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vapor compression system; COP; heat rejection;

superheating; sub-cooling
Refrigerators & Heat Pumps
Equipment used to transfer heat from low
temperature media to high temperature media.


Refrigerator Work
Heat Pump

Room Snow
Refrigerators & Heat Pumps
Refrigeration cycle that is common to be used is:
vapor-compression refrigeration cycle

Surrounding @ TH




Cooled Room @ TL
Ideal Reverse Carnot Cycle
Refrigerators & Heat Pumps
• COP = Coefficient of Performance
desired output QL
COP  , COPR 
requried input Win
• Dari Hukum Termodinamika I:
QL – QH = - WIN, maka COPR   1
desired output QH QH
COPHP     1
input Win QH  QL

COP refrigerator / heat pump reversible:

1 1
1 1 L
Vapor compression refrigeration system
The vapor compression refrigeration cycle comprises of:
(1) absorption of heat fro the substance to be cooled by the evaporation of a
liquid refrigerant in the evaporator at a controlled lower pressure,
(2) Raising the pressure (to raise the condensing temperature) of the low
pressure vapor coming from the evaporator, by the use of the compressor,
(3) Removal/rejection of heat from the high-pressure vapor in the condenser
so as to liquefy or condense the vapor,
(4) By the use of the throttling device, reducing the pressure of the high-
pressure liquid (from the condenser) to the level of pressure needed in
the evaporator.

Refrigeration cycle sering digambarkan pada Diagram Pressure-

Enthalpy P-h (sering disebut Mollier Diagram)
[lbm/min per TR]


refrigeration produced in one min RE

COP = =
work input for compression expressed in heat unit HOC
113 Btu/lbm
Untuk suatu sirkuit sederhana dengan fluida kerja R134a yang mengalami evaporasi
pada – 5oC dan kondensasi pada 35oC:
Suatu sistem pendingin dengan R-12 sebagai refrigerant bekerja dengan
tekanan suction 3,63 kg/cm2A (51,67 psia). Refrigerant masuk kompresor
pada keadaan uap jenuh, tanpa superheat. Tekanan discharge adalah 9,27
kg/cm2A (131,86 psia). Penurunan tekanan dapat diabaikan. Tentukan:
a. Net Refrigerating Effect (NRE)
b. Heat of Compression (HOC)
c. Heat of Rejection (HOR)
d. Refrigeration Circulation Rate (RCR)
e. Coefficient of Performance (COP)
f. Compressor horsepower required
g. Compressor volume required


Where the ratio of suction to discharge pressure (compression ratio) is high enough to
cause a serious drop in volumetric efficiency or an unacceptably high discharge
temperature, vapor compression must be carried out in two or more stages.
discharge pressure (absolute)
compression ratio =
suction pressure (absolute)

As the compression ratio increases:

1. the compressor capacity decreases due to clearance volume effect in the
reciprocating compressors.
2. Work of compression also increases, resulting higher discharge
temperatures. Higher head temperatures can cause oil breakdown at the
valve plates, hardening of neoprene O-ring used on valve plates, cylinder
sleeves, etc.
Most of the reciprocating compressor manufactures specify a max CR of 9 for
single-stage operation. Generally, CR exceeds 7, multistage system is used.
But for a single stage screw compressor can be used with CR of 20.
Following are the main advantages of compound or multistage compression
over single stage compression:
1. The work done per kg of refrigerant is reduced in compound
compression with intercooler as compared to single stage compression for
the same delivery pressure
2. It improves the volumetric efficiency for the given pressure ratio.
3. The sizes of the two cylinders (i.e. high pressure and low pressure) may be
adjusted to suit the volume and pressure of the refrigerant.
4. It reduces the leakage loss considerably.
5. It gives more uniform torque & and hence a smaller size flywheel is needed.
6. It provides effective lubrication because of lower temperature range.
7. It reduces the cost of compressor.

1. Compound system
2. Cascade system
In compound compression vapour refrigeration systems, the superheated
vapor refrigerant leaving the first stage of compression is cooled by suitable
method before being fed to the second stage of compression and so on.
Such type of cooling the refrigerant is called intercooling.
Some compound compression is with intercoolers or flash chamber.
Two-stage cycle with subcooler

Two-stage systems use the same refrigerant

throughout a common circuit, compressing in two
stages. By using separate compressors for each
stage, the second-stage displacement can be cooled
at the intermediate pressure. Compression in two
stages within a single machine can be accomplished
with multi cylinder compressors.
The cascade cycle has two separate refrigeration systems, one acting as a
condenser to the other. This arrangement permits the use of different
refrigerants in the two systems and high-pressure refrigerants such as R23
are used in the lower stage. The cycle is shown on one chart for conenience.
The mass flow rates in the low and high stages are different!

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