How Can We Describe The Various Motions in This Situation?

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How can we describe the various motions in this situation?

Chapter 2 Describing Motion

I. Speed
A. 70 miles per hour
1) In 1 hour, we would travel 70 miles
2) Speed has a number (70) and a unit (miles per hour)
3) Miles per hour = miles/hour = mph = miles  hours (distance/time)

B. Average Speed = distance traveled divided by time of travel

1) distance d
speed  s
time t
m/h Km/h m/s
2) Average speed is a rate
20 32 9
x miles runs cents
or or or 40 64 18
y gal game dollar 60 97 27
C. Converting units of speed: always distance/time 80 130 36
1) Common Speeds 100 160 45
2) Examples:
a. How fast in Km/h is 70 m/h?
-Conversion Factor: 1 Km = 0.621 m
 1Km   0.621m   1 
      1
 0.621m   1Km   1 

 70m  1Km 
    112.7 Km/h
 h  0.621m 

b. What is the conversion factor of Km/h to m/s?

 1Km  1000m  1h  1min  0.278m
    
 h  1Km  60min  60s  s
-1Km/h = 0.278m/s
D. Instantaneous Speed
1) A Speedometer measures instantaneous speed
2) When you use different “speeds”
a) Instantaneous speed tells you about the moment
b) Average speed tells you how long the trip will take
3) Definition of Instantaneous Speed = rate for a given instant = average
speed for a short time period where the speed changes little

4) Animation02
II. Velocity
A. Velocity = speed in a defined direction
1) 20 mph = speed
2) 20 mph due North = velocity

B. Changes in Velocity
1) Car on a curve: speed stays the
same, velocity is always changing

2) Any change in speed or direction

is a change in velocity

C. Instantaneous Velocity = average velocity for a short time period where the
velocity changes little
D. Changes in Velocity are caused by forces
1) Baseball: force of gravity, hand throwing and catching, wind, etc…
2) We will discuss forces more later

III. Vectors = quantities where size and direction are important

A. Definitions
1) Magnitude = size of the vector, a number

2) Direction = orientation of the vector relative to a fixed reference

3) Vectors are written as bold (v) or with a bar on top ( v )
4) There are many vector quantities in Physics: velocity, forces, acceleration,
momentum, etc… (Speed s is not a vector)
5) Vectors are represented by arrows (Velocity is always blue in the book)

B. Math with vectors: Appendix C

1) Specifying magnitude and
direction on a graph
2) Vector Components = any 2 or more vectors that add up to the original
vector (usually components on the x and y axes are used)
3) Adding Vectors
a) Plot first vector on a graph
b) Plot the second vector starting at the end (arrowhead) of the first
c) Draw the sum vector from the origin to the last arrowhead
4) Subtracting Vectors
c b
1) Plot first vector on a graph

2) Find what the negative of the second vector is
a) Same magnitude as the positive vector
b) Opposite direction as the positive vector

3) Add the negative of the second vector to the first

5) More Examples

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