,
flyer materials, and outreach
○ Gas, clipboards, binders.

● Opted for lowest cost/highest

efficiency methods since we were
not given a budget
Description Quantity Unit Price Expenses

Solar Rebate Flier 200 fliers 0.10 $ 20.00

Materials 6 units 3.00 $ 18.00

Labor - Tabling at Farmers Market 20 hrs 32.03 $ 640.60

Labor - Media Outlet Outreach 5 hrs 32.03 $ 160.15

Labor - Social Media Campaign 10 hrs 32.03 $ 320.30

Labor - Door to Door Advertising 8 hrs 32.03 $ 256.24

Total $ 1,415.29

Pro Bono Discount $ (1,415.29)

Project Success Metrics
● Target Goals:
○ 50 inquiries
○ 20 interests
○ 10 contracts signed

● Results as of 6/6/2018
○ 23 inquiries
○ 2 interests
○ 0 contracts signed
Delivery Schedule

Proposal Draft

Reach out Initiatives


● 25 Email Signups: Homeowners interested in learning more

○ 2-10 potential sign-ons with SunWork to follow up
○ Most emails are from SCU alumni
● Continued involvement with Center for Sustainability


● Better engagement with low-income households & renters

● Ideal Market: Homeowners with low-energy consumption and high income

● Knew target demographics

● Had no data on where to find this population

Other Obstacles

● Main tactic of newspaper advertisement failed

● Had to pivot to other tactics
○ Prepare broad strategy for entering new markets
Client Future Groups
● Direct Marketing
● Communication
○ Further Studies
● News Paper
● Mixed Media
● Follow up emails
○ Social
● Sustainability Center
○ Video

Thank You!

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