E I (EC 323) : Lectrical Nstallations

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Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

(EC 323)


Protection from lightning
 How is lightning made? People used to make up stories to answer that question.
Today, science tells us how. ??

 Lightning is a bright flash of electricity produced by a thunderstorm. All

thunderstorms produce lightning and are very dangerous. If you hear the sound of
thunder, then you are in danger from lightning. Lightning kills and injures more
people each year than hurricanes or tornadoes; between 75 to 100 people.
 What do You Need to Make Lightning? Image above: Ice crystals and water droplets bump
together and move apart to cause electricity. Credit: NASA

You need cold air and warm air. When they meet, the warm air goes up. It makes
thunderstorm clouds! The cold air has ice crystals. The warm air has water droplets. During
the storm, the droplets and crystals bump together and move apart in the air. This rubbing
makes static electrical charges in the clouds.

 The precursor of any lightning strike is the polarization of positive and negative charges
within a storm cloud. The tops of the storm clouds are known to acquire an excess of
positive charge and the bottoms of the storm clouds acquire an excess of negative
charge. Two mechanisms seem important to the polarization process.
 One mechanism involves a separation of charge by a process that bears resemblance
to frictional charging. Clouds are known to contain countless millions of suspended water
droplets and ice particles moving and whirling about in turbulent fashion. Additional water
from the ground evaporates, rises upward and forms clusters of droplets as it approaches a
cloud. This upwardly rising moisture collides with water droplets within the clouds. In the
collisions, electrons are ripped off the rising droplets, causing a separation of negative
electrons from a positively charged water droplet or a cluster of droplets.
 The second mechanism that contributes to the polarization of a storm cloud involves a
freezing process. Rising moisture encounters cooler temperatures at higher altitudes.
These cooler temperatures cause the cluster of water droplets to undergo freezing. The
frozen particles tend to cluster more tightly together and form the central regions of the
cluster of droplets. The frozen portion of the cluster of rising moisture becomes negatively
charged and the outer droplets acquire a positive charge. Air currents within the clouds
can rip the outer portions off the clusters and carry them upward toward the top of the
clouds. The frozen portion of the droplets with their negative charge tends to gravitate
towards the bottom of the storm clouds. Thus, the clouds become further polarized.
 These two mechanisms are believed to be the
primary causes of the polarization of storm clouds. In
the end, a storm cloud becomes polarized with
positive charges carried to the upper portions of the
clouds and negative portions gravitating towards
the bottom of the clouds. The polarization of the
clouds has an equally important effect on the
surface of the Earth. The cloud's electric
field stretches through the space surrounding it and
induces movement of electrons upon Earth.
Electrons on Earth's outer surface are repelled by
the negatively charged cloud's bottom surface. This
creates an opposite charge on the Earth's surface.
Buildings, trees and even people can experience a
buildup of static charge as electrons are repelled by
the cloud's bottom. With the cloud polarized into
opposites and with a positive charge induced upon
Earth's surface,
 As the static charge buildup in a storm cloud increases, the electric field surrounding the
cloud becomes stronger.
 Air surrounding a cloud would be a good enough insulator to prevent a discharge of
electrons to Earth.
 Yet, the strong electric fields surrounding a cloud are capable of ionizing the surrounding
air and making it more conductive.
 The ionization involves the shredding of electrons from the outer shells of gas molecules.
The gas molecules that compose air are thus turned into a soup of positive ions and free
 The insulating air is transformed into a conductive plasma.
 The ability of a storm cloud's electric fields to transform air into a conductor makes charge
transfer from the cloud to the ground (or even to other clouds) possible.
 Excess electrons on the bottom of the cloud begin a journey through the conducting air
to the ground at speeds up to 60 miles per second.
 These electrons follow zigzag paths towards the ground, branching at various locations.
The variables that affect the details of the actual pathway are not well known. It is
believed that the presence of impurities or dust particles in various parts of the air might
create regions between clouds and earth that are more conductive than other regions. As
the step leader grows, it might be illuminated by the purplish glow that is characteristic of
ionized air molecules. Nonetheless, the step leader is not the actual lightning strike; it
merely provides the roadway between cloud and Earth along which the lightning bolt will
eventually travel.
 Most lightning properties are beyond normal human experience.
 The cloud-to ground voltages leading to the discharge are
 Tens of millions volts or more.
 The peak discharge currents in each stroke vary from several thousand amperes to
200,000 A or more.

The current rises to these values in only a few millionths of a How to Protect Your House
and Its Contents from Lightning IEEE Guide for Surge Protection of Equipment 3 second
(microsecond), and the major part of each stroke usually lasts much less than a
thousandth of a second. Each visible event, referred to as a flash, typically consists of
1–6 (or more) individual strokes, separated by
•Damage from Lightning People generally think of lightning damage as what happens at
the point where a cloud-ground stroke terminates on a tree, structure, or elevated wiring.
This is generally called a lightning strike. Unless the struck items are protected from
lightning, the results of the strike are often visible and lasting.

•But the lightning current pulse continues into conductive parts of the structure, cables,
and even underground wiring and pipes. Because the initial lightning impulse is so strong,
equipment connected to cables a mile (1.6 km) or more from the site of the strike can be
 Components of a lightning protection system

 Rods or 'Air Terminals' - The small, vertical protrusions designed to act as the 'terminal'
for a lightning discharge. Rods can be found in different shapes, sizes and designs. Most
are topped with a tall, pointed needle or a smooth, polished sphere. The funtionality of
different types of lightning rods, and even the neccessity of rods altogether, are
subjects of many scientific debates.

 Conductor Cables - Heavy cables (right) that carry lightning current from the rods to
the ground. Cables are run along the tops and around the edges of roofs, then down
one or more corners of a building to the ground rod(s).

 Ground Rods - Long, thick, heavy rods buried deep into the earth around a protected
structure. The conductor cables are connected to these rods to complete a safe path
for a lightning discharge around a structure.
 The conductor cables and ground rods are the most important components of a
lightning protection system, accomplishing the main objective of diverting lightning
current safely past a structure. The 'lightning rods' themselves, that is, the pointy
vertically-oriented terminals along the edges of roofs, do not play much of a role in the
functionality of the system. A full protection setup, given good cable coverage and
good grounding, would still work sufficiently without the air terminals.
 Lightning protection systems - What they do and don't do
 A lightning protection system's only purpose is to ensure safety to a building and its
occupants if lightning happens to hit it directly, a task accomplished by providing a
good, safe path to ground for the lightning to follow. Contrary to the myths, lightning
protection systems:
 Don't attract lightning

 Don't and cannot dissipate or prevent lightning by 'draining' a storm of its charge

 Most don't offer surge protection for sensitive electronics

 Do offer fire protection and structural damage protection by preventing a hot,

explosive lightning channel from passing through building materials
 Fire from lightning
 How a lightning protection system works
 Without a designated path to reach ground, a lightning strike may choose to instead
utilize any conductor available inside a house or building. This may include the
 phone, cable
 electrical lines
 water pipes
 gas pipes
 in the case of a steel-framed building) the structure itself.

Lightning usually will follow one or more of these paths to ground, sometimes jumping
through the air via a side flash to reach a better-grounded conductor (watch
animation above). As a result, lightning presents several hazards to any house or
The system for protecting a building against the effects of lightning must
1. Protection of structures against direct lightning strokes;
2. Protection of electrical installations against direct and indirect lightning strokes.

 The basic principle for protection of an installation against the risk of lightning strikes is to
prevent the disturbing energy from reaching sensitive equipment. To achieve this, it is
necessary to:
1. capture the lightning current and channel it to earth via the most direct path (avoiding
the vicinity of sensitive equipment)
2. perform equi potential bonding of the installation
What is surge protector?
 Surge protector also known as Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor , Surge Protection
Devices (SPD) orSurge Suppression Equipment (SSE) is the equipment designed to
protect electrical and electronic equipments from power surges and voltage
spikes. Surge protector diverts the excess voltage and current
from transient or surge into grounding wire.

How surge protector works

Surge protector diverts the excess voltage and current from transient or surge into
grounding wire and prevents it from flowing through the electrical and electronic
equipments while at the same time allowing the normal voltage to continue along its
path. This excess energy can cause damages in electrical and electronic equipments,
process control instruments-equipments.
 Two main functions of the surge protector are

1. Provides low impedance path for conducting a lot of current to eliminate the extra

2. Absorbs and diverts the extra current to ground for protecting the effects
of transient or surge.
 Fire- Fire can start anywhere the exposed lightning channel contacts, penetrates or
comes near flammable material (wood, paper, gas pipes, etc) in a building - including
structural lumber or insulation inside walls and roofs. When lightning follows electrical
wiring, it will often overheat or even vaporize the wires, creating a fire hazard anywhere
along affected circuits.

 Side flashes - Side flashes can jump across rooms, possibly injuring anyone who happens
to be in the way. They can also ignite materials such as a gasoline can in a garage.

 Damage to building materials - The explosive shock wave created by a lightning

discharge can blow out sections of walls, fragment concrete and plaster, and shatter
nearby glass.

 Damage to appliances - Televisions, VCRs, microwaves, phones, washers, lamps and

just about anything plugged into an affected circuit may be damaged beyond repair.
Electronic devices and computers are especially vulnerable.
 Adding a protection system doesn't prevent a strike, but gives it a better, safer path to
ground. The air terminals, cables and ground rods work together to carry the immense
currents away from the structure, preventing fire and most appliance damage:
 1- Risk to persons (and animals)

 asphyxiation from smoke or injury due to fire,

 structural dangers such as falling masonry from point of strike,
 unsafe conditions such as water ingress from roof penetrations causing electrical or
other hazards, failure or malfunction of processes, equipment and safety systems.
 2- Risk to structures & internal equipment include:

 Fire and/or explosion triggered by heat of lightning flash, its attachment point or
electrical arcing of lightning current within structures,
 Fire and/or explosion triggered by ohmic heating of conductors or arcing due to
melted conductors,
 Punctures of structure roofing due to plasma heat at lightning point of strike,
 Failure of internal electrical and electronic systems,
 Mechanical damage including dislodged materials at point of strike.
 3. Step potential:
 When lightning current is injected into the earth, a large voltage gradient builds up
around the earth electrode with respect to a more distant point.
 This voltage differential experienced by a person bridging a distance of 1 m with the
feet without contacting any other grounded object is called the step potential.

 At the time of discharge being close to the earth electrode means the voltage
differential across this distance can be large enough to be lethal depending upon
circumstances such as condition of footwear, etc, substantial current can flow through
one lower leg to the other.
 What is The Effective Lightning Protection System?
 The effective lightning protection system which eliminates the above risks must be
designed to:
 Intercept lightning flash (i.e. create a preferred point of strike),
 Conduct the strike to ground safely through purpose designed down conductors,
 Dissipate the lightning energy into the ground with minimum rise in ground potential,
 Eliminate ground loops and hazardous potential differentialsbetween LPS, structure and
internal elements/circuits by creating low impedance, equipotential ground system,
 Protect equipment from surges and transients on incoming power lines to prevent
equipment damage and costly operational downtime,
 Protect equipment from surges and transients on incoming telecommunications and
signal lines to prevent equipment damage and costly operational downtime,
 Not cause thermal or mechanical damage to the structure,
 Not cause sparking which may cause fire or explosion,
 Limit step and touch voltages to control the risk of injury to occupants.
 Conventional Lightning Protection System

 Properly designed conventional lightning protection systems for ground-based

structures serve to provide lightning attachment points and paths for the lightning
current to follow from the attachment points into the ground without harm to the
protected structure.
Such systems are basically composed of three elements:
 Air terminals at appropriate points on the structure to intercept the lightning,
 Down conductors to carry the lightning current from the air terminals toward the
ground, and
 Grounding electrodes to pass the lightning current into the earth.
 Statues and other structures

 video
 Consequences of building protection for the electrical installation's equipment

 As a consequence, the building protection system does not protect the electrical
installation: it is therefore compulsory to provide for an electrical installation
protection system.
 50% of the lightning current discharged by the building protection system rises
back into the earthing networks of the electrical installation (see Fig. J15): the
potential rise of the frames very frequently exceeds the insulation withstand
capability of the conductors in the various networks (LV, telecommunications,
video cable, etc.). Moreover, the flow of current through the down-conductors
generates induced overvoltages in the electrical installation.
The varistor is a passive two-terminal solid state semiconductor
device that is used to provide protection to electrical and
electronic circuits. Unlike the fuse or circuit breaker which offers
over-current protection, the varistor provides over-voltage
protection by means of voltage-clamping in a similar way to the
zener diode.
Surge Protection Device (SPD)
 Principle
SPD is designed to limit transient over voltages of atmospheric origin and divert current
waves to earth, so as to limit the amplitude of this overvoltage to a value that is not
hazardous for the electrical installation and electric switchgear and controlgear.
 Franklin/Faraday Cage LPS
 A faraday cage is an enclosure fixed to the outside of the building made of
conductors laid out on a grid pattern to produce an external mish. If the building is
steel formed, the job can be made considerably easier as the steel frame itself
can be used as part of the cage, but air termination devices are needed if the
upper external surface of the roof is not metal and continuous with the steel frame.
Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology

(EC 323)




As with the entire body of lean manufacturing systems,

TPM originated in Japan. An organization called theJapan
Institute of Plant Maintenance (JIPM) formed in 1961 under
a different moniker and unveiled the TPM concept a
decade later.
 The Japanese automotive supplier Nippondenso is
credited with first utilizing the process, and Seiichi Nakajima
of JIPM established eight management pillars, for which
TMP is well-known today.
 TPM aims to increase productivity, efficiency and
safety by empowering operators and team leaders
to play a proactive role in day-to-day lubrication,
inspection and cleaning. Management is tasked
with creating a “buy-in culture” to support
continuous activities through eight pillars of activity.
 Autonomous Maintenance: Operators monitor the
condition of their own equipment and work areas.
 Process And Machine Improvement: Team leaders
collect information from operators and work areas,
then prioritize preventative maintenance and
 Preventative Maintenance: Operators and team
leaders share preventative maintenance tasks and
 Early Management Of New Equipment: Team leaders
anticipate and plan for parts of equipment lifecycles
and report to mangers based on maintenance reports.
 Process Quality Management: Shared responsibility for
operation and maintenance encourages quality
improvement ideas from all areas of work.
 Administrative Work: Managers prioritize data from the
previous pillars and share outcomes with team leaders and
work areas.
 Education And Training: Continuous improvement includes
operator and work area education and training which
improves morale, retention and efficiency.
 Safety And Sustained Success: Facility-wide safety is
prioritized, which positively impacts sustained success of
the TPM program.
 Why TPM ?
 TPM was introduced to achieve the following objectives.
The important ones are listed below.
 Avoid wastage in a quickly changing economic
 Producing goods without reducing product quality.
 Reduce cost.
 Produce a low batch quantity at the earliest possible time.
 Goods send to the customers must be non defective.
 Types of maintenance :
 1. Breakdown maintenance :
 Itmeans that people waits until equipment fails and
repair it. Such a thing could be used when the
equipment failure does not significantly affect the
operation or production or generate any significant
loss other than repair cost.
 2. Preventive maintenance ( 1951 ):
 It is a daily maintenance ( cleaning, inspection, oiling and re-tightening ), design to
retain the healthy condition of equipment and prevent failure through the
prevention of deterioration, periodic inspection or equipment condition diagnosis,
to measure deterioration. It is further divided into periodic maintenance and
predictive maintenance. Just like human life is extended by preventive medicine,
the equipment service life can be prolonged by doing preventive maintenance.
 2a. Periodic maintenance ( Time based maintenance - TBM) :
 Time based maintenance consists of periodically inspecting, servicing and
cleaning equipment and replacing parts to prevent sudden failure and process
 2b. Predictive maintenance :
 This is a method in which the service life of important part is predicted based on
inspection or diagnosis, in order to use the parts to the limit of their service life.
Compared to periodic maintenance, predictive maintenance is condition based
maintenance. It manages trend values, by measuring and analyzing data about
deterioration and employs a surveillance system, designed to monitor conditions
through an on-line system.
 3. Corrective maintenance ( 1957 ) :
 Itimproves equipment and its components so that
preventive maintenance can be carried out
reliably. Equipment with design weakness must be
redesigned to improve reliability or improving
Direct benefits of TPM

 Increase productivity and OPE ( Overall Plant Efficiency ) by 1.5

or 2 times.
 Rectify customer complaints.
 Reduce the manufacturing cost by 30%.
 Satisfy the customers needs by 100 % ( Delivering the right
quantity at the right time, in the required quality. )
 Reduce accidents.
 Follow pollution control measures.
 Indirect benefits of TPM

 Higher confidence level among the employees.

 Keep the work place clean, neat and attractive.
 Favorable change in the attitude of the operators.
 Achieve goals by working as team.
 Horizontal
deployment of a new concept in all areas of
the organization.
 Share knowledge and experience.
 The workers get a feeling of owning the machine.

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