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Session 1


1. Find a seat

2. Find something to write with

3. You have 5 minutes to complete the worksheet

4. Sit quietly when done


What did you think of the activity?

1. You have 5 Minutes

2. Collect papers of each color

3. Put in the following order:

Blue - Green - Pink - Yellow - Purple - Orange - Red

Group Name
Group Rules

1. One person speaks at a time

2. Put-Ups only

3. You may pass

4. Confidentiality
What we’ll be doing

1. Introduction

2. Expectations

3. Organization

4. Study Skills

5. Planning

6. Resources

7. Termination

1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 1: Write or draw your hobbies or things that you like to do

Session 2
Middle School Expectations
Homework Reflection

1. You have 10 minutes

2. Use your materials to build a spaghetti tower

● Spaghetti, tape, string

3. Place your marshmallow on top

● Must be on top before time is up

4. The tallest tower is the winner

● A prize goes to the tallest tower!

Did you remember to put the marshmallow on top?

For our group,

Building the tower = Learning and practicing skills

to support the

Marshmallow = Middle School!

Things that change in Middle School

● Storing your things

○ Desks → Lockers

● School Day is longer

○ 8:00-2:40 → 8:00-3:15

● Class changes
○ Instructed to switch → Bell System

● Study Hall time

○ I&E / WIN → Skills / Tutorial

● Homework
○ More homework → more responsibility
Things that change in Middle School

● Before homeroom
○ Assigned areas, get breakfast + You can use your cell phone

● Electronics
○ Phones must be in lockers

● School Mascot
○ Bears → Raiders

● Teams
○ Red Team and White Team (teachers, competitions, etc.)

● Recess
○ After Lunch, you can go outside
Things that change in Middle School

Daily Schedule:

● Homeroom (8:00-
● Core Class (8:07-
● Specials (8:59-
● Core Class (9:51-
● Core Class (10:43-11:33)
● Lunch
Things that change in Middle School

Specials Tutorial Core Classes

● Art ● Band ● Math

● PLTW ● Orchestra ○ Advanced option

● Music ● Choir ● Science

● PE/Health ● Advisory ● Social Studies
● Language ● Activity ● Language Arts
○ Chinese ○ Archery
○ Spanish ○ Puzzles
○ HW Club
○ Etc.
Things that change in Middle School

Clubs and Activities!

● Drama (Stage Crew)

● Yearbook
● Student Council (Dances, Fundraising)
● Chain Reaction (Community Outreach)
● Music Groups (Jazz band)
● Newspaper
● Snow Sports
● IM Sports (still)

1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 2: Write or draw something about Middle School that worries you.
Session 3
Homework Reflection

1. You have 5 minutes

2. Organize your materials in any way that you want

a. Be prepared to explain how you separated them

3. Sit quietly when you are done


How did you all organize your piles?

Take notes on how others organized theirs.

Page 7
Organization Tips & Tricks

Ways to Organize Things to Organize

● Color code ● Locker

● Complete / Incomplete ● Books
● Alphabetical ● Folders
● Numerical ● Backpack
● Time order ● Desk at home
● Shape or size ● Room
● Use ● Closet
Organization Tips & Tricks

Things to keep in mind

● Start small
○ Desk vs. Room
○ Folder vs. Backpack

● Be consistent
○ If one folder is color-coded, ALL folders should be color-coded
○ Keep your backpack organized EVERYDAY

● Know yourself
○ Organize the things that you struggle with the most
○ All that matters is that it makes sense to YOU

1. Work together to reorganize all of the materials

2. Organize by type
a. Shapes
b. Letters
c. Beads
d. Stamps

1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 3: Organize anything you want!

Write it, draw it, or take a picture to share.

Session 4
Study Skills
Homework Reflection
1. You have 10 minutes

2. Highlight the words that you think are REAL

3. Create notecards for REAL words

a. Word on one side

b. Definition on the other side

Study Skills Tips & Tricks

Note taking

● Color-code
○ Highlight the category, topic, or vocab word

● Split paper in half

○ Main idea on left, more info on right

● Bullets / Numbering
○ Break information into categories

● Be consistent!
○ Know your system
Study Skills Tips & Tricks

Completing Assignments

● Make check lists

○ Think of all the details needed for completion

● Chunking
○ Break assignment into smaller parts

● Ask for help

○ Sooner rather than later

● Know yourself
○ Set deadlines to avoid procrastination
Study Skills Tips & Tricks


● Notecards
○ Main idea/vocab word on one side, definition on the other

● Cover Cards
○ Cover the information to quiz yourself

● Chunking
○ Don’t try to study everything at once or in one night

● Mnemonics
○ Create hints for yourself
Mnemonic Example

Memory needs Mnemonic organization, never intense crying!

M - Memory

N - Needs

M - Mnemonic

O - Organization

N - Never Abscond - leave hurriedly and secretly,

typically to avoid detection of or arrest
I - Intense
“I need to hide in the pond. I need to
C - Crying abscond!”

1. Pick one of your vocabulary words

2. Create a mnemonic to help you remember what it means


1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 4: Use a mnemonic for something in your classes.

Be creative and ready to share!

Session 5
Homework Reflection

Look at the middle school planner and schedule.

What stands out to you?

Planning Tips & Tricks

● Day - Week - Month views

○ Helps you to focus on the day at hand
○ Prepare for the week and month ahead

● Color-Code
○ By subject, difficulty, day, etc.
○ Look good, feel good!

● Time Increments
○ Schedule times to work on things
○ Events, activities, practices, meetings, etc.
Planning Tips & Tricks

● To-Do lists
○ Tasks to do today, tomorrow, this week, etc.
○ Detailed things to do for larger projects

● Chunking
○ Break down large assignments into smaller chunks
○ Spreading out the work creates better quality and less stress

● Check-Ins
○ Ask your teachers or someone at home to check-in with you about homework
○ Know yourself, YOU can ask for support
Chunking Example

You have to read a 210 page book and write a review by June 1st.

1. Count how many weeks there are until the due date. (3)

2. Divide the amount of pages by the amount of weeks. (210 / 3 = 70)

3. Read that many pages each week (70)

a. Divide by 7 for how many to read each day (70 / 7= 10 pages a day )

4. Don’t forget about the review!

Planning Tips & Tricks

1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 5: Use your planner (or the sheet provided) for this whole week.

Have both of your teachers sign it each day.

Session 6
Middle School Resources
Homework Reflection
Middle School Resources

● Getting to the Guidance Office

○ Ask to go to guidance

○ Parents/teachers can email

○ You can email

○ Need a pass

○ There’s a secretary

○ Two School Counselors

Middle School Resources

● Tutorial time
○ The schedule alternates, but you can use this time to talk to your counselor

● Incident Report Form

○ Found online, report concerns or issues

● Back to school night

○ Incoming 6th grade students can visit and practice using their schedule

● Resource Officers
○ Officer Louse and Officer Lyons will be on site

1. Write the instructions on one side

2. Do the HW on the other
3. Bring in in next week!

Homework 6: What is one goal that you have for 6th grade?
Session 7
Homework Reflection

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