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Sammi Pritchard
What exactly is bullying?

Bullying is defined as a use of superior strength or influence to

intimidate a person, typically to force him or her to do what one
wants. It can be completely harmful to a person's self-esteem.
What are the types of bullying?

Physical Bullying; hitting, kicking, pinching, or damaging property

Verbal Bullying; insults, name calling, teasing, racist or homophobic


Social Bullying; lying, nasty gestures, encouraging exclusion

Cyber Bullying; hurtful texts, messages, or memes about an

Prevalence of Bullying

Most bullying happens in Middle School

With the increase of bullying awareness, studies have shown that

it has declined.

1 in 4 students say they have been bullied.

Myths about bullying

1. You’ll know when a child is bullied

2. Bullying is always physical
3. The bully is always bigger
4. Parental attitudes have no effect on bullying
5. Schools bear no clear responsibility of bullying.

1. Discuss what bullying is.

2. Artistics works on the effects of bullying
3. Classroom meetings
4. Teach kids how to recognize bullying
5. Creative writing about how bullying makes the students feel.

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