Cone of Experience

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The cone of experience is a pictorial device
use to explain the interrelationships of the
various types of audio-visual media, as well
as their individual “positions” in the
learning process.
Edgar Dale (1900–1987)
Was a U.S. educationist who developed the
famous Cone of Experience.

Dale made several contributions to audio and

visual instructions

 Expert in audiovisual education, created a model

in his 1946 book Audio-Visual Methods in
Teaching that he named the Cone of Experience to
discuss various modalities/ channels of imparting
Dale’s Cone of Experience is a visual model that
is composed of eleven (11) stages starting from
concrete experiences at the bottom of the cone then
it becomes more and more abstract as it reach the
peak of the cone.
The arrangement in the cone is not based on its
difficulty but rather based on abstraction and on the
number of senses involved.
The experiences in each stages can be mixed and
are interrelated that fosters more meaningful
1. Doing
2. Observing
3. Symbolising
Direct Purposeful Experiences.

 These are first hand experiences which serve as

the foundation of learning.
In this level, more senses are used in order to build
up the knowledge. Also, in this level, the learner
learned by doing things by him/herself.
This level explains and proves one of the principles
in the selection and use of teaching strategies, the
more senses that are involved in learning.
This shows that even the simple opportunity that you
give to each child could help them learn.
The Contrived Experiences.

This level is very practical and it makes learning

experience more accessible to the learner.
In this stage, it provides more concrete experiences,
even if not as concrete as direct experiences, that
allows visualization and models used understanding of
the concept.

The dramatized experience

This level, learners can participate in a
reconstructed experiences that could give them better
understanding of the event or of a concept
The Demonstrations.

It is a visualize explanation of important fact,

idea, or process through the use of pictures, drawings,
film and other types of media in order to facilitate
clear and effective learning.

The study trips

This level extends the learning experience

through excursions and visits on the different places
that are not available inside the classroom.
The exhibition

This experience allows student to see the

meaning and relevance of things based on the
different pictures and representations
The television and motion pictures

The next levels would be the level of television and

motion pictures a, recordings, and Radio. For
television and motion picturesit implies values and
messages through television and films.
Still Pictures, Radio, and Recordings

This stage includes number of devices that might be

classified roughly as “one dimensional aids” because
they use only one sense organ that is either eye
(seeing) or ear (hearing). All these materials are less
direct than the audio-visual experiences.
The Visual symbolic and Verbal symbolic

The last two levels would be the Visual symbolic

and Verbal symbolic. These two levels are the most
complex stages.
 In the visual symbolic level, charts, maps,
graphs, and diagrams are used for abstract
verbal symbolic level does not involve visual
representation or clues to their meanings. Mostly,
the things involved in this level are words, ideas,
principles and formulas.

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