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At the end of the session, the students will be able

 Understand and identify the 8 Stages of a
development of a CBR Program
 Compare the stages led or developed by an
agency and led by people organization
Hope Lucky T. Libetario,PTRP
 CBR may be developed by:
› Lead agency
› People’s organization

1. Conceptualization
2. Social Preparation
3. Pilot stage
4. Expansion
5. Consolidation
6. Networking
7. Evaluation of the Program
8. Search for a New Community
1. Conceptualization
 Decisions are made by the lead agency/people’s
 Questions:
› Should CBR Program be integrated in PHC?
› Should its model be medical, social or combination?
› Should it be for welfare or development?
 Concerns: (Lead Agency)
› Disability rate
› Types of conditions in the community
› Resources in the community

 Based on results of feasibility and disability

 Vision, mission and goal
 The 3 questions
 Concerns (People’s Organization)
› The type of condition, number of PWDs and
resources are already KNOWN
› Meetings of key persons
› Approval of vision, mission and goal
› The 3 questions
2. Social Preparation
 Lead-agency developed
› Identify the key leaders and groups
› Information drive with the key persons

 People-organization developed
› How to mobilize and organize the community to
identify and address the priority needs of the PWDs
3. Pilot Stage
 Lead agency-developed
› Identify the type of services to be offered
› Implemented in priority areas
› PWDs are recipients of care
› Training programs for caregivers will be developed
 People-organization developed
› Organized committees in priority areas
› Implement program and services in coordination with
priority areas committees
› PWDs are both recipients and participants
4. Expansion Stage
 Evaluation of services given in priority areas
 Services could be expanded to other areas or
services would be developed
5. Consolidation
 Lead-agency developed
› PWDs are organized
› Structures are set to sustain the program
› Organization of PWDs, Interagency and Intersectoral
CBR Council
 People-organization developed
› Local and international organization
› PWDs manage organization internally and externally
6. Networking
 Establish linkages with other agencies and CBR
 Sharing of resources

 Advocacy is a major concern

 Disability Movement emerges
7. Evaluation of the Program
 Evaluate in the context of its objectives
 Internal and external evaluators

 Done periodically
8. Search for a New Community
 Evaluate approaches
 Research

 Go to bigger communities

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