Angolan Immigrants in Brazil: Cooperation For Development and Humanitarianism in The South Atlantic

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Migration and Urban Transformation in Latin

America and the UK in the 21st century

Angolan immigrants in Brazil:

cooperation for development and
humanitarianism in the South Atlantic

Allan Rodrigo de Campos Silva

Geographer, Universidade de São Paulo
Research process

Masters dissertation: Afro-Islamic Immigrants in the

Halal Poultry Industry (2010-2013)

PhD Thesis: African immigrants seeking refuge in

Brazil: Cooperation for development and
humanitarianism in the South Atlantic (2013-2018)
Unwrapping the title

Angolan immigrants in Brazil: (1)

cooperation for development (2)
and humanitarianism in the South Atlantic (3)
1-) Angolan immigrants in Brazil:

 1970-1980 - Families of Portuguese origin,

including children of Angolan origin, officials of the
colonial bureaucracy, upper classes
 1980-1990 - Black, young man without children,
from low classes (Rusgas)
 2000-2018 - Men and women, low and middle
classes, high schooling

* ‘Saída pela gastronomia’ em muitos casos tem relação com as dificuldades de revalidação de
2-) Cooperation for development
(between Brazil and Angola)
Bridge over the Atlantic (IPEA, World Bank) "Africa
as the last global financial frontier" - FDI
Exportation of services of Brazilian contractors to
Angola: modernization of infrastructures (Cambambe
Hydroelectric, EDURB, Zango 4, public services:
garbage collection, PPE, supermarket construction)
Politics of the national champions: (Odebrecht,
Queiroz Galvão, OAS, Andrade Gutierrez) two sides
of patrimonialism (Brazil and Angola)
Negative consequences: Urban expropriations, land
rush, reinforcement of patrimonialism and political
3-) Humanitarism in the South Atlantic

Law of Refuge in Brazil: 1997

Civil War in Angola: MPLA x UNITA, From 1975 to
By 2010: 40% of refugees in Brazil were of Angolan
UN says stability achieved in Angola in 2012

2012: UNHCR guides the interruption of the granting

of refuge to Angolan nationals
2014: end of the commodity supercycle: economic
3 points to think about
 the proliferation of sub-citizenship regimes has
cornered research in the humanities in the apology
of citizenship. HEIDEMANN notion of first and
second order humiliations suggest going beyond that
 instead of appearing as an absence of a migration
policy, permanent temporariness regimes gain
analytical depth if considered from the perspective
of the "State of Exception." AGAMBEN
Before the Law by Franz Kafka
A peasant presents himself before the door of the Law. Protecting the
door resides a guard, whom the peasant asks if he can enter, since the
door is open. The guard says no. The peasant thinks and asks if he can
ever enter. The guard says it's possible, but not now. The peasant spends
his whole life sitting opposite. The guard even accepts a bribe, to prove
that he is doing everything in his power. The peasant begins to talk to the
fleas on his neck, asking the guard to let him through. Already dying, the
peasnat finally asks the guard:
- I just do not understand one thing. All this time I stood here at the door
of the Law and no one tried to enter?
The guard then replies:
- This door was made for you - and only for you. Now that you will die I
will close it.

The threat is clear: the refugee applicant will be entitled to a folder only
in a drawer, some shelf, some floor in some city. Every three months the
guard responds: Not now!

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