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Carla Castro
Brookshore Industries
June 12, 2018
Contents • Introduction
• Servant Leadership Overview
• Evidence-Based Approach Overview
• Analysis criteria
– Comparative Analysis
• Melchar and Bosco (2010). Achieving High
Organization Performance through Servant
Leadership (p. 74)
• Chiniara and Bentein (2016). Linking Servant
Leadership to Individual Performance:
Differentiating the Mediating Role of Autonomy,
Competence and Relatedness Need Satisfaction.
• Recommendations
• References
Servant • Originated by Robert K. Greenleaf.
• Employee empowerment

Leadership • Encourages innovation

Overview • 10 Principles of servant leadership:


Community Empathy

Growth Healing

Stewardship Awareness

Foresight Persuasion

Evidence- • Evidence Based Management.
– Translate management principles

– Critical thinking
– Scientific research

– All managers should base their decisions on evidence. (Rousseau, 2006).

• Evidence Based Practice.

Overview • Evidence-based practice is a model for making decisions that incorporate the
best available research evidence provided by the best available resource.
(Rousseau, 2006).

Research Based es

Analysis • Research Philosophy
• Research Design
Criteria • Research Approach
• Study Sample
• External Validity
• Internal Validity
• Findings and conclusions
• Epistemology (knowledge)

Research • How is it modeled? Is it intuition, logical, authoritative,

Philosophy • Ontology (reality)
• What is modeled? What is real or what exists?
• Axiology (values)
• Why is it modeled? What is valued or considered right?
Research • Melchar and Bosco (2010)

Philosophy – Epistemology - positivism

– Ontology - objectivism
– Axiology - value-free

• Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– Epistemology - positivism
– Ontology - objectivism
– Axiology - value-free
• Research Design
Research • It is a comprehensive plan for data collection in an

Design empirical research project. It is a “blueprint” for

empirical research (Bhattacherjee, 2012, p. 35).

and • Research Approach

– Quantitative
• Surveys, experiments, simulations

Approach – Qualitative
• Case study, content analysis

Data Instrument
Collection Development
• Melchar and Bosco (2010)
– 2 hypotheses.
• H1 to test characteristics of mid managers.
• H2 to test the variables (p.79)

– Variables:
• Independent variables:
– gender, age, education and length of service.

• Dependent variables:
– Organizational stewardship, Emotional Healing, Wisdom, Altruistic
Calling and Persuasive Mapping (p.83).
– Correlational, Mixed Methods Study

• Qualitative - a priori interviews with sr. mgrs. using Barbuto & Wheeler tool
• Quantitative - paper questionnaire distributed to employees by investigator
along with consent form and postage-paid envelope
• Quantitative - mid-level mgrs. also received mgr. survey for self-reporting (p.


• Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– 9 Hypotheses.
• H1 to H3 to test influence satisfaction on basic needs
• H4 to H6 to test links between satisfaction and basic needs
• H7 to H9 mediation hypotheses
• 11 Control Variables
– Correlational, Exploratory Study
• Quantitative - paper questionnaire using Liden's, et al. 7 dimension Servant
Leadership 5 pt. Likert Scale and adapted 18•item Work-related Basic Need
Satisfaction scale done on¬ site w/member of research team present;
• Quantitative - mgrs.' web-based Likert Scale questionnaire on employee
– Mgrs. and employees matched into dyads (p. 131)
Population • Melchar and Bosco (2010)
– Non-random/non-probability

and – Three top performing auto dealerships (service industry )

representing different manufacturers

Sample – 219 employee surveys distributed (population)

– 59 surveys returned (sample)

• Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– Random/probability
– Canadian company that designs/produces high tech.
products (manufacturing industry)
– 2508 first-level employees invited to participate
(population)/821 responded (sample)
– 287 supervisors invited to participate (population)/157
responded (sample (p. 131)
• Melchar and Bosco (2010)
– a priori qualitative interviews conducted to senior leaders.

Validity – Coefficient alphas were compared to Barbuto and Wheeler

– Low response rate for mid-level mgrs. self-reporting (data
not included)
– Control variables for gender, age, highest level of education
and years with current employer
– ANOVA testing for control variables.

• Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– Control variables for age, gender and tenure.
– Participants entered into drawing for gift card.
– Information from mgrs. regarding employee performance
gathered after employees completed questionnaire.
– Validation scales and measures used for servant leadership.
– Reliability pre-test completed.
External • Melchar and Bosco (2010)
– 27% response rate for all employees

Validity – Low mid-level manager self-reporting response rate to

data not included
– 91% male (p. 80)

• Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– 33% response rate for first level employees
– 55% response rate for supervisors
– 247 employee/supervisor dyads
– 96.5% Caucasian: 3.3% Asian
– 70.7% first level/85% supervisor male
Findings • Melchar and Bosco (2010)
– Findings were not free from bias (p.85).

and – All data collected was not used.

Conclusion • Chiniara and Bentein (2016)

– Research and design and analyzing the results.
– Protect the validity and reliability of the data
collection and analysis.
Recommendations • Understand the Importance of Servant Leadership.
(Greenleaf, 1977).
• Organizational assessment.
– Measure company policies, values and mission/vision.
– Make structures compatible with the vision
– Conduct surveys.
• Determine culture and work climate.
• Continue the empirical studies on servant leadership.
– Implement the servant-leadership model after studies
• Communicate.
– Vision of servant leadership to managers and employees
• Promote development.
– Dynamic learning environment.
• Servant leadership workshop training
– Recognition and encouragement.
– Align information and personnel systems to support
managers being more resourceful and helpful
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• Clearinghouse for Labor 'Evaluation and Research. (20171. Guidelines for reviewing quantitative descriptive studies. From Operational Guidelines for Quantitative Descriptive
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