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Manatee County Neighborhood

Wellness Strategy
A Path Towards Improved Neighborhoods
The Problem

• No true system for coordinating the delivery of

county services
• Overall status of each community is unique
• Vague neighborhood boundaries
• Existing plans may be outdated and not
address current needs
• Limited funding resources
(Biggest bang for our buck)
Organizing Neighborhoods
• Needed a “snapshot” of public services, assets,
and economics in each community to
determine needs
• Overall coordination of already existing
services and programs provided by the county
to guarantee maximum impacts
• Include citizen input when planning projects
What is a Neighborhood
Wellness Strategy?
• A tool used to coordinate county services
across department boundaries in order to make
the greatest possible impact within a
community or neighborhood.
• A philosophy that recognizes each
neighborhood is different and patterns the
delivery of county services to the unique needs
of each community.
The Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

• The Neighborhood Wellness Strategy…

– Evaluates communities of Manatee County by
combining the results of public engagement and
data analysis.
– Prioritizes and identifies potential projects and
services to improve neighborhoods
– Gauges the impacts of projects and services
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 1: Site Selection

• Factors in determining Site Selection …
– Economic Development Potential / Anchors
– Geographic Location along major corridors
– Census data / American Community Survey data
– ESRI community analysis
– Expressed Interest / Existing Plans
– Voting Precincts
Site Selection
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 2: Wellness Assessment

• Evaluates census data, American community

survey data, localized parcel data, windshield
surveys, existing plans, and the results from a
variety of community engagement techniques
• Rates each Community in 6 categories.
The SWTIF Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

 Step 2: Wellness Assessment- Continued….

The 6 categories are:

-Public Safety
-Civic Engagement
-Community Assets
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 2: Wellness Assessment- Continued….

• The rating system scores each category as

one of the following:

– Focus Area- an area needing the most attention

– Enhancement Area- an area that needs some level of attention
– Outreach Area- an area that requires little to no attention
Wellness Assessment Graphic
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 3: Prescription

• Using ratings from the Wellness Assessment,

prescriptions or actions are recommended
using the official list of county services
Menu of County Services
• Includes all county services
• Organized by department
• Helps identify key participants in the
improvement process
• Used to identify and assign project
Prescription and Menu of Services
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

 Step 3: Prescription- Continued….

• Types of Projects
-Basic county services already funded and
-Capital improvements- CIP
-Assessment projects
-Special cost sharing projects
-Resident and neighborhood owned projects
-Projects that involve community
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 4: Consultation

• This phase brings expertise of different

departments to the table and confirms what can
be done, when, and who is responsible for each
stage of a prescribed project
Neighborhood Wellness Strategy

Step 5: Routine Check-Up

• Project Management phase

• Measures success of projects
• Updates the status and prognosis of
communities at designated intervals
• Helps with the reporting of progress

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