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“The talented or gifted child is one who shows consistenly
remarkable performance in any worthwhile line of endeavour”

“Gifted children are those whose performance is consistently
remarkable in music, art,social leadership and other forms of expression”

Prem Pasricha

“The gifted child is the one who exhibits superiority in general

intelligence or the one who is in possession of special abilities if high
order in the fields which are not necessarily associated with high order in
the fields which are not necessarily associated with high intelligence
Characteristics of gifted children

•The gifted child is essentially an exceptional child.

•In comparison to children of his own group, he is
superior in some ability or group of abilities.
•More sucessful in sports.
•Well adjusted.
•Participate more in curricular activities.
•Better relation with peers.
•More confident
•Have more positive attitude
•Show physical activities like games, gymnastics.
James M.Dunlop has categorised positive and negative
characteristics of gifted children:

A.Positive characteristics

*Learn easily and rapidly.

*Show interest in ideas and words.
*Show much curiosity in questioning.
*Enjoy reading.
*Possess greater ability to generalise.
*Interest in the nature at an early age.
*Possess a good sense of humour.
*Have a desire to excel.
*Seek older companions.
B. Negative characteristice

*Careless in hand writting.

*Indifferent to class work.
*Critically outspoken.
*Disturbing and inattentive.
Identification of gifted children

 A standardized achievement test may be used to identify

gifted children.

School marks and cumulative records of pupils

achievement may give some indication of giftedness.

The teacher on the basis of his observation in the

classroom and outside the classroom.

Asks many questions, has a wide range of interest.

Performs difficult mental tasks.
Uses a great deal of common sense and practical

Learn rapidly and easily.

Is alert, keenly observant and responds quickly.

Early development of ability to read.

Ability to concentrate a longer period than normal children

Early interest in calender, in telling terms and in clocks.

Keen observation.
Education of the gifted children

1. Separate schools.
Separate schools for the gifted children and adequate
facilities should be provided in these schools so that gifted
children may be helped in developing their specific
abilities and potentials.

Acceleration offers opportunity for a gifted pupil to
move at a lace appropriate to his ability and maturity and a
complete an educational programme in less than the
ordinary amount of time. It involves advancing the gifted
child rapidly from grade in school so that he enters college
earlier than others.
3. Double promotion
If a child shows an extraordinary achievment in one
class, he may be given a double promotion.

4. Special schools
In some countries of the world, separate schools have
been provided for such students.

5.Summer schools
These schools may planned during sumemer
vacations.The students are selected on the basis of
tests,interview and previous school records. The students are
provided with the best available books which they may
consult for writing their project reports and for holding
discussions in the class.After the programme is over the
students return to their regular schools.
6. Enrichment programmes
Enrichment programmes aim to bring additional
educational opportunities for the gifted children.It may include

Special seminars
Work on independent project
Independent library reading
Construction of models
Experimentation and independent research

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