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Traumatic Brain Injury
Also called craniocerebral trauma

TBI is a sudden injury from an external force that affects the functioning of the
brain. It can be caused by a bump or blow to the head (closed head injury) or
by an object penetrating the skull (called a penetrating injury). Some TBIs
result in mild, temporary problems, but a more severe TBI can lead to serious
physical and psychological symptoms, coma, and even death
The most common form of TBI is
concussion. A concussion can happen
when the head or body is moved back
and forth quickly, such as during a
motor vehicle accident or sports injury.
Concussions are often called "mild
TBI" because they are usually not life-
threatening. However, they still can
cause serious problems, and research
suggests that repeated concussions
can be particularly dangerous

• A person who has a TBI may have some

of the same symptoms as a person who
has a non-traumatic brain injury.
• Unlike TBI, this type of injury is not
caused by an external force, but is caused
by an internal problem, such as a stroke
or infection. Both types of injury can have
serious, long-term effects on a person's
cognition and functioning
Traumatic brain injury can have wide-ranging physical and psychological effects. Some signs
or symptoms may appear immediately after the traumatic event, while others may appear
days or weeks later.
Mild traumatic brain injury
Physical symptoms Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries
• Loss of consciousness for a few seconds to a few minutes Physical symptoms
• No loss of consciousness, but a state of being dazed, confused or • Loss of consciousness from several minutes to hours
• Persistent headache or headache that worsens
• Headache
• Repeated vomiting or nausea
• Nausea or vomiting
• Convulsions or seizures
• Fatigue or drowsiness
• Dilation of one or both pupils of the eyes
• Problems with speech
• Clear fluids draining from the nose or ears
• Difficulty sleeping
• Inability to awaken from sleep
• Sleeping more than usual
• Weakness or numbness in fingers and toes
• Dizziness or loss of balance
• Loss of coordination
Sensory symptoms
Cognitive or mental symptoms
• Sensory problems, such as blurred vision, ringing in the ears, a bad taste in
the mouth or changes in the ability to smell • Profound confusion
• Sensitivity to light or sound • Agitation, combativeness or other unusual behavior
Cognitive or mental symptoms • Slurred speech
• Memory or concentration problems • Coma and other disorders of consciousness
• Mood changes or mood swings
• Feeling depressed or anxious
Effects of TBI
• Loss of social and emotional filter
• Inability to maintain relations ships
• Unable to work because of lack of
• TBI stigma is similar to those had by others
who have disabilities or diseases: impaired
coordination, loss of senses, impaired
cognitive abilities and emotional instability
Types of TBI
• TBI includes (but is not limited to) several types of injury
to the brain:
• Skull fracture occurs when the skull cracks. Pieces of
broken skull may cut into the brain and injure it, or an
object such as a bullet may pierce the skull and enter the
• Contusion is a bruise of the brain, in which swollen
brain tissue mixes with blood released from broken blood
vessels. A contusion can occur from the brain shaking
back and forth against the skull, such as from a car
collision or sports accident or in shaken baby syndrome.
• Intracranial hematoma (pronounced in-truh-KREY-nee-
uhl hee-ma-TOH-muh) occurs when damage to a major
blood vessel in the brain or between the brain and the
skull causes bleeding.1
• Anoxia (pronounced an-OK-see-uh), absence of oxygen
to the brain, causes damage to the brain tissue
• TBI can happen to anyone, but certain
groups face a greater risk for TBI than
• TBI among members of the military has
become a particular concern in recent
years because many military personnel
in Iraq and Afghanistan have been
exposed to such TBI hazards as
improvised explosive devices.
• Head and neck injuries, including
severe brain trauma, have been
reported in 1 out of 4 military members
who were evacuated from those
• Treatment depends on how sever the injury is.
• Mild TBI requires no treatment
• Sever injuries immediately oxygen and blood supply are taken into
• People with severe injuries may also have other injuries that need to be
addressed. Additional treatments in the emergency room or intensive care
unit of a hospital will focus on minimizing secondary damage due to
inflammation, bleeding or reduced oxygen supply to the brain
• Diuretics. These drugs reduce the amount of fluid in tissues and increase
urine output. Diuretics, given intravenously to people with traumatic brain
injury, help reduce pressure inside the brain.
• Anti-seizure drugs. People who've had a moderate to severe traumatic
brain injury are at risk of having seizures during the first week after their
• Coma-inducing drugs. Doctors sometimes use drugs to put people into
temporary comas because a comatose brain needs less oxygen to function.
This is especially helpful if blood vessels, compressed by increased pressure
in the brain, are unable to supply brain cells with normal amounts of
nutrients and oxygen.
• Removing clotted blood (hematomas). Bleeding outside or within the
brain can result in a collection of clotted blood (hematoma) that puts
pressure on the brain and damages brain tissue.
• Repairing skull fractures. Surgery may be needed to repair severe skull
fractures or to remove pieces of skull in the brain.
• Bleeding in the brain. Head injuries that cause bleeding in the brain may
need surgery to stop the bleeding.
• Opening a window in the skull. Surgery may be used to relieve pressure
inside the skull by draining accumulated cerebral spinal fluid or creating a
window in the skull that provides more room for swollen tissues
• Physical therapist, who helps with mobility and relearning movement patterns, balance and
• Speech and language pathologist, who helps the person improve communication skills and use
assistive communication devices if necessary
• Neuropsychologist, who assesses cognitive impairment and performance, helps the person
manage behaviors or learn coping strategies, and provides psychotherapy as needed for
emotional and psychological well-being
• Social worker or case manager, who facilitates access to service agencies, assists with care
decisions and planning, and facilitates communication among various professionals, care
providers and family members
• Rehabilitation nurse, who provides ongoing rehabilitation care and services and who helps with
discharge planning from the hospital or rehabilitation facility
• Traumatic brain injury nurse specialist, who helps coordinate care and educates the family
about the injury and recovery process
• Recreational therapist, who assists with time management and leisure activities
• Vocational counselor, who assesses the ability to return to work and appropriate vocational
opportunities and who provides resources for addressing common challenges in the workplace

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