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By: Jordynn Anderson

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a term for groups of
disorders relating to brain development. The disorders
are characterized by social interaction, verbal and non
verbal communication and repetitive behaviors. There
are 3 different levels on the autism spectrum.
High- Functioning Autism, Autism, Severe Autism.
People with autism who seem to have a cognitively higher IQ advantage than
other people, but are at a disadvantage when it comes to social skills or
interactions. They tend to score in the average or above-average range on
intelligence tests. But they have the limited interests just like children on the mid
functioning autistic disorder.
This would include Asperger’s Syndrome. These children don't have a problem
with language, but struggle with interpretation of meaning, take things literally,
and it’s hard for them to understand appropriate communication.
› Robotic/repetitive speech. › Have a hard time understanding body
› Wants to discuss self rather than others.
› Have trouble understanding other’s
› Inability to understand issues/phrases feelings or talking about their own
considered common sense. feelings.
› Lack of eye contact. › Have unusual sensory reactions.
› One-sided conversations. › Seem nervous in large social groups.
› Awkward movements/mannerisms. › Want to be alone,
› Average/below average nonverbal › Could want to interact, but don’t know
communication skills. how.
› Average/above average verbal › Improper or very few social
communication skills. interactions.
› Obsession with specific unique topics. › Repeats words or phrases over and
over (echolalia)
 Possibly genes of parents.
 Children who have sibling(s) or parent(s)
with ASD are at higher risk.
 People who have certain medical
 Abnormal brain structures or functions
one of many other possible causes.
 10% of children with ASD have genetic
disorder like fragile X syndrome, tuberous
sclerosis, down syndrome, and other
Scientist don’t understand or know  Harmful drugs during pregnancy like
all the causes of Autism. They prescription drugs and valproic acid.
have found that there might be
different factors that make a child  Critical period before developing ASD
more likely to have it including happens before birth.
environmental, biologic, and
genetic factors.
 Around 1 in 59 nationally, children
are on the autism spectrum.
 Is only explained by improved
diagnosis and awareness.
 4 times more common among
boys than girls.
 1 of 37 boys and 1 of 151 girls are
diagnosed in the United States.
 1 in 6 children in the United States
had a developmental disability.
› Don’t want friends.
› Intellectual disability (unable
to do every day skills)
› Result of bad parenting.
› Don’t have a sense of humor.
› Can’t feel emotions.
› Individuals are dangerous.
› Can’t have romantic
› Aren’t affectionate.
Treatments are intense care that address social,
communication, and behavioral issues.
› Speech & Language Therapy
› Occupational Therapy
› Care from a Neurologist or Gastroenterologist
› Antipsychotic, anti-anxiety, and stimulant
medications control symptoms to some degree.
-Repetitive behaviors, anxiety, and irritability.
-Can cause side effects.
› Behavioral therapies like applied behavior analysis
-Help modify behavior and develop social skills with
different techniques.
› Complementary Therapies
-Pet interaction
-Fine are and music participation
-Dietary programs (vitamin/mineral, diets free of
yeast, gluten artificial additive.)
Although treatments are available, there is no cure for

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