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Dr Finto Francis P
Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Maria Theresa Hospital
Kuzhikkattusery, Thrissur
“God wants you to be holy and completely free from sexual
immorality…. So then, who ever rejects this teaching is not
rejecting a human being, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit”
(1 Thes 4:3,8)

To be controlled by human nature results in death;

to be controlled by the Spirit Results in life and peace
Rom 8:6
Jesus came to restore creation
to the purity of its origin

“But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully
has already committed adultery with her in his heart”
Mt 5:28
“Male & Female He created

‘Secare’ (lt) - Separated

Genesis 1:27 – 28
Fundamental component of personality
It is a totality
Essence of Sexuality

It is a Stream of Life –
to Love & to Procreate
Different Views

Sex is basically Sin & Evil – Encratites

Sex is only a bodily affair – Manicheism
Sex is only for procreation – Stoic Ethics
Only pleasure dimensions – Consumerism
Comprehensive Vision
(IInd Vatican Council)

Unitive & Procreative Aspect

Equally Important
Conjugal love of a couple flourishes to
a life –Family
RPH – AFP is Immoral – Anti –Life
Only option is Periodic Infertility
Chastity is the respect towards the
mystery of sex
God given gift - should handle only
with God’s Blessing
Virginity is the reflection of mental purity
Love giving & Life giving
Either man governs his passions and finds peace
 He lets himself be dominated by them and
becomes unhappy
WordNet online dictionary

"foolish and
passion or love
or admiration;
• The emotions change, the feelings are
lost over time and those susceptible to
infatuation "fall out of love" and begin
the search for those feelings, which
they think constitute love, all over
• TEMPORARY- bubble
Difference between Sex & Love
 The greatest illusion of lovers is to believe that the intensity of their sexual
attraction is the guarantee of the perpetuity of their love.
 It is because of this failure to distinguish between the
glandular and spiritual--or between sex which we have in
common with animals, and love which we have in common
with God—that marriages are so full of deception.
 What some people love is not a person, but the experience
of being in love. The first is irreplaceable; the second is not.
Lasting relationships are those
built on love - not infatuation or
lust -Tips:
• No clear, fool-proof way to decipher your
feelings for someone- certain ways to make
the distinction between love, lust and
infatuation clearer for yourself.
• Imagine the person you love in 50 years
when they are old and fat. Would that change
how you feel about them? If yes, then what
you feel now is most likely lust/infatuation -
not love.
• Ask your parent or trusted mentor so
that you get an honest opinion and an
outsider's point of view. Tell that
person how you feel, and ask them if it
sounds primarily like love, infatuation,
or lust.
• Jealousy, insecurity,possessiveness
or fear of being alone- more likely to be
a result of infatuation
• Give it time. Love takes root slowly
and grows with time. Infatuation
grows into full bloom almost

• True love is neither physical, nor

romantic. True love is an acceptance
of all that is, has been, will be and
will not be." (Unknown)
• Trying to differentiate your love
interest from your lust interest
requires a level head and the
courage to face the unpleasant. It
also requires maturity and the
ability to take a step back and
survey the big picture.
How to handle it
• Awareness
• Commit it to God
• Refocus
• Do nothing
• Learn to differentiate from true
God wants the best for our
• Sex was God’s idea ,not ours
• He created sex in a context – of permanent
lifetime commitment- MARRIAGE…not
love,lust or infatuation
• He made boundaries to enjoy sex in total
beauty and freedom; God’s law protects,is
crystal clear
Chastity a baptismal call
Christ is a model for all chastity

Forms of chastity
• Conjugal Chastity - that of spouses
• Virginity or Consecrated Celibacy
• Chastity in continence
Apprenticeship in self mastery
• Either man governs his passions and finds peace
He lets himself be dominated by them and becomes unhappy

• Personal betterment & Improvement of society

• Moral virtue and a gift from God, a grace, a fruit of spiritual effort
Offences against Chastity

 Only 3% parents know their children are


 Even from trusted family members, if bad touch,

it should be prevented
 Say a bold “NO”

 Else it will proceed to the next stage

Any depiction of erotic behaviour
designed primarily to cause sexual

 Books, magazines,newspapers,music.
 Movies
 Music
 Advertising
Three Rules for Young Men:
(These may help men understand where to draw the line on what they look at.)
 1. Don’t look (gawk, or stare) at a woman, who is looking at
you, for so long a period that it makes her feel
 2. Don’t look at a woman, who is not looking at you, for so
long a period that it would make her feel uncomfortable if
she were looking at you.
 3. Don’t look at a picture or video of a woman for so long a
period that it would make her feel uncomfortable if she was
really present and was looking at you. (This assumes that she
has healthy attitude and isn’t in the picture or video for the
purpose of having strangers stare at her.)
 Similar to these is the “Three Second Rule” which
says that men should not look at an immodestly dressed
woman, or a picture or video of one, for more than three
seconds. Any time beyond this is likely to be harmful.
 (Courtesy: Sexual Wisdom for Catholic Adolescents/
Richard Wetzel. -- 1st ed)

• Contrary to the natural law

• They close the sexual act to gift of life

• Genesis 19: 1-29 ( Sodom & Gomorrah)

• Romans 1 : 32 “…..deserves death.”
• 1 Corinthians 6 : 10
• “……..None of these will possess the kingdom of
God’s Plan about us

“ Do not let anyone to look down on

you because you are young, but be
an example for believers in your
speech , your conduct, your love,
faith, and purity”
1 Timothy 4 : 12
“ What ever you ask for in
my name I will do” John 14:14

“ Pray to do what may seem

impossible and he will give you help
to make it possible”
St Augustine
Sexuality s

•To build the family

•Not simply biological
•Commitment until death
•Fosters self giving &enriches the spouses in joy
and gratitude
•A source of joy &pleasure in family
•Achieves two fold end of marriage
 Faith formation
 Christian atmosphere at home

 Sacramental life

 Spiritual growth

 Retreats- regular formation

Surely you know that you are Gods
temple and that Gods spirit lives in you
(1Corinthians 3:16)
“Never settle for
anything lesser than
spiritual & Moral
Greatness which you
are called for…..”

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