Diiferences BTWN Perm MGT and Perm Appraisal Presentation

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Definition of

Performance Management
Definition of PM

1. Continuous Process of
 Identifying
 Measuring
 Developing

The performance of individuals and

Definition of PM (continued)
2. Aligning performance


Strategic Goals of the organization

Performance Management
is NOT
performance appraisal
PM is NOT performance appraisal

• Performance Management
– Strategic business considerations
– Driven by line manager
– Ongoing feedback
• So employee can improve performance
PM is NOT performance appraisal

• Performance Appraisal
– Driven by HR
– Assesses employee
• Strengths &
• Weaknesses
– Once a year
– Lacks ongoing feedback
Contributions of
Performance Management
Contributions of Performance Management
For Employees
Clarify definitions of
success criteria
Increase motivation to perform
Increase self-esteem
Enhance self-insight and development
Contributions of Performance Management
For Managers
Communicate supervisors’ views of
performance more clearly
Managers gain insight about subordinates
Better and more timely differentiation
between good and poor performers
Employees become more competent
Contributions of Performance Management
For Organization/HR Function
Clarify organizational goals
Facilitate organizational change
Fairer, more appropriate administrative
Better protection from lawsuits
Disadvantages/Dangers of
PM Systems
Disadvantages/Dangers of Poorly-implemented
PM Systems

For Employees
• Lowered self-esteem
• Employee burnout and job dissatisfaction
• Damaged relationships
• Use of false or misleading information
Disadvantages/Dangers of Poorly-implemented
PM Systems

For Managers
• Increased turnover
• Decreased motivation to perform
• Unjustified demands on managers’
• Varying and unfair standards and ratings
Disadvantages/Dangers of Poorly-implemented
PM Systems

For Organization
• Wasted time and money
• Unclear ratings system
• Emerging biases
• Increased risk of litigation

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