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Anemias of Blood Loss

• Acute – trauma
Chronic – lesions of GI tract, gynecologic
II. Hemolytic Anemias
• Intrinsic / Intracorpuscular
– Hereditary
• Membrane disorders - HS
• Enzyme deficiencies - G-6PD
• Disorders of Hb synthesis
– Deficient Hb synthesis - thalassemia
– Structurally abnormal globin synthesis – sickle cells
– Acquired
• Membrane defect - PNH
II. Hemolytic Anemias
• Extrinsic / Extracorpuscular
– Antibody mediated
• Isohemagglutinis (HTR, EF), Autoabs (SLE,
Mycoplasma), AIHA (warm, cold, PCH)
– Mechanical trauma to RBC - DIC
– Infections - malaria
– Chemical injury – Pb poisoning
– Sequestration in mononuclear phagocyte system
III. Anemias of Diminished
Erythropoiesis/Impaired RC Production
• Disturbance of proliferation & differentiation
of stem cells
– Aplastic Anemia
• Acquired, idiopathic, Fanconi (familial)
– Pure red cell aplasia
• Congenital erythroid hypoplasia -Diamond Blackfan
• Acquired – acute / chronic
– Anemia of renal failure
– Anemia of endocrine disorder
III. Anemias of Diminished
Erythropoiesis/Impaired RC Production
• Disturbance of proliferation & maturation of
stem cells
– Defective DNA synthesis
• Megaloblastic anemia – B12(pernicious), folate
– Defective Hb synthesis
• Deficient heme synthesis – Fe deficiency
• Deficient globin synthesis - thalassemias
– Unknown or multiple mechanisms
• Sideroblastic, anemia of chronic infections

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