Jonathan Lara Blooms Taxonomy1

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Bloom’s Taxonomy

Taxonomy of Cognitive Objectives

1950s developed
Means of expressing qualitatively
different kinds of thinking
Been adapted in classroom as a
planning tool
Continues to be one of the
universally applied models
Provides a way to organize thinking
skills into six levels, from the most
basic to amore complex levels of
1990s Lorin Anderson revisited the
As a result, a number of changes
were made.

• Bloom’s Taxonomy is Evaluation

an order of learning Synthesis

with six levels. Analysis



Categories & Cognitive Alternative Names Definition

1. Remember or Retrieve knowledge

Knowledge from long-term memory

Recognizing Identifying Locating knowledge in

long-term memory that
is consistent with
presented material
Recalling Retrieving Retrieving relevant
knowledge from long-
term memory
Categories & Cognitive Alternative Names Definition

2.Understand Construct meaning from instructional

messages, including oral, written, and
graphic communication

Interpreting Clarifying Paraphrasing Representing Changing from one form of representation

Translating to another

Exemplifying Illustrating Finding a specific example or illustration of

Instantiating a concept or principle

Classifying Categorizing Determining that something belongs to a

Subsuming category

Summarizing Abstracting Abstracting a general theme or major


Inferring Concluding Extrapolating Drawing a logical conclusion from

Interpolating Predicting presented information

Comparing Contrasting Mapping Detecting correspondences between two

Matching ideas, objects, and the like

Explaining Constructing models Constructing a cause and effect model of a

Categories & Cognitive Alternative Names Definition

3.Apply Applying a procedure to a familiar


Executing Carrying out Applying a procedure to a familiar task

Implementing Using Applying a procedure to an unfamiliar task

4. Analyze Break material into its constituent parts

and determine how the parts relate to
one another and to an overall structure or

Differentiating Discriminating Distinguishing Distinguishing relevant from irrelevant

Focusing Selecting parts or important from unimportant parts
of presented material

Organizing Finding coherence Determining how elements fit or function

Integrating Outlining within a structure
Parsing Structuring

Attributing Deconstructing Determine a point of view, bias, values, or

intent underlying presented material
Categories & Cognitive Alternative Names Definition

5. Evaluate Make judgments based on criteria

and standards

Checking Coordinating Detecting Detecting inconsistencies or fallacies

Monitoring Testing within a process or product; determining
whether a process or product has internal
consistency; detecting the effectiveness of
a procedure as it is being implemented

Critiquing Judging Detecting inconsistencies between a

product and external criteria; determining
whether a product has external
consistency; detecting the appropriateness
of a procedure for a given problem
Categories & Cognitive Alternative Names Definition

6. Create Put elements together to form a

coherent or functional whole;
reorganize elements into a new
pattern or structure

Generating Hypothesizing Coming up with alternative hypotheses

based on criteria

Planning Designing Devising a procedure for accomplishing

some task

Producing Constructing Inventing a product

KNOWLEDGE Student recalls or recognizes Write List Label Name The student will define the 6 levels of
information, ideas, and principles in State Define Bloom‘s taxonomy of the cognitive
the approximate form in which domain.
they were learned.

COMPREHENSION Student translates, comprehends, Explain Summarize The student will explain the purpose
or interprets information based on Paraphrase Describe of Bloom‘s taxonomy of the cognitive
prior learning. Illustrate domain.

APPLICATION Student selects, transfers, and uses Use Compute Solve The student will write an instructional
data and principles to complete a Demonstrate Apply objective for each level of Bloom's
problem or task with a minimum of Construct taxonomy.

ANALYSIS Student distinguishes, classifies, Analyze Categorize The student will compare and contrast
and relates the assumptions, Compare Contrast the cognitive and affective domains.
hypotheses, evidence, or structure Separate
of a statement or question.

EVALUATION Student appraises, assesses, or Judge

The student will judge the
critiques on a basis of specific Recommend
effectiveness of writing objectives using
standards and criteria. Critique
Bloom's taxonomy.

CREATE Student originates, integrates, and Create Design The student will design a classification
combines ideas into a product, plan Hypothesize Invent scheme for writing educational
or proposal that is new to him or objectives that combines the
her. cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

Huitt, W. (2011). Bloom et al.'s taxonomy of the cognitive domain. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State

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